Chapter 505
Don't reason with a depraved lunatic.

Tang Sui is well aware of this truth.

Even if her mental power is temporarily blocked, she can still keenly perceive people's emotions.

Well, there is a sense of sight of the two major guilds fighting in the game.

The ape face laughed, "It's just like this time you are equipped with a radar, stepping on mines with precision." '

Tang Sui didn't care about Yuanmian's ridicule, and put the topic aside: "This is not important, what is important now is that someone just passed me a ladder to go down." '

'Oh?It appears that you have made a choice. '

'certainly.I have already made a choice. '

After returning to the ape face, Tang Sui looked at the supervisor trying to persuade the woman who wanted to leave, and then focused everyone's attention on the cause of the disaster, allowing everyone to return to calm thinking, but the woman who was thinking about her child alone at home could not Change your mind about wanting to leave.

"I'm sorry, I, I can't just stay here like this. I have to go home to find my children, they need me." The woman shook her head and rejected everyone's persuasion.

Even though they have said that the fog may be poisonous, the outside is very unsafe, and there are still unknown dangers, but the woman still wants to leave.

Supervisor Oli also approached the woman, trying to calm the agitated woman to a safe place aside, but just as his hand touched the woman's shoulder, she avoided him and raised his voice and said, "You didn't Hear what I say?! I can't stay here!"

Ollie was taken aback, and the woman also realized that her reaction was too violent. She pursed her lips, tears welled up in her eyes, and suppressed her sobs as she talked about the children: "My daughter Wanda is looking after The youngest son Victor, but she is only 8 years old, she still doesn't understand a lot, sometimes she even forgets that she is taking care of her younger brother. And when I came out, I told them that I was only out for a few minutes and would go back soon."

Oli shrank his fingers that were frozen in mid-air, and slowly lowered them, and did not speak again to persuade the woman to stay.

Dan, who came to the convenience store staggeringly and injured before, opened his mouth amidst the silent expressions of everyone, and said clearly: "You really care about what they say, and now you should protect yourself from unknown dangers and don't go out. .”

No one knows if the fog is poisonous after opening the door now, and what they will face.

The woman suppressed her tears, glanced at the people who were silently thinking, and said again: "Is there no one willing to help me?"

The others, including the man in the security uniform, and the three private soldiers who came to shop at the convenience store also stared at the woman, but said nothing.

Who here has no family?Who is not worried?

On the premise that one's own life or other interests are not involved, friendship and unity may be maintained.

Although we all live in a small town and often meet each other on weekdays, we are far from reaching the level of close acquaintance and kindness, even willing to sacrifice our lives for friendship.

Tang Sui picked up a chocolate bar. The sound of the plastic bag being squeezed was originally soft, but it was amplified several times in the silence at this moment, making it extremely clear.

"I'll go out with you, ma'am."

With that said, Tang Sui took two steps forward.

Everyone else looked at her with horror.

Ms. Irene, who spoke before entering the convenience store, immediately looked over worriedly, and advised, "Kid, don't do anything stupid. It's dangerous outside, and no one knows what is wandering in the fog. Stay here now. It is the best choice to have enough materials in stock and to be with everyone.”

Tang Sui looked at Ms. Irene who defended herself, and softened her voice, "Thank you for your advice, ma'am. But I still want to leave."

The dim eyes of the woman with tears in her eyes fell on Tang Sui, and she paused for a moment. Before Tang Sui could catch the emotion in her eyes, she turned her head and continued to ask: "Would someone like you?" , send a lady home?"

Tang Sui: "."

She looked at the tears in her eyes and looked sad, but she passed her without hesitation. The woman who didn't reply, narrowed her eyes slightly, and spoke loudly again in the silent crowd:
"Ma'am, I'll go with you. I just want to go back to the hotel. My brother is there too. He's only 7 years old. I'm worried about him too."

A trace of worry appeared in Tang Sui's eyes, as if he was really worried about that Mo Xuyou brother who was one year younger than the woman's youngest son.

When the woman heard this, she looked at her with tears in her eyes: "But what can you do as a child? Wouldn't you die for nothing if you went out?"

When the others heard the words, there was a hint of subtlety on their faces, and their eyes were a little dark when they looked at the woman.

Then if they went out together, wouldn't they die in vain?
We are all human beings, even underage children, we can't favor one another, right?

Tang Sui, who felt a trace of disgust from the woman's gaze, also fell silent.

Obviously, the other party didn't consider her as a "child", but because she might be a burden to her.

Seeing that the woman was still planning to continue pinning her hopes on others, Tang Sui walked slowly towards the door of the shop.

"Okay, ma'am. I respect your choice, then I'll go find my brother alone."

She lowered her eyes, as if she was a little disappointed, but what people felt more from Tang Sui was a touch of firmness.

This delicate-looking, slender girl obviously needs more protection, but unlike women, she didn't ask other people for help, knowing the danger, she still planned to go there by herself.

After the sharp contrast, the scales in everyone's hearts were more inclined to Tang Sui, and there was more inexplicable meaning in the eyes looking at the woman.

The eyes of the woman who met the unusual gazes of the crowd trembled, and she continued to plead with the people present, her words were stuck in her throat, and she was extremely uncomfortable.

She wanted to say something to save her, but her feet stood there as if they had taken root, and she couldn't speak her voice.

The people standing in front of her looked at this delicate girl and wanted to persuade them, but when they met Tang Sui's casual glance, they couldn't say what they wanted to say. Thoughts collided in my heart, but I just couldn't make a sound.

"By the way, Mr. Supervisor, can I bring another bottle of mineral water?" Tang Sui stood still at the entrance of the store, turned around suddenly, and smiled at Ollie without any haze.

Ollie's heart trembled, and his subconscious mind told him that this beautiful girl like a flower would die after going out, and that she should be kept, and staying with everyone was the only way to be safe.

Oli picked up a bottle of mineral water that was temporarily cleared out of the shopping cart by the customer from the merchandise shelf next to the cashier, and handed it to Tang Sui.

"Son, have you thought about it yet?"

His voice was slightly hoarse.

Tang Sui looked into Oli's deep eyes, smiled fearlessly, took the mineral water in his hand and shook it, "When the disaster struck, I had already made a choice. Thank you for your generous support, sir."

—— Digression——

We are the magical version of the fog, and we will focus on the content of this article.

See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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