Chapter 499 Seagod's Light 6
"However, the order of completion still needs to be considered long-term, carefully planned, and how to extract the maximum value." Before Ma Hongjun secretly prodded and wanted to drag Dai Mubai up the stairs, Tang San spoke, stopping Ma Hongjun's impulse.

Ma Hongjun scratched his head: "This can still squeeze value? Isn't it easier for us to complete it with more people?"

Tang San showed helplessness, Tang Sui sighed, and took the words: "Brother means that the pressure of the first test is our best partner. There are a thousand and one steps in the sea god island, but the target class of the test for all of you The number is less than half, but you have not even reached one-tenth. It is enough to see that the higher the level, the stronger the pressure. It is the most ideal. There is no fatal threat, but you can exert your maximum potential sparring tool."

Tang San nodded: "Yes. All of us here, except Sui Sui, are all black-level examinations or above. Sea soul masters pass every ten years, and most of them fail. We only have one year, and the first examination is like this Difficult, presumably the difficulty will be even more terrifying in the future, so I can't relax."

"You should also feel that when confronting the strong pressure of the Seagod's Light, as your body's ability to resist pressure continues to increase, your own soul power will circulate faster than usual, and your cultivation efficiency will also increase. Therefore, this year, We all try our best to climb more alone, try our own limits, and then start to try the climbing tolerance of team-assisted increase in the last few days. And the last day of this year is the moment when we all pass the first test together. "

As he spoke, Tang San's eyes gradually became determined.

Because this move undoubtedly puts his own life and death on the scale of this proposal, becoming one of the bargaining chips that coexist with opportunities.

Not two seconds after the words fell, a coercion came suddenly, and the voice of the sea god's great priest Bo Saixi also sounded gently——

"To be able to figure out the mysteries hidden in the Seagod's Light so quickly is indeed the person chosen by the Seagod."

"Senior Poseidon."

"Great offering."

Everyone turned their heads to look, and Bo Saixi, who was dressed in fine clothes, was standing in the void holding the power scepter, his eyes passed Tang San, and fell on Ma Hongjun: "But I came this time, mainly for you."

"Ah? Me?" Ma Hongjun pointed at himself in surprise.

Bo Saixi nodded lightly, her voice was not loud, but it rang in everyone's ears:

"All examiners of black level and above can get a god bestowed spirit ring when they reach the bottleneck for the first time."

She raised her right hand, flipped her wrist, and turned her palm upwards. Dots of golden light appeared in the air, shining like stars, converging towards Bo Saixi's palm. A faint golden mist lingered and flowed, and the light gradually condensed into a gold ball overflowing with gold. Glossy pearls.

"God-bestowed spirit rings do not need to be tested for hunting and killing spirit beasts. After being absorbed, it will give you the most needed spirit skills and the highest-level spirit ring within the tolerance range. Everyone has only one chance, feel it carefully, and use your greatest perseverance Be baptized."

Saying that, Bo Saixi flicked his fingers, and the golden pearl of light disappeared like a meteor, flying above Ma Hongjun, like dewdrops falling in a lake, creating ripples like waves, "biu" With a bang, the top of his head split open, and the thicker and purer golden mist poured down like a waterfall, covering Ma Hongjun's whole body.

A golden energy cocoon gradually enveloped his whole body, blocking all prying eyes.

"This? Is it possible to obtain a spirit ring without hunting spirit beasts? Is this something human can do?" Tang San narrowed his pupils and murmured softly. Then he thought of something, and glanced at Tang Sui vaguely.

Tang Sui didn't change his expression, he thought he was hiding from Tang San, but he still turned a blind eye to the peripheral vision that attracted Bo Saixi's eyes to her.

Among them, Xiao Wu's expression was also very strange, but most of the attention was drawn away by Ma Hongjun or Tang Sui, and she became the least conspicuous one instead.

Bo Saixi lowered his eyes, closed his eyes thoughtfully, and landed on Ma Hongjun, who had already condensed into an energy cocoon, and said softly: "You don't have to worry about something happening to him, I will guard him until he completes the absorption. Here. During this period, you can do your own things."

Tang San came back to his senses, thought for two seconds, and said to his companions who were stunned: "Since Senior Bo Saixi is helping to protect the law, let's continue our climbing."

While Tang Sui was refining energy, Tang San had already gone to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and discussed with Seahorse Douluo Ouya about their next board and lodging.

Ever since he woke up after practicing for the first climb, he had already had previous thoughts.

During this precious year, they all have to keep trying to climb to a higher level as much as possible.

If the cultivation base reaches their level, even if there is a violent storm, they will not get sick.

From Haima City to the forbidden area, it will take 10 to [-] minutes at the fastest, so why not simply stay in front of the stairs to the island, food and other troubles will be sent by the sea soul master at regular intervals every day, if you need clothes, the sea soul master will send them to you Let me know when you are eating, and ask them to help bring it next time.

As for washing, he has observed that the sea water near the forbidden area seems to contain less salt than the sea water they came into contact with when they came.

It is impossible to distill drinking pure water, just enough to take a hot bath.

Tang San, who had already planned to bring his companions to involve, was full of eagerness to fight, and explained their plan to Tang Sui.

Tang Sui nodded, pointed to the direction of the sea and said, "Brother, I'll go take a dip in the sea first, and I'll be back soon."

Although the moisture on the sweat-drenched clothes evaporated, she still wanted to rinse it off, otherwise she would feel "rotten".

Tang San made a "hmm", moved his scorching eyes to the long steps again, took a deep breath, and took another step towards the steps to the island.

The cool sea water wets the clothes and skirts, covering the top of the head.

The sound of sea water passing by floated in my ears, and the noisy waves became far away.

The long hair floated loosely in the sea like silk, Tang Sui's eyes were light, and his heart was unprecedentedly peaceful.

Well, if you read correctly, Bo Saixi probably suspected the origin of her soul ring.

Although it can stand the "check", but

Tang Sui floated out of the sea, moist and fresh air poured into his nostrils again, and his thoughts became clearer.

She still doesn't give people a clear idea.

Tang Sui, who was looking fixedly at Bo Saixi's position, thought in his heart, flying out of the sea, the overflowing black and red demonic power evaporated all the moisture on his body, turning him dry and clear again.

[After just now, your current soul power level has reached level 78, and you will soon enter level 80.There are only sea spirit beasts here, but all movements within the range of Sea God Island are being monitored by Bo Saixi, how do you plan to avoid her sight then? 】

The system made a sound slowly.

The corners of Tang Sui's lips curled up a little, "I don't know.But I have a hunch that the opportunity to break through is still in this Seagod's Light. '

'My instincts have always been right. '

—— Digression——

According to the progress, it is estimated that the answer will be revealed tomorrow, cuties, guess quickly~
(End of this chapter)

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