The broken marks on the glass baffle that Tang Sui saw before were caused by these two monsters.

While they were all fighting the monsters desperately, one of the combined locust and wasp bugs suddenly landed on a woman.

The strange thing is that the woman was fine, she didn't get pricked by the other party's wasp-like tail and swelled to death, but what happened was that the other party was a fanatic.

She regarded this as the blessing of the gods, and started preaching crazily after this scuffle.

The people in the convenience store quickly divided into three factions.

The religious believers headed by the fanatic Ms. Carmody, another group of conservatives who are unwilling to participate, and the scientific accident theory that has always believed that this is just a biological mutation caused by pollution emitted by an experimental explosion.

Speaking of this, Billy paused for a moment, his voice became tense, and he asked with a trace of trepidation: "Do you know why that strange insect creature didn't attack Carmody?"

Tang Sui lowered her eyes, "I don't know, but it definitely has nothing to do with the god she believes in."

Otherwise, those of them who were stabbed by unknown insects would not die.

She chased away the guy who came to hunt after smelling the smell of food, and she had nothing to do with that troublemaker.

But since she did gain faith from Billy, whether "God" exists is still a question mark.

Billy held the steering wheel slightly loosely, let out a long breath, and said that after the attack, for the dying wounded, the man with the child and several others planned to go to the pharmacy next door to find antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicine and so on, but met a group of scary spiders.

According to the surviving man, those spiders were bigger than wolf dogs, they were numerous, they would hatch their eggs on people, and the spider silk they spit out had a corrosive effect.

The appearance is even more weird, the body of the black widow spider, but the head is like a human bone!

As he spoke, he trembled unconsciously, pondered his words, and talked about the most important piece of information.

That's where the fog comes from.

".The residents of the local town, including me, have mostly heard this rumor. That is... how does the upper class think that there are other dimensions in this world, knowing that other worlds than me are around us, other worlds may exist, And how they're trying to make window."

Bill used his meager store of knowledge to describe it.

Tang Sui raised his eyebrows lightly: "It's kind of interesting. Let me guess what happened next. Probably the world window connecting the two spatial dimensions was indeed successful, but it's a pity that people nowadays don't have enough capital to communicate with each other , because the other world is full of existences like ancient giant beasts, with only the instinct of hunting."

Billy didn't understand half of what he heard, but he probably got the point.

"Yes. As you said, after opening this window, they can see what the other world looks like through this window."

When he said this, Billy's tone was a little choked up, and his eyes were red, "I also heard the truth from my two colleagues in the convenience store. Before the alarm sounded, I and They just arrived at the convenience store and were thinking about buying some candy, but a second lieutenant suddenly came to inform us that we would be leaving in half an hour at the latest. Before that, I really didn’t know anything. I really didn’t know anything !”…

He looked at the front of the road and kept repeating the last sentence, his pupils trembled, and the highlights in his eyes instantly lost, as if he had fallen into a state of confusion and trance.

Tang Sui unceremoniously stretched out his hand and flicked the other person's forehead, and let the pain help him regain his sanity and sobriety: "Calm down, I don't mean to blame you. If you really know, like you said, in When a lieutenant with a higher rank than you comes to look for you, you should run faster than a rabbit and evacuate instead of spending time in the convenience store."

Billy resisted the urge to cry and nodded emphatically, his heart filled with deep gratitude.

He was grateful that Tang Sui didn't kick him around like a rubber ball to vent and treat him violently after hearing him say these things before.

Tang Sui, who didn't know that his driver's mind had faintly gone in the direction of being successful by the PUA, was thoughtful.

Hmm. At first, she thought she just spent two or three hours in the mist, maybe five hours at most, but she didn't expect it to go directly from the afternoon to noon the next day?

And those high-level open windows.
Tang Sui looked at the white mist flowing outside the window.

If the fog does not dissipate for a day, it proves that the window has not been closed for a day.

The other side of the world. Do they know that the outside of the town is actually gray and barren?

While thinking, a three-dimensional three-dimensional model emerged in his mind.

Although I didn't see those creatures with my own eyes, according to Billy's description, those creatures might not be the only ones that flooded into the town with this strange fog.

Plus the disabled shrimp she beat away. How come there is a sense of returning to ancient times?
According to the setting of the sci-fi movies in the previous life, even if the ancient monsters exist, they are in the other world.

A flash of light flashed in Tang Sui's mind, and a bold guess came to mind.

So what if the world where those creatures live is the outer world, and the small town is the inner world?
No one in the isolated town had ever suspected anomalies. The desolate world beyond the edge was filled with ashes falling from the sky, and no one set foot in it. Even she felt it was dangerous.

The power of faith gained from Billy can prove that the people in the town may really be human.

But this little power of faith only opened a gap that sealed her power.

What comes out is still demon power.

The soul skills just now were all due to her waiting for the broken hole to overflow with power one after another, accumulating small amounts and transforming them into soul power, which activated the soul ring and used the soul skills to heal Billy.

It takes time for the meager power overflowing from a small opening to gather the power to activate the soul skill, and it is only a one-time use.

How can Tang Sui be satisfied when he needs to wait for the accumulation next time?
But the information Billy said is not enough, she needs to know more information about the army base, for example, the world on the other side of the window, she is also very interested.

'What do you think? '

She asked about the masks.

Ape face: 'There is a risk. '

Big fly out: 'But it's worth a try. '

Fushen: "But what should I do if I check my identity?"The identity of the little master here is fictitious. '

After Fushen's worrying words fell, there was a shock in the mental space, and the eyes of Fox Mian and Grandma Mian lighted up.

The former said slowly: "Perhaps, this excuse is the most perfect excuse." '

The fox face grinned: "The window was successful, and it also attracted tourists from another world, which proves that there are actually human beings in another world."In this way, they will definitely bring you with them when they do experiments again, and they will also want to know more information about the other world from you. '

The ape-face who reacted also pondered over Wei Er: "Perhaps this wave can brainwash them all!" '

Tang Sui: "."

She felt very punished.

At this time, Tang Sui began to miss the system that fit her perfectly in every direction of thinking.

If the system is still there at this time, you should be able to discuss it with her in more detail, and then give her the best solution, right?

Sensing Tang Sui's mental activity, the chattering masks fell silent, and then the light in their eyes began to flicker.

—— Digression——

The existence of more sensitive forces has been replaced in this way.

Try again tomorrow if there is one more chapter (Jiojio who took the test)

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