The middle-aged man Billy called Wilson had a centipede-shaped scar on his right cheekbone that looked aged.

The gray hair occasionally has a few strands of black mixed in it. A pair of shrewd eyes passed over Billy, and his eyes fell on Tang Sui, who was just a harmless young lady, looking at the other party towards them. Suspicion flashed in his eyes as he exposed his white palm.

I didn't see any traces of cocoons, and it didn't look like a mercenary who used weapons frequently.

Tang Sui blinked, letting the other party look at him.

The fair and delicate facial features are very conspicuous in the dim environment, and even give people the illusion that she is shining.

After a simple examination and judgment, Wilson turned his head sideways and exchanged glances with another tall man wearing a jacket behind him. The latter nodded towards Wilson, and the two put down their guns at the same time in the next second.

"Sorry, it's a special period. We don't want to have the same situation as last time." With a hearty smile on Wilson's face, he extended his thick palm to Billy on the ground.

Billy stood up according to the opponent's strength, and he was smart enough not to ask Wilson what the "last time" was like.

The man in the jacket walked aside and turned on the light in the room. The dim light came on, and the man's deep and indifferent face came into view.

"Billy, who is this beautiful lady?" Wilson looked at Tang Sui.

Billy, who didn't know Tang Sui's name, looked over eagerly. Tang Sui took the initiative to introduce: "You can call me Tang, a Chinese."

Wilson nodded, and briefly introduced himself and the man next to him who didn't talk much.

Veteran weapon store owner Wilson, and mercenary Jonah, another companion Bella in front of surveillance.

The real mercenaries were themselves.

Billy wasn't stupid, he understood why the other party was so vigilant, presumably something unpleasant had happened before.

After Tang Sui and Billy entered the iron gate, the woman who was staying in front of the surveillance camera in the basement also came out.

The woman with a light brown high ponytail and a black leather jacket has a cold appearance. She is the kind of big beauty who is very arrogant at first glance.

As soon as he appeared, he took the initiative and asked Tang Sui bluntly: "He said outside the surveillance that you can take all of us into the base for resettlement, right?"

Tang Sui looked at Connor, who walked silently behind Bella holding a gun, and Wilson, who was acquiescing, and probably understood the status of this team.

Billy looked at Tang Sui nervously, and clenched his hands into fists unconsciously, for fear that his previous words would cause more trouble to Tang Sui.

"If the higher-ups are not stupid, they will agree to my more reasonable content requirements."

To Billy's surprise, Tang Sui carried on what he had said before.

This made Billy's eyes light up instantly, guilty and excited.

Bella looked at the slender little girl in front of her, she looked like a flower carefully cared for in the greenhouse, but she still didn't change her expression when facing them, but she changed her opinion of Tang Sui a little bit.

As for Tang Sui's vague answer, she only half believed it.

She is almost 40 years old now, and Tang Sui, a white and tender young girl, is of course a little girl in her eyes. …

Although they are both women, girls of the same age as this little girl can't be so calm when facing her, without the slightest fear. There is no quiet temperament.

"What do you want to do? Go directly to the army base?"

Bella threw the question to Tang Sui.

Just as Tang Sui saw that she was the eldest sister of the trio, Bella also keenly judged who was more dominant between Billy and Tang Sui.

"Packing lightly, if you still have water and food, just bring a little, you don't need too much." Tang Sui said after estimating the distance.

Bella frowned, and said: "But according to my previous information, the nearest army base in City B is more than 160 kilometers away from the town. With only one car, there is not enough oil supply. Even if the journey goes well, the fastest It will take about two days, with such a small amount, can you ensure that there will be no other accidents on the way?"

More than 160 kilometers?

Tang Sui froze for a moment, and the masks also said "huh", chattering about the expansion of the town's map section.

She quickly came back to her senses and said: "I saw it when I was standing at the door. The three of you should have fought a giant creature that looked like a spider before, right? Although we may encounter similar monsters on the road later. I don’t know how far the white mist has expanded, but I can assure you that as long as there are no monsters that are too outrageous, we will not fall into a bitter battle.”

Connor, who had been silently serving as the background board, asked aloud, "How outrageous is too outrageous?"

Tang Sui smiled slightly: "Naturally, it's the kind of huge monster that five people can't even shoot with a gun."

other people:"."

If you are invulnerable, you can still fight. If you encounter it, you will definitely fall into a hard fight.

Billy, who suddenly thought of the lobster monster that almost took his life outside the convenience store before, turned pale, and trembled, "Shouldn't there be such a monster?"

Connor's eyes flashed, and he said bluntly, "Have you met before?"

