Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 498 Chapter 496: Sea God's Light 4

Chapter 498 Chapter 496: Sea God's Light 4
The black-red demonic power covered Tang Sui's body, and the floating hazy golden mist was isolated from it. In other words, after touching that layer of demonic power, he never returned, and was devoured by the greedy demonic power.

For Tang Sui, the golden mist that escapes on the steps is like jam added to delicious pastries, making the food more delicious and sweet.

"The fifth soul skill, the face of reincarnation."

A black light flashed in Tang Sui's eyes, and the buff he had obtained went up to a higher level. The heavy steps that had been slowed down suddenly became a little lighter, and he also got the buff effect, but he raised his head and did not move, using a kind of "ma-ma Look, there is someone cheating here." He stared at Tang Sui who still hadn't reached his limit.

In the temple of the Sea God Temple, the expressions of Bo Saixi and the maid have become serious.

"I have already passed the seventy steps. Her speed has not slowed down. What a terrifying talent. This is the first day of the test." The maid murmured.

Bo Saixi also looked unpredictablely at Tang Sui who continued to climb forward without changing his face, but with a little sweat on his forehead, his hand holding the power scepter slightly tightly.

In terms of talent, the young man named Tang San chosen by Lord Seagod may already be one in a thousand. He already possessed three spirit bones at a young age, as well as external spirit bones and dual domains, and the strange blackness, and even the soul emperor grade repair.

But in front of this little girl, even Tang San was a bit inferior, and he was a bit better than Tang Chen back then.

There was a little strange light in Bo Saixi's eyes.

Can their Sea God Island witness the birth of another powerful god?
If she can get this merit, will she have a little more time to wait for that person?

The maid didn't know what Bo Saixi was thinking.

Even if there is an extremely unscientific soul power, the world still pays attention to cause and effect.

For Poseidon, the god of the sea, although he was used a little bit, if Tang Sui can really succeed, then he will be judged to have the title of "Guiding God" and gain the power of a powerful male meritorious deed. He who has exhausted his strength can regain the rain, and for a while longer, until the next Seagod is born, the dying strength of Seagod Island can also be maintained for a longer period of time.

Others have witnessed the birth of the new god, and they have also extended a helping hand during the other party's becoming a god, and they have released goodwill, and they will also receive a share of merit in return.

The power of this merit is meager, but it can change the future.

For example, breakthroughs in cultivation, sudden riches, lucky European emperors and the like are all possible.

If Bo Saixi, who is the great enshrinement of the sea god, gets involved more, he will get more rewards.

Even a little bit of merit is enough to make Bo Saixi's power reach another higher level, or have more power to accomplish what she wants to do.

Therefore, helping Tang Sui prove the Tao in one fell swoop is a win-win.

At the starting point, Dai Mubai who broke through after meditating has already opened his eyes.

The orange-red sunset spread over the sea, stretching people's shadows obliquely and gradually fading away.

But the hazy golden light floating on the stairs has never dimmed, like a lighthouse in the boundless dark night, guiding the lost people in the direction to go.

". How many levels?"

Looking at the petite figure, Oscar struggled to make a sound.

Tang San, who even used the Purple Demon Eye to count the steps from bottom to top, pursed his lips: "It's already level 88."

"Level 88 in one day. Sui Sui is not a human being!" Ma Hongjun gasped.

Dai Mubai also silently looked at Tang Sui who had spent the whole day but never stopped climbing, and sighed heavily.

As expected of the king of rolls. Fortunately, he was not rolled to death.

"Level 88? How can I see that Sui Sui's limit has not yet been reached?" Xiao Wu murmured, and everyone followed suit, and then stared at the shaking figure who was still moving forward.

A pitch-black mask surrounded Tang Sui who was stuck on the 89th step.

In the next second, she took a deep breath, and the seventh crimson soul ring shone with a bloody light.

"The seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Zhen—cough!"

The light of the seventh soul ring dimmed, and the martial soul avatar was forced to interrupt. The energy consumption in the attack mode had reached an extremely terrifying level and Tang Sui, who was in the interval, couldn't help stirring the surging Qi and blood, and choked out a mouthful. The blood mist and the pressure on the bones of the limbs reached a limit.

[Let's stop here for today.This is already your limit. 】

The system sounded at the right time, and the other masks also began to persuade Tang Sui to come here first.

Tang Sui raised his hand, wiped off the blood stains around his mouth with the back of his hand, exhaled a scorching breath with a strong rust smell, and replied: "I haven't reached the limit yet."It was because I didn't arrange the use of my soul skills and abilities well when I climbed the front steps, which led to the fact that I didn't have enough soul power to support the use of the seventh soul skill. '

Tang Sui began to reflect on herself, but she had no intention of continuing.

Because just like she has already started to make a summary review, she has reached the limit of today, but it is not tomorrow.

She let go of her clenched fists, stepped down a little, leaned her body weight back, and left her toes off the steps. In the suddenly constricted pupils of the Shrek Seven Monsters, she was not blasted out, but like dandelion seeds floating in the wind, no matter how strong They can also ride the wind, and finally fall to the corner, or take root in the soil, and survive tenaciously.

"Sui Sui!"

Everyone gathered around, especially Xiao Wu, nervously pressed Tang Sui's shoulder and turned back and forth to check.

Tang San calmly took out a bottle of elixir to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the essence from the moonlit night at the 24th bridge, and handed it to Tang Sui.

Tang Sui took the porcelain bottle without seeing anyone else, pulled out the cork, said three grains, and swallowed them with his mouth open.

"Scared me to death, I thought you were blown away!" Xiao Wu looked at the blood stains left at the corner of Tang Sui's mouth, and her heart ached to overflow from her eyes.

Tang San, who also noticed the blood stains at the corner of Tang Sui's mouth, touched his waist with his palm, and a small pot of water bag appeared immediately, and he handed it to Tang Sui.

At the same time, Ning Rongrong also took out a handkerchief from his soul tool and handed it to Tang Sui.

Tang Sui, who took everything according to the order, unscrewed the water bag and it was tons.

Then he took Ning Rongrong's handkerchief and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, his eyes sparkled: "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Suisui, hurry up and meditate and practice first. Don't waste the results of this pressure." Seeing that Tang Sui was a little excited and wanted to say something, Tang San hurriedly interrupted his sister above, reminding her to practice quickly.

Tang Sui paused, calmed down his excitement as if nothing had happened, walked to the side, found a flat place with no shade of trees, sat on the ground, and began to practice.

Well, if the moon comes out at night, it can be directly exposed to the sun, perfect.

—— Digression——

Guess how many steps Sui Sui has to climb?
Guess right and add updates~ (This "reward" is valid until the answer is announced)

It’s almost winter, and I have a parrot growing on my hand recently, so I can’t code well ε=(ο`*)))
(End of this chapter)

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