Chapter 507
The two huge claws slowly lifted up, like the forelimbs of a praying mantis. Although it was still hazy, it was still possible to vaguely see that the two huge claws were composed of three segments.

The dull walking sound Tang Sui and the others heard came from its scorpion-like flat, multi-jointed legs.

The outline of the obvious non-human race in the white mist became deep, and it moved a little bit towards the food at the entrance of the convenience store, as if it suddenly saw an automatic snack vending machine on the street while walking, and moved over to get some food Small snacks to eat.

The young, snacks, and military police were even more desperate.

But even at this juncture, he didn't yell to attract the terrifying predators and wipe out the people in the convenience store in one fell swoop.

As the predators approached more and more, the young gendarme turned his head with trembling pale lips, his gray-blue eyes soaked in tears were full of prayers, and moved his lips towards those eyes stained with fear.


None of the people, basking in the terror of the predator's arrival, were moved by the gendarmes.

"call out--!"

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the claws of the forelegs stabbed out soundlessly, and were knocked away by the other two heavy blows. The force of the second falling even hit the predator's joints connected to the claws. The destructive force knocked open the connecting muscles and bones, and a large amount of purple blood mixed with tiny blood clots flew out, and fell to the ground with a sticky sound, leaving behind a large pool of disgustingly stinky blood limbs.


Its entire erect body staggered, because the forelimb was broken, the predator let out a painful roar, mixed with some doubts.

It seems to be wondering how a small snack can hurt it.

"My God!"

The people in the convenience store exclaimed and took two steps back in fear.

The young gendarme who realized what was happening turned around blankly, the blood continuously spilling from his abdomen dyed most of his light blue shirt red.

"Young gendarme, will you come with me?"

The slender figure gradually became apparent in the flowing white mist, and the delicate and white face of the girl with a slight smile was not stained with any blood, and was as white and tidy as before the disaster.

But no one thinks that girls are gentle and harmless.

Because behind the figure walking like an angel, there is a predator who doesn't know what was attacked, howls horribly, and wants to escape limping.



Another dull crash sounded.

The white mist flowed a bit turbulently. This time, people clearly saw that tall non-human figure staggered again, unbalanced and collapsed to the right, becoming uneven, but they still thought about it in a panic. To flee into the thicker fog.

The young gendarme stared blankly at the girl standing five meters away from him, looked at the girl and said with some distress: "I have been walking for a long time and can't find the way back to the hotel. Sir is the gendarme of this small town. Are you familiar with every street in the town? Can you show me the way?"

She watched the gloomy and desperate eyes of the gendarme whose face was covered in blood in front of her light up little by little. After being abandoned and betrayed by his peers, someone stretched out his hand and pulled him who was about to fall into the abyss.

Knowing that someone had stabbed a big hole in his abdomen, and the survival rate in such a weird and unknown environment was extremely low, he still walked towards him.

"Are you an angel?"

It was the only adjective that could come to mind in the scanty theology to which the materialistic young gendarme was exposed.

Tang Sui: "."

She paused, and there was a hint of indifference between her delicate eyebrows and eyes, "I'm not."

"So, you want to go with me?"

She gave the choice to the military police in front of her.

The biggest threat on the scene has already been blasted away by her, and the military police can choose to return to the arms of his kindred.

Destiny is the result of one's own choice, Tang Sui doesn't want to pick a twisted bitter gourd.

The gendarme turned around.

Through the scarred glass baffle and the piled up rice bags, he saw the compatriots who had clamored to kill him and sacrificed his blood at this moment, they no longer had any killing intent in their eyes, but stared at him silently, including running away. The bearded man who moved everyone and kicked him around like a ball to vent his anger, even stabbed him with a kitchen knife, looked at him complicatedly.

They all seemed to be waiting for his choice.

One is that he no longer wants to kill him, has enough materials to survive, and has the embrace of human compatriots.

The other is an oriental girl of unknown origin who is suspected of possessing an unknown weapon, capable of repelling monsters in the fog, and denying that she is not an angel.

The military police swept over the complex faces of the compatriots one by one, exhaled tremblingly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Even if I may not live long, I will become your drag, and become the new food for those monsters, don't you dislike it?" ?”

The man with the beard stabbed him so deeply and hurt him, of course he knew the possible consequences.

"Then are you willing to trust me?"

Tang Sui asked questions instead of answering, his dark blue eyes were always calm, as if there was no problem even if the gendarme gave any answer.

The gendarme stared deeply at Tang Sui. In the end, he dared not lift his sticky and bloody hands, but his bald cropped head lowered towards Tang Sui, telling his choice.

It was like a tired soul that was constantly involved in the storm of natural disasters finally found a harbor that could dock safely, and put all his weight on it, and the harbor still stood in the chaotic storm without any reason. His arrival rocked.

The weary soul seeks refuge like a docked harbor-master with new hopes.

"I am willing."

A little golden light ball rose from the young gendarme and flew towards Tang Sui. Under Tang Sui's somewhat surprised gaze, it sank into her body.

At the same time, the unresponsive monster power like stagnant water also swayed a little ripple, which can be sensed.

'Belief. '

The masks all spoke in unison, and Tang Sui looked at the military police with an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

Faith can only emerge from creatures.

This man is a living human being.

Although I don't know what happened to other people, this man must be alive.

The other people in the convenience store didn't react at all to the light ball rising from the military police, even the fanatic who was full of "God's punishment" at the beginning didn't react at all.

In other words, except for her, ordinary people cannot see it.

Similar to the combination of different species of insects, it can shield the dense fog of her spiritual power perception, and can restore the golden light of faith of the demon power
All the clues were analyzed and classified in Tang Sui's mind, and the most important link was still missing in the huge series of clues.

Tang Sui closed his eyes, sorted out the turbulent thoughts in his head, and turned around without hesitation. The slightly curly dark red hair tails swayed in the air, cutting through the thick white mist.

"Come on."

She's not interested in performing for people here.

Anyway, he is a military policeman, and he has passed the hell-like selection of soldiers.

Based on her observations, the knife was deep but not fatal, and it should last for a while.

The military police pursed their lips, limped, and slowly caught up with Tang Sui, who was also not fast, as if walking in the fog.

The figures of the two were quickly covered by the thick fog that rolled in, and they could no longer see half of it.

—— Digression——

It is newly rumored that the god of promotion and sales (head) Lingzi is about to start working.

See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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