Wilson couldn't help but looked up and down Billy, whose eyes were covered in blood, and Tang Sui, who was dry and refreshing, and fell silent.

This... Billy must have met something, but he couldn't tell if she met this girl or not.

Tang Sui nodded calmly, and then brought the topic back: "If you meet, please run as far as you can, walk one by one, don't worry about me and Mr. Billy."

These words directly put her position on the stage.

If Tang Sui's "five people set fire" just now means that she can also become a combat force, then the latter sentence is really no match for the hint that you can all run, which shows that Tang Sui's team formation is very Buddhist.

Even without them, she and Billy would make their way to the army base.

The pressure suddenly came to Bella's side.

She and her two teammates looked at each other, looked at the experienced old man and former teacher Wilson, and gave him the choice: "Teacher, what do you think?"

Although we have more than ten years of experience, the experience of the older generation is always valuable. …

Wilson thought for a few seconds before agreeing.

Although he didn't know that the other party had something that the group of high-level people cared about, since the young girl dared to say that it was related to whether she would be shot to death when she went there, there was no need for the girl to lie.

What's more, his judgment is the same as Bella's. It doesn't matter if his teammates have no fighting power.

"Thank you."

A sincere smile appeared on Tang Sui's face.

Now that everyone's goals and positions are consistent, the next thing will be easy to handle.

Wilson found a map of the country that had been stored in the bottom of the cabinet in the store in the early years.

The moment Tang Sui saw the map, he knew how big the territory of the world she was in was.

But why did she see ashes everywhere when she stood at the border of the town?

While discussing the optimal route with everyone, Tang Sui focused on two tasks, constantly analyzing the known information in his heart.

When the fog came, all the patterns were changed, and even under the leadership of Billy, she finally walked out of the parking lot that she couldn't get out after going around for a day.

In the eyes of the local aborigines, the "world" is complete, but only in her eyes is the incomplete world.

Outsiders may be just one of them, and more, I am afraid that she has not been recognized by the world itself, just like in Douluo World, there is a lack of "proof" from the natives, so the "world" is not open to her.

Thinking about conspiracy theory, that is, the will of the world itself is active.

He confines her to this small town, judges her interests in this world, and then decides whether the world is open to her.

So she is taking the exam questions in this world to let the world recognize her?Or save the world from an invasion from another dimension?

Tang Sui has one head and two big ones.

An hour later, Billy, who was wearing Wilson's spare new T-shirt, was fully armed, carrying a large black hiking bag, and stood on the first floor with three other new teammates who were also fully armed.

Tang Sui, who was out of place, was really light-packed. Although she also carried a bag, it only contained two spare pistols besides the one in her hand and the corresponding bullets.

Neither water nor food was filled.

But no one blamed Tang Sui for not bringing all the equipment.

In their eyes, who were tall and muscular, Tang Sui had small arms and legs, so it would be good to be able to shoot without slowing down the fight.

If it is really wrapped into rice dumplings and goes to the battlefield, it will be a pig teammate.

Wilson turned his head and looked at the weapon shop that had been with him for five years. He took a deep breath, pressed his hand on the handle of the second-floor anti-theft iron rolling door, and was about to drag it up. He looked back at his new teammates:

"Are you ready, I'm going to open the door!"

The crowd nodded.

Then the next second, Wilson opened the iron rolling door, Tang Sui and the others quickly walked out from inside, pointing their guns at the surroundings, each in charge of one direction.

Wilson let go of the iron rolling door. After thinking about it, he pulled it down and locked it.

What if there is a day to come back?

He couldn't help holding on to this fluke.

Tang Sui and the others saw it, but they didn't accuse the other party of doing too much. After all, everyone has their own ideas, and what they want to do is his own decision, and he should be responsible for what he does.

The driver changed from Billy to Wilson.

Billy became the passenger seat, and Bella, Tang Sui, and Connor sat in the back seat in sequence.

Before starting the car, Wilson checked the amount of fuel remaining in the car and whistled: "Good luck, this car can still run a hundred kilometers on fuel."

As for after [-] kilometers, they just need to find another vehicle.

"Let's go." Bella said succinctly, keeping her eyes on the window and keeping vigilant at all times.

Wilson nodded, looking straight ahead, and was about to start the vehicle, but his sight suddenly froze, his pupils trembled violently, and he shouted hoarsely, arousing the vigilance of his teammates:


—— Digression——

This chapter is more than usual!
What's more is Xiao Jiageng who wishes happy birthday to the cutie "Autumn Sunshine and Blue Wind"~
It’s late but it’s time to add more~
see you tomorrow!

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