Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 512 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

The silhouette of a spider about two meters high in the hazy white mist is like a terrifying shadow reflected in people's hearts. It resembles the bone-shaped head of a dead human being, with sharp barbs growing on the edge, and barbs that are tens of centimeters long. The thick spider legs were about four meters long, and even the tips of the spider legs that were supposed to become thinner in the end had densely packed small spines.

There is no doubt that if this spider leg is scratched on a human body, it will not only rub off skin, but also flesh and blood.

The six gray compound eyes reflect the blue monster blocking its way forward, the white mist as light as thin smoke drifts through the ferociously moving mouthparts, and the yellow-brown viscous liquid drips down the sharp mouthparts On the ground, there was a scalp-numbing corrosion sound.


A whistling sound with special meaning emanated from its constantly trembling mouthparts.

In the next second, the flow of mist became turbulent, and one after another was shorter than this two-meter-tall spider, but each of them had a small gray spider the size of a basketball gushing out of dark corners everywhere. Like a spiny sea urchin, it raised its tiny barbed forelegs menacingly towards the enemy.

All this happened in only ten seconds.

"It's that monster again!"

Wilson, who was the first to come back to his senses, cursed, quickly glanced at the conditions of the road behind, put gear in one hand, slammed on the steering wheel with the other, and slammed on the accelerator, the blue car tires made a harsh friction sound, and then It was a sudden retreat.


Billy, who was sitting in the passenger seat, clearly saw a gray-black spherical figure the size of a basketball jump out of the white mist at the upper left and smash down towards their blue car.

Fortunately, Wilson's skill of being able to cross-country smoothly in the battlefield is not a bragging rights. With the slamming of the steering wheel, a front of the car drifted, and then staggered with the dropped gray spider shells, leaving only the angry gray spiders relying on the bouncing The sexy body roared and chased after the blue car.

"We'll make a detour out of town! Clean it up to you!" Wilson yelled, the car reversed at a crossroads, followed Wilson's last slam on the steering wheel and landed on the right track, went straight ahead, and focused on driving Get up.

Billy swallowed nervously, holding the shotgun, staring at the white mist outside the window as if facing a formidable enemy.

Bella and Connor have a good division of labor. Due to the narrow environment in the car, Connor, who is more accurate in sniping, uses a shotgun for guarding, while Bella uses a pistol.

Tang Sui, who was sitting in the middle, had nothing to do, staring at the swarm of spiders that were chasing after her in the rearview mirror, relying on her excellent eyesight, she saw a spider about the size of an egg on the oil-parking route. A row of miniature spiders one after another, frowning slightly, "Did there be so many of this kind of spiders in the beginning?"

"Probably not. The only ones that attacked us at first were a few jumping spider-like things. The big one was only seen yesterday evening. The other party seems to be expanding its territory." Bella looked tense , with disgust and hatred in his eyes, "These guys are shameless intruders!"

"Based on common sense, animals expand their hunting territory to better support their families. In this species of spiders, female spiders are more vicious and dominant. That big gray spider is probably the female spider that you haven't seen before. Spider, it should be laying eggs. And now, those little spiders have hatched." Tang Sui pointed to the swarm of spiders that were chasing after him in the front view mirror, and motioned them to look carefully at the lowest place.

"See those moving little black spiders on the horizon of the asphalt road? They must have just hatched."

In addition to being mentally tense, it is necessary to ensure that the speed will not be overtaken by the spiders behind, and to beware of a car that may suddenly appear in front of Wilson, who has to make a sharp turn.

Bella and the others frowned, staring at the place Tang Sui pointed at, their expressions suddenly changed.

Really little spider!

Connor stared at the group of spiders that were only ten meters away from them, and suddenly rolled down the window.

Misty white mist immediately poured into the car, but Connor didn't care too much. Instead, he set up the shotgun, opened the safety catch, aimed at the bone-shaped head of the giant gray spider, and pulled the trigger.


The fire ignited in the white mist, like fireworks that bloomed in the night sky for a moment and then disappeared, and fell together with the painful roar of the gray spider.

One shot to the head, but not fully.

Looking at the gray spider that was still able to move after being shot in the head, Connor looked cold, and pulled the trigger again without saying a word, hitting the skull with the same precision.


The female gray spider howled again, and her forward speed slowed down.

In addition to the densely packed little black spider offspring, the basketball-sized little gray spiders had already slowed down, raising their forelimbs one by one, anxiously surrounding the female gray spider.

What a good example to kill chickens and monkeys.

Appreciation flashed in Tang Sui's eyes, and he watched as Connor rolled up the car window to block the white mist that kept pouring into the car.

It was useless but Billy still had a witty mind and turned on the ventilator in the car silently, allowing the ventilation system to slowly replace the remaining white mist in the car.

"Nice job!" Wilson looked happily at the group of spiders slowly pulling away from them in the rearview mirror, and whistled in congratulation.

Connor nodded, then fell silent again holding the gun.

Seeing that the spider swarms that no longer chased them were gradually covered by the white mist and could no longer be seen, Bella also heaved a sigh of relief, but her eyes were a little melancholy, because she knew that at the speed at which these terrifying spider swarms multiplied, the small town I am afraid.
When driving to [-] kilometers, Wilson and Billy, who were doubly tired due to high mental tension, switched places.

Wilson in the passenger seat closed his eyes and fell into sleep, and Bella and Connor were also a little depressed.

To ensure a better state of mind, they also take turns resting and stalking.

For Tang Sui, staying up all night is the basic operation of a soul master. She is not tired at all. While looking at the map in her hand, besides telling Billy how to go to the next intersection, she is observing the city that has been completely covered by white mist. world.

After more than 80 kilometers, everyone arrived at a gas station.

After discussing for a while, they got out of the car one after another and went to the gas station in a team, intending to see if there were any new vehicles at the gas station.

If not, bring the car over to fill up after checking that there is no danger.

In this dangerous and special period, being alone is the beginning of death, so it is best to move forward in groups.

Ahead, there is still white mist lingering.In the gas station, apart from the unique smell of oil, there is a smell of rotten meat.

Billy looked at the big puddle on the ground that looked like a knot of intestines, and now it was covered with rotten flesh of maggots and flies. He covered his mouth, suppressed the rising ascites, and almost vomited it out.

Tang Sui was expressionless, although this was more extreme than what she saw in the capital of killing, but now with the increase in power, her human emotions seemed to become dull like the cold blood, and only death Only the threat can make her fluctuate.

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