The surrounding thick mist rushes into the nasal cavity, there is no toxic reaction, and it is not as choking as inhaling smoke, just like the light mist in the morning, it just exists there, staining the air with some humidity.

But the scary thing is that men can't even smell moisture.

He walked slowly behind Tang Sui with a pale face, the severe pain in his abdomen and the blood that kept spilling out, every step of the movement made the blood on his face paler, and his pupils were a little dizzy.

Tang Sui estimated the footstep distance and approximate direction, and stopped outside a blue car with the door wide open.

In front of the opened car door outside the driver's seat was a man with a tragic death.

Although I don't know how much time has passed in the dense fog, the man's bruised and swollen corpse has already exuded a rotten smell, and the blood hole on the side of the neck no longer overflows with blood, and has turned into a cloudy black, as if parasitic. Countless black tiny particles cling to the flesh and blood, draining the posthumous value of this body.

This man was the middle-aged man who squeezed out of the crowd from the convenience store when the fog was approaching, trying to get into his car, but ended up taking his life.

What came out was a strong stench that made the gendarmes feel sick to their stomachs, like a middle-aged man who had been dead for a long time, not to mention the corpse spots on his body, just looking at them, the gendarmes felt nauseated and dizzy. up.

Tang Sui knelt down and carefully examined the fatal wounds on this tragic corpse.

Like a conical spike, it pierced deeply into the flesh and blood of a person, piercing a row of blood holes, and then was killed by the poison attached to the attacking object.

And the small black particles in the circle are a bit like.

The gendarme couldn't help but vomited aside, but nothing came out.

Because of the bowing action, the wound on his abdomen was torn open, and the pain became more intense, which made him almost unable to stand still.

"Have you reached the limit?" Tang Sui looked sideways at the gendarmerie who was in extremely poor condition and would raise his braids at any time, and reached out to pick up the car keys that the middle-aged man was still holding tightly with his fingers after his death. Create a dark purple halo.

The outlines of the four masks were looming in the dense white mist, but because of the similar colors, if there were no golden or red lines outlined on the masks, they would be completely hidden in the mist.

"The second soul skill, good face."

A second soul skill was dropped, and Tang Sui, who had never used this soul skill on ordinary people, witnessed the effect of her soul skill gloriously.

The torn wound on the gendarme's abdomen grew and healed visible to the naked eye. Except for the tear in the clothes, which was soaked in blood, there was no trace of the injury at all.

Healthy blood appeared on the pale face, and a miracle like the rejuvenation of a dead tree appeared on the military police, which made him feel incredible.

"I, my wound"

Not feeling the pain anymore, he blankly covered his abdomen that had been stabbed before, his face was in a daze, thinking that he might have been hallucinating after staying in the white mist for a long time.

So he stopped touching his abdomen, raised his right hand, and pinched his own face.


The real pain told him that all this was not a dream.

The soul ring dissipated, Tang Sui stood up, and threw a bottle of mineral water from the convenience store towards the military police. …

The gendarme subconsciously reached out to pick it up, looked at the water bottle that became dirty instantly after being touched by his sticky and bloody hand, raised his head and looked at Tang Sui inexplicably.

"You, you are"

He was a little incoherent and even used honorifics.

"Wash your hands and get ready to go."

Tang Sui hooked the car key ring with his index finger, showing disgust, "Blood will attract some things. And I don't want to touch the steering wheel with your bloody paws back and forth when you are driving."

military police:"."

It sounded like the words of a squeamish girl.

But this girl was obviously very well-behaved and sensible before, wasn't she?
Realizing that Tang Sui's character might be different from the "angel" character in his fantasy, the military policeman lowered his head, unscrewed the bottle cap, poured out cool mineral water, and washed the blood on his hands.

A bottle of water quickly disappeared.

Tang Sui threw the car keys to the military police and said:
"Let's drive. You should know where the field survival equipment store in the town is, right? Go and see if you can replenish some ammunition, and then tell me how you were driven out by them on the way."

While speaking, Tang Sui walked to the passenger seat door and waited for the military police to open the door for her after starting the car.

The gendarme looked at the car keys in his hand, and then at Tang Sui who was not afraid that he would run away. Thinking of the other party's miraculous power means and unknown force value, he silently stepped over the miserable corpse of the middle-aged man, and inherited His legacy acts as a driver and guide.

The blue car started and drove into the dense fog, carefully avoiding the vehicles parked vertically and horizontally, and finally walked out of the parking lot and entered the main driveway.

"What do you want to know?"

Finally driving away from the dangerous area in his eyes, the military police carefully glanced at Tang Sui's side face while paying attention to the front angle.

Tang Sui thought for a while and said, "Let's start after I left."

The military police nodded, and then began to talk: "My name is Billy, and I am the lowest private in the military police. After you left the convenience store, the lady who begged us for help in vain also left, but it seems that you and her Didn't meet?"

Otherwise, they wouldn't be wandering outside instead of going back to the hotel.

Tang Sui said "hmm", "This fog is a bit weird. After staying in it for a long time, not only will the sense of direction be lost, but the passage of time will also become blurred."

She handed over the information she knew to Billy without hesitation.

Billy knew it well, and also knew that this was Tang Sui's friendly meaning, and then talked about after Tang Sui left, a group of big bugs that looked like a combination of locusts and wasps at night and other people who seemed to prey on those big bugs The unidentified flying creatures attacked them together. At first, everyone was very curious to use the flashlights to illuminate and check, but when they found that these strange things started to attack them, they panicked and started a fierce battle.

Tang Sui was silent for a second, then turned his head and looked at Billy with a strange look: "Haven't you heard that insects or other animals that come and go at night are more or less phototaxis?"

Billy pursed his lips, his blood-stained face should be scary, but Tang Sui could see a trace of grievance and shyness abruptly. Although the other party was pretty, he also had sharp eyes.

"I only went to junior high school, but I didn't finish it, so I went to be a soldier."

Tang Sui's eyes changed for a moment as Billy hemmed and hawed.

Got it, it turned out to be a rebel.

I can't tell, you big-eyed bastard, you used to be the kind of brat who couldn't listen to the teacher's lectures.

Feeling Tang Sui's gaze, Billy didn't dare to look at him, and abruptly changed the topic and continued to talk about what happened later.

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