Chapter 503
After going out of the town to no avail, Tang Sui had no choice but to go back to the town and wander around to collect more information.

After a full circle, Tang Sui probably had a score in his mind.

First of all, the technology background of this small town is very backward. Everyone is still using the old-fashioned public phones. The radio came out and listened while walking.

Boys about eleven or twelve years old carried a canvas bag full of newspapers and peddled the daily news as they walked along. Occasionally, they would meet an old man or a woman passing by with a basket delivering bottled milk.

The cars people drive are also very old-fashioned. The doors need to be opened with the car key first. The basic manual transmission, the most advanced ones are also equipped with recording facilities, not to mention the driving recorder.

Tang Sui had probably observed the banknotes they used, not the face banknotes she was familiar with. The portraits on the banknotes were blurry and gray for fear of being seen as specific outlines.

But none of them felt that something was wrong, maintaining the ordinary and busy life of the town.

The masks chattered about the collected information in the mental space. Before he knew it, Tang Sui walked past a white-lined parking lot and stood in front of a convenience store about [-] square meters in size. .

This convenience store is the largest one Tang Sui has seen in the small town. It has glass screens on three sides, so you can clearly see the long line of people buying daily necessities inside.

"Kid, where are your parents? Why are you standing here by yourself?"

The gray-haired old woman looked at Tang Sui with concern, and looked around her, trying to find her irresponsible parents who left the child here alone.

The old lady wore a pair of round glasses with silver frames. She had a gentle temperament and a sense of care and elegance that only belonged to educators.

Tang Sui blinked, and the delicate and fair face like a doll added a touch of harmlessness and obedience to her, and replied in a soft voice: "Hello ma'am, I came to the town with the youth travel agency, and I didn't go with my parents. Together. These few days are the free time of the travel agency, I just wanted to see the beautiful scenery of the town, and ended up here."

When the old lady heard it, she disapproved, but it was aimed at the travel agency that Tang Sui was talking about. Because of their irresponsibility, she looked at Tang Sui with more loving eyes: "Poor child, you must know the travel agency's Those guys are irresponsible people who like to lie to you young people to join the group, saying that they will be safe. Just like now, the town experienced a storm yesterday, and everyone is buying supplies to repair that Damage from the storm."

"Storm? Tornado?" Tang Sui caught the key word and asked curiously.

The old woman nodded, "Yes. The windows of my house were also smashed by the rocks blown by the storm. I came here today to buy some adhesives, along with some food and water, just in case."

After finishing speaking, it suddenly occurred to her that Tang Sui was thrown out by the tour group, and she warned: "kid, you'd better buy some food and drink quickly, and then stay in the hotel and don't go out. This morning I just said on my TV that the storm is likely to last for a few days, stock up on supplies and stay in the hotel to be safer."

Tang Sui nodded, "Thank you for your advice, then I'll go shopping too."

Tang Sui, who didn't have any money on him, didn't change his face, chatted with the old woman, and stepped into the convenience store together.

The old woman's name is Irene, and she is an old primary school teacher in this small town. This convenience store is a public convenience store opened by local officials. They have hired special veterans as security guards. Most of them are ordinary people in this town. , In a small town with no background, it is considered to have a lot of background, at least no one dares to act as a bully to rob.

Looking at Ms. Irene who was going to the grocery area to buy, Tang Sui pushed the shopping cart to the snack area, carefully looked at the various foods on the shelves, and then walked to the candy area.

Ape-face looked at Tang Sui who looked like he was picking out candies and putting them into the shopping cart, and laughed: "How old are you and still eat candy?"These things cannot be taken away. '

Tang Sui's expression remained unchanged: "How do you know you can't take it away if you haven't tried it?" 'She hasn't been in contact with familiar modern candies for 20 years, so she needs to squeeze more if she can.

God of Fortune: 'emmm, if you like it, of course you can, but little master, you don't seem to have any coins in this town, right?When paying, do you need a monkey face to control the other party? '

Ape face: '?Your proposal, why am I doing the work? '

Fushen felt aggrieved: "Because I'm just a mascot to increase the luck value, unlike you, you can scare people when you go out, how amazing." '

Yuanmian:'.'Although what this guy said is reasonable, why does he feel that something is wrong.

Tang Sui: "Don't worry, didn't that Ms. Irene just said that the storm might continue?I can choose slowly and kill time, and with such a long queue, it will take most of the day no problem.Besides, what if I choose and choose, and a storm comes? '

Da Feichu sneered: "Yes, if the storm comes, you can just throw the basket and escape for your life." '

As soon as the words fell, the crowd in the store suddenly became agitated, and the discussions stopped abruptly and became quiet.

Tang Sui paused slightly, and raised his eyes to look out of the transparent glass baffle. Fire trucks with flashing orange-red lights sped past the main driveway, followed by "Ula Ula" police cars with flashing blue warning lights , as if something big happened.

"Dad, is there a fire outside? Is Mom okay?"

Diagonally in front of her, a little boy with short brown hair raised his head and asked about his father who was wearing a plaid shirt.

"I'm sure she's fine, don't worry." The man kept his eyes on the passing vehicles in the driveway outside, comforted his son absent-mindedly, and tried not to expose his panic and anxiety to his son, causing his fear.

The bustling atmosphere in the store cooled down like a bucket of ice water was poured on it.

Everyone continued to do the business at hand, but there was a layer of gloom in their hearts, their smiles were restrained, and there was anxiety between their brows.

'I smelled fear. '

A kind voice sounded slowly, grandma's kind face was immersed in the dark shadow, and a dim light slowly lit up in those empty eye sockets.

Feeling the change in the atmosphere in the store, Tang Sui's eyes darkened slightly.

The face of the ape, who was so angry with the god of fortune, also calmed down, his huge round pupils lit up red, and he looked at the void, as if looking through the darkness to see the outside world, and said in a deep voice:
'More than fear. '

'There is something else, which has blocked my mental power, and is approaching this store. Tang Sui took the words from the ape face, the softness in his voice faded, and it was tinged with a coolness.

'Here is surrounded. '

—— Digression——

Secretly launched a combat power ceiling female goose.

I don't know if you have seen the movie "Mist", it was in 2007.All members have IQs, but they are really angry, desperate and depressed, especially the ending.

Then, for some unspeakable reasons, the town was set as an isolated island~
The entire dungeon element is probably Cthulhu + drop san + survival book

(End of this chapter)

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