"We have arrived."

Billy pulled the car to the side of the road and spoke softly.

Tang Sui opened his eyes and expanded his mental power, but the detectable range was still limited to a radius of three meters.

After closing the car door, Tang Sui glanced at the dense spider web that covered the rolling shutter door on the side of the weapon shop. Looking at the thickness, it seemed that many spiders had formed their webs here, but because of his brother's Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul, Tang Sui immediately paid attention to the man-faced demon spider's web binding soul ability.

The cement road in front of the weapon shop has deep bullet holes not far away, but there are few bullet holes in front of it covered with a lot of sticky white spider webs, and there is even a strangely intact concrete floor with This pool of solidified dark purple liquid could no longer smell any stench. It could be seen that it must have been a while, or the smell was blurred by the white mist.

Relying on the no signs of vital signs fed back by his mental strength, Tang Sui approached and looked at the bullet holes on the ground, and judged that a fierce battle had been fought here, but there seemed to be only one target being sniped, but it was very big.

Billy didn't dare to get too close to Tang Sui, but he also didn't dare to stay too far away from her. Seeing that Tang Sui was so close to the weird spider silk ball, he also leaned over curiously, and said in amazement: "The iron rolling door has not been blocked. Corrosion of spider silk! These strange colored liquids are again"

His voice gradually became smaller, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

Tang Sui responded softly: "It's blood. Something was sniped by a bullet here, and then injured."

As she said that, she looked sideways at the iron rolling door on the front of the weapons store, and looked at the tightly closed door, her thoughts were turning.

Hearing Tang Sui say "injured" but not "dead", Billy immediately looked around the thick fog vigilantly, wary of guys who might rush out of the fog.

Unarmed Billy says he's panicking, but he doesn't.

"I, shall we break open the shutter door and go in?" Billy asked calmly.

After witnessing that Tang Sui knocked away the several-meter-high monster without even moving a hand, he had no doubts about Tang Sui's force value.

This kind of iron rolling door should be easy for her.

"Violent destruction is not good, why don't you ask the owner here?" Tang Sui raised his head and looked at a surveillance camera with red light hidden in the corner of the eave diagonally above the main entrance.

The glowing red light indicated the fact that the surveillance cameras were still operating. Billy also reacted belatedly and became more vigilant: "Is there anyone else in here?"

Tang Sui scanned the bullet holes left on the ground: "It looks like more than one."

Billy heard the words, and the memory of being stabbed by his former countrymen attacked him again, but at this moment, he knew that he had to do something to prove that he was worthy and not just a drag.

Anyone can be a driver, even this girl can drive by herself, he can't stand still and wait to be eliminated!
Thinking of this, Billy let out a breath, passed Tang Sui, and walked in front of the surveillance camera, raised his head and communicated with the people watching in the weapon shop through a screen.

"Hey! Wilson, it's me, Billy. The military police guy who comes to your store one day a week!" He waved at the surveillance cameras, pointed to himself, and then started talking about them Destination:…

"We... already know the important reasons for the formation of this misty disaster, and we plan to go to the army base to resettle them together."

"Although I am just a private soldier, I have also received a summoning order for the army. Wilson, you retired early, but you also know the style of the army. Maybe if you open the door, we can form a team and go to the army base together? I promise I will I successfully brought you in in my name!"

The surveillance camera, flashing red, remained motionless, as if Billy hadn't given enough chips.

Seeing this, Billy hesitated for a moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he turned sideways to reveal some curiosity about the iron rolling door. At this moment, he stretched out his hand and touched the dusty and cold iron rolling door with an index finger.

Three people. Two men and one woman.

The spiritual power penetrated into the weapon shop through the iron rolling door touched by Tang Sui.

Tang Sui found that without the interference of the white mist, her mental power could normally carry out detection.

In an instant, the structure of the building in the weapon shop, the organs set up and the hidden underground monitoring room, how many people are there, and what they are doing, without exception, formed a three-dimensional thinking map in her mind and fed back.

She looked at the two men with shotguns on their backs. One was sitting on a chair in front of the surveillance camera, looking at Billy, who was constantly chattering in the surveillance camera, with a serious expression.

And another man standing diagonally behind him raised his hands, frowning as well, discussing with the man and another young woman whether they should be let in.

And then, Tang Sui heard Billy slapping her.

"I know my rank is too low to be convincing, but I can assure you that as long as this lady is here, all of us will be able to enter the base!"

Tang Sui: "."

She looked at the person inside who was seriously fooling around, and Billy fell into her arms by accident.

"I can't say the identity of this lady for the time being, but she is really important. As long as she is here, you and your companions can also enter the base and settle down together!"

Then, she "saw" the two men in front of the monitoring in the basement move, handing over the guard position to the woman, with a gun on her back, one walking ahead and raising the gun, the other holding a black pistol and walking towards the rolling door.

Tang Sui put down his hand and took two steps back.

Billy also stopped bawling, and looked over expectantly.


The sound of the iron door being pulled open came from inside. Tang Sui and Billy lowered their heads at the same time, watching the iron rolling door slide upwards, and stopped moving after half a meter.

"come in."

A cold male voice came from inside.

Billy looked happy, but he still waited for Tang Sui's intention.

Fortunately for Tang Sui at this height, he could just squat down and then lower his head to get in, instead of rolling in embarrassingly.

After seeing Tang Sui squatting in, Billy got down on the ground, rolled inside, and rolled in smoothly. As soon as he raised his head, he enjoyed the same treatment as Tang Sui.

"do not move."

There is one person with a black hole in the muzzle, and one is standing in the iron door that was opened inside, using a shotgun.

The other pointed a small gun at them in the fifty centimeter space vacated by the iron door and the iron rolling door.

The man holding the pistol raised his leg and pressed down the handle of the iron rolling door. After closing it tightly, he held the gun with one hand, and carefully pressed his fingers on the safety buckle, always on guard.

Maintaining a half-squat position, Tang Sui, who raised his hands, entered while maintaining a rolling position, and also raised his hands, Billy, who dared not move, watched the man turn the key inserted in the lock and put it back into his trouser pocket. , looking at them critically.

"Wilson, there's no need to do this, right? Don't you feel relieved?" Billy looked at the middle-aged man holding the gun and said bitterly.

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