Chapter 502
The moment of parting is always sad.

Tang Sui looked at the pair of red eye sockets, and his heart was sore and tingling.

As if feeling her sadness, strands of flame brushed over Tang Sui's cheeks, soft and cotton-like, with a hint of comfort.

The bloody air blew Tang Sui's long hair, and Tang Sui turned his head as if feeling something, and met the bat-winged woman's gaze.

The moment the two eyes collided in mid-air, Tang Sui was startled for a moment, as if she had received some message, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, the emotional fluctuations in her eyes had dropped to the lowest level, at least those dark blue eyes The haze in the eyes has faded.

"There's no need to be so sad, it's not like I won't see you anymore."

Tang Sui's voice returned to its usual tone, with a slight smile, he swept across everyone, and with a light leap on the third step of No.30, he fell down a dozen steps and stood on the tenth step .

That is the number of levels that Bai Chenxiang can reach.

With all the eyes on her, she raised her right hand and pressed it in the air. Her dark blue eyes were clear and bright, without any fear of the unknown or the haze of death.

"I promise everyone that if I lose to the enemy, I will retreat and let myself live well. On the other hand, everyone must work hard to complete the Sea God assessment, live together and become stronger. So now, let's fight together gas?"

Tang San and the others looked at each other, even Bai Chenxiang bravely stepped up the stairs under Tang Sui's smiling eyes.

Everyone stood on the tenth step, forming a circle of different heights. Each person stretched out a hand, which was placed on the back of the previous person's hand, stacked high.

The corners of Tang Sui's lips raised slightly, and as the initiator, he shouted out the preface: "Shrek!"

"come on!"

The overlapping hands pressed down hard, and the curtain call was ushered in with the sonorous and forceful final sound.

Under everyone's gaze, Tang Sui pointed his toes, shifted his center of gravity forward, and slowly flew into the air, moving closer to the beam of light.

"Hoo hoo—!"

The flames soared, and the two phantoms transformed back into energy forms and rushed into Tang Sui's body.

Tang Sui stretched out her hand and touched the beam of light. The moment her fingertips touched the beam of light, her whole body emitted a strong light, and she could no longer see it with her eyes. Even Bo Saixi was closed by the strong light. Eye.

After the strong light dimmed, there was no figure of Tang Sui in the midair, and the golden beam of light cast from the sky turned into a two-meter-high vortex filled with dark gray mist.

This discovery made Tang San's eyes brighten, and a guess emerged in his heart.

Maybe, like climbing the Seagod's Light, you can retreat if you lose?

Thinking about it this way, they feel that the future is full of hope.

"Brothers, Sui Sui is already working hard, we can't fall behind!"

As the boss, Dai Mubai turned around, looking at the long stairs to the island with scorching eyes, the others were also ignited with fighting spirit, their bodies seemed to be ignited with infinite fighting spirit.

Shrek's introversion contest begins now!
After the glare in front of her eyes dissipated, Tang Sui found that she had changed her environment.

No, maybe even the world has changed.

Tang Sui looked at the beautiful modern single-family houses in front of him, as well as women walking on both sides of the green belt, pushing baby carriages, wearing knitted gowns and trousers, and other sparse people wearing modern casual clothes or decent suits , the three-dimensional facial features and hair color that is insulated from black, it can be seen at a glance that he is not a Chinese.

"Hey! kid, are you here to visit the town? Where are your parents? It's very dangerous for a child of you to run out to play alone."

A worried female voice came from behind, not in Huaxia, but in other languages ​​she had learned in her previous life.

Tang Sui turned his head, and it was a woman wearing a light blue knitted cardigan with slightly curly flaxen hair.

The other party was looking at her curiously at the moment. Hmm. Tang Sui lowered his head, and when he touched the bamboo green knee-length skirt that was relatively unconventional but also had oriental elements, he understood why the other party had such a problem.


too foreign.

"Yes, I came here with a youth travel agency. But my family didn't come with me because I'm an adult." Tang Sui replied in fluent English.

When she heard that Tang Sui was an adult, the woman looked surprised, "Oh! You are already an adult? Sorry, I know that people in the East look very small. I thought you were in junior high school, ah no, high school."

Tang Sui looked at the woman who was 1.7 meters five by visual inspection, and thought of his height of about 1.6 meters, and was suspiciously silent for a moment.

It's not her fault that she looks juvenile, I'm really sorry for being so short.

But the most urgent task now is to find out what world she was transferred to.

Thinking about it, Tang Sui chatted with the talkative woman for a few more words, and almost got out the information about the town. After thinking for a while, she walked towards the edge of the town pointed by the woman.

There is no so-called public official activity area in this small town. The most public places are a church and a police station.

Forget about the church. This kind of place sounds like Western belief. She already has PTSD about angels, so she should go to the edge to see if there is any possibility of obtaining other information.

After saying goodbye to the woman, Tang Sui walked out of the town step by step.

Ask why not find a remote place to take off directly?

After looking at the surrounding modern buildings, she found that her soul power and demon power were sealed and she couldn't perceive it.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that they are still there, and their physical fitness is also there, but the system can no longer be contacted.

The powerful body trained by Douluo World allowed Tang Sui to walk through the town which is about half the size of Doucheng in just half an hour.

Originally, Tang Sui thought that he could still see some road signs and maps to see the geographical location.

The endless gray is paved into a new world.

The town is like a captive poultry, isolated from the world, similar to the environment outside the city walls of the Slaughtering Capital, but there are more gray dust about the size of a fingernail floating down from the gray sky.

The gray dust contained the breath of death, which made Tang Sui feel dangerous for no reason.

"Is it similar to the existence of a separate domain?" Tang Sui murmured.

The masks in the spiritual space started talking about each other.

Fox face: "You were obviously a clumsy lie before, but no one saw through it. It is very similar to the nightmare and illusion you created, and it also formed a separate 'world'."

Ape face: "These gray particles feel very dangerous to me, so don't touch them!"

Da Feichu: "Interesting, the people in this small town are not aware of the problem. It's more thorough than your brainwashing."

Fukujin: "Consciousness is deceiving. This is a bit of a little master's style."

Grandma: "All the people I encountered along the way were human beings, and they were all alive. I didn't feel the breath of other non-human beings."

——Then here comes the problem.

Why did you send her here?
Let her feel the warmth of human society at close range and return to the big human family?
Tang Sui lowered his eyes to cover up his dark emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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