Chapter 506
Pushing open the door of the convenience store, the strange thing is that the white mist did not flow in from the gap opened by Tang Sui, as if blocked by an invisible film outside the convenience store, inside and outside, there are two worlds.

The white mist invades the breath, wrapping people like the wind, and accepts Tang Sui.

The people in the convenience store looked at Tang Sui who was standing in the white mist without any abnormal phenomena such as poisoning and suffocation, and their eyes were glued to her.

Tang Sui, who had walked two meters away, turned his head and glanced with a feeling.

The clear facial features of the people are like dummy standing up in the thin white mist, each face is as pale as paper, black and red lines meander, outline eyebrows, nose bridge, lips, and portray different expressions.

There are smiling faces, there are crying faces, there are sad faces, and there are dumb faces
The only thing in common is that these "people" all have a pair of swarthy eyes with no whites, and when they looked over, they were completely different from when she walked out of the store door.

Those eyes are not what humans should have, cold, indifferent, scrutinizing, with a strange inhuman color, which makes people feel shuddering.

'These guys sure as hell.'

Fox Mian's voice came to an abrupt end, because in the next second, no matter whether it was Tang Sui or the masks, the people in the convenience store regained their bloody and clear facial features, and the different eyeball colors and whites of different people were clear. You can even see the blood inside.

The scene just now was like a hallucination, an illusion in a trance.

Tang Sui's face remained unchanged, she looked away as if she hadn't seen these people unusually just now, her exquisite face always maintained a touch of indifference, even if no one stood up in the end, she didn't have the slightest resentment.

The girl's slender back was swallowed by the thick white mist, like a disposable consumable that she took away when she left, leaving no trace of existence.

In the white mist that was too dense, even Tang Sui could only see clearly the environment within a radius of two meters when his mental power was inexplicably cut off.

The fog made her feel like the red fog used by Yaomei in the soul fusion skill against Hu Liena and Xie Yue in the Soul Master Elite Competition.

All of his own attributes have declined, his five senses have become blurred, and his sixth sense has gradually become chaotic, as if he has been exiled in a thick fog and has become a moving target for other existences that rely on the white fog.

In the thick white fog, the passage of time seems to be blurred.

Tang Sui walked for a long time in the direction of the densest residential buildings in the town, but every time she walked a certain distance, the vehicles that were parked vertically and horizontally in the open space outside the convenience store were still visible in the dense fog.

Before the dense fog covered the outside scenery, Tang Sui estimated the area of ​​the parking lot, which was about 100 meters long and 70 meters wide. Everywhere, there are still red, red, blue and blue vehicles.

Proof that she has been spinning in circles, and has not stepped outside the confines of the convenience store.

Is she going astray?

Stalker's Big Fly out the first denial: 'Impossible.We have been staring, except for the limited perception, but I can guarantee that the direction you are walking has always been straight. '

Humian thought for a while and said: "It is not ruled out that it is disturbed by these white mist."or'

"Here, don't let me leave."

Tang Sui stood still, and said the unspoken guess.

Thick mist surrounded her, and the direction of her arrival had been perfectly covered up in the blur of time.

Tang Sui frowned slightly, thinking whether to call out the apes to face them, and when she split up to detect them physically, another strange voice pierced through the unknown white mist and came into her ears.

"Please—! Please don't do this to me. I really, really don't know anything."

It was a man's voice.

Tang Sui pondered for a few seconds, then walked towards the source of the sound.

"Please, please help. Woo. Ah."

The man's voice gradually turned into a meaningless monosyllable, mixed with deep despair and grief, which made Tang Sui look sideways.

The fog ahead became thinner, and the short-cut man in the dark green gendarmerie uniform slapped the glass partition with cobweb-like cracks with his hands full of sticky blood.

Inside the convenience store, 1.5-meter-high rice bags were piled up in front of the translucent glass baffles. The store was more chaotic than when Tang Sui left. It seemed that he had been attacked by something, and there was a fight in the store. .

The people who retreated about half a meter away from the glass partition and the piled up rice bags looked a little crazy. Many people's faces and bodies were stained with red blood. They watched indifferently as they beat the glass partition in despair. The young military policeman who lost his strength from the bloody hole had hatred and malice in his eyes, as if he had done something heinous.

In the white fog, his hands and feet became cold due to excessive blood loss. The man with bruises and blood stains on his face stopped patting his hands on the glass partition, and a pair of tear-filled eyes swept across the pair of eyes, wishing he could go immediately. The hateful face of death, and the complex and helpless eyes in the innermost layer, without hatred, but more of the face of a sighing person, choked up and burst in an instant.

"I really do not know."

Seeing this scene, Tang Sui's eyes moved slightly, and his eyes fell on the glass baffle less than half a meter away from the military police. It was obvious that a big hole had been broken, and it was only rough glued with paper glue and linen pockets.

'This guy must have been stabbed by his own kind. '

The ape face, which was born in negative emotions, let out a cold snort.

Da Feichu: "It was me, I smashed the broken glass with all my life, everyone died together, don't live!" '

Grandma is not surprised by this result: "In the face of the threat of survival, all order and rationality will collapse. '

It was also rare for the God of Fortune not to bring tea, and echoed: "If the little master is still inside, maybe it's another story." '

Hu Mian chuckled and asked Tang Sui about his choice: "So, do you want to go back?"With your current strength, you can easily crush the humans inside and become their leader. '

'leader?I don't pick up all the rubbish. '

Tang Sui narrowed his eyes slightly, and walked towards the young military policeman.

"Boom bang—"

The ground suddenly shook slightly.

Tang Sui's footsteps stopped, and a look of vigilance appeared in his dark blue eyes. He tried hard to distinguish the direction of the voice, and looked towards the corner of the thick fog.

The heavy voice floated into Tang Sui's ears with a strange rhythm, like the sound of some huge creature dragging its heavy body in the fog and walking on the ground of the asphalt road.

After a while, the sound of landing and moving hits people's hearts.

The gendarme who had obviously heard the voice froze for a moment, turned his head slowly, and looked at the unknown in the vast mist in front of him.

After finally finding the source of the sound, Tang Sui's pupils shrank, because in her field of vision, a phantom about four or five meters high that looked like some kind of arthropod creature was reflected.

(End of this chapter)

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