Everyone frightened and briefly inspected the gas station.

Tang Sui also used his mental strength to confirm the aura of life forms in the vicinity. The bad news is that none of the people here survived, and all of them were brutally eaten by unknown monsters. The time of the fog is blurred, decayed, and crawling with disgusting sticky maggots.

The good news is that the unknown monster that caused the gas station's misery has left, and the place has been neglected for a while.

Surprisingly, he found a vehicle that seemed to have just been filled with gas and was attacked before he could drive out. Tang Sui looked at the driver's seat that was stained dark with blood, and pursed his lips tightly, not wanting to take a step. go up.

But under the decision of staying a little longer, danger may follow, Tang Sui chose to sit on the edge seat away from the blood-stained driver's seat, and refused to go back to the original middle seat no matter what.

Bella had a headache, but seeing Tang Sui's tense and serious face, she knew that the other party would not change easily.

The taciturn Connor said he didn't want to sit in the middle either.

Bella had no choice but to look at Billy, who had the weakest voice among them.

Billy: "."

Okay, isn't it just squeeze?
As long as he can live without being beaten, he just squeezes.

So the driver became Connor, the passenger seat was still the tired Wilson, and the back seat became Tang Sui, Billy, and Bella.

Billy, who was squeezed between the two ladies, was restless and could not express his pain.

If Tang Sui's temperament is tolerant and gentle like water, Bella's temperament is like a sharp knife drawn out of its scabbard. The overflowing murderous aura can freeze people, and the bones are stabbed by the cold.

The journey of more than 160 kilometers took two and a half days, including the day and night when the bridge was broken and impassable, so they diverted their routes day and night, and they finally saw the strong fortress base like a copper wall.

The black soldiers who were fully armed in isolation looked at this strange car and pointed their guns at it.

Billy, who relied on being taken away all the way, was finally dispatched to Chung Shang.

Under the supervision of the soldiers, they got out of the car one by one, holding their hands high, waiting to be inspected. Bella and the others looked at Billy who was talking to a soldier not far away. Tang Sui told the soldier what Tang Sui had said to him on the way to the army base.

Billy walked back with his hands raised, and this time it was Tang Sui's turn to go over and talk to the soldiers.

However, they saw that the soldier did not stand and talk with Tang Sui, but after chatting for a few words, the soldier suddenly scolded Tang Sui a little excitedly, but Tang Sui talked to him without changing his expression. A soldier called another subordinate and asked him to report to his superiors.

But Bella keenly noticed that after the exchange with Tang Sui, the soldier kept pointing the gun at Tang Sui, as if she was afraid of what she might do.

Seeing Billy walking back in a state of uncertainty, she lowered her voice and asked, "What did you say to him? Where are they taking Don now?"

Even if there is no life-and-death friendship, at least they are companions who escaped together. Coupled with Tang Sui's calmness and composure along the way, as well as his unflappable performance of loading and shooting, Bella also felt a touch of Tang Sui in her heart. Appreciation, I don't want to see such a good seedling pass away like this.

Thinking of what Tang Sui asked him to say, Billy swallowed hard, and shook his head at Bella, "I can't say it, but I believe she can do it."

Bella: "?"

She hated the Riddler, really.

At this end, the soldiers who ran to report to their superiors by radio had returned.

What the superior meant was to meet the girl who said she was from the world beyond the foggy world, and see how the other party could prove herself.

That's right, what Tang Sui asked Billy to tell the other party was that he was from the foggy world and wanted to cooperate with the high-level people here to bring everything back to the original state.

It sounds unbelievable to come across the world, but now the fog is pouring into the world they live in, and the dangerous unknown creatures are becoming more and more ferocious, and the survival of human beings is greatly threatened. They also want to check clearly.

With Tang Sui's departure, the four of Bella and the others were temporarily taken to a separate isolation room, which was treated differently from the isolation area where a large number of rescued people gathered, and it was regarded as special treatment.

The three of Wilson also felt more and more that Tang Sui's identity was not simple, while Billy, who was "alone sober", closed his eyes tightly, and began to pray that Tang Sui would win.

Feeling the power of belief penetrate the reinforced concrete pouring into the body, the corners of Tang Sui's lips could not help but raise a slight arc.

It's a pity that a person's power of faith is very meager. It would be great if there were more believers.

The faces of the people in the convenience store flashed in her mind, and finally settled on Ms. Irene.

She closed her eyes and let out a shallow breath, not regretting it in her heart, more indifferent.

Without the companions who rely on each other for warmth and the relatives who are connected by blood, she has already noticed that the humanity in her seems to be getting weaker, and it is difficult for her to arouse a little empathy in the cruel scene.

But now, there is still a tough battle to fight.

Tang Sui put away the surging emotions in his eyes, and stepped into the prepared special isolation room under the gaze of the captain soldier.

Inside, there were already psychologists and negotiators in white isolation suits waiting on the other side of a leaky rectangular wooden table.

After the two parties took their seats, this special conversation began.

Psychologists and the others retracted their surprised gazes, and went straight to the topic: "Hello, Miss, I heard from our soldiers that you said you came from Huaxia, a country in another world. With all due respect, this sounds like a fairy tale Tan, is just a figment of the imagination of a kid your age."

"Really? Did you find out the place name Huaxia?"

Tang Sui's expression did not change.

It is not nonsense to use China as the starting point, but when Wilson took out the world map, she discovered that there is only one country in this world. Like the previous life, different countries have different facial features or cultural characteristics. The world generalizes them as Easterners, Westerners, Southerners, and Northerners.

At the beginning, Tang Sui didn't react. When she was talking about where she was from in the car, she said she was from China. Bella and the others said in doubt, as if they had never heard of such a town, Tang Sui was taken aback. , and then listened to Bella saying that she was from the north and came from a place in the north called Ula City, while Connor was from the south and came from a small village with a more remote location.

Tang Sui collected some information calmly, and after integrating it, he realized that in their perception, people from different regions are divided by their appearance and culture, but in this world, there is only one country without a leader. , Only in the parliament composed of representatives from the five regions of the southeast, northwest, and center, major affairs are voted on.

Tang Sui immediately said: "."

No wonder when she looked at the portraits on the banknotes in this place, they were blurry, for fear of being seen clearly.

It turns out that there are no spiritual pillars at all.

—— Digression——

The man playing with water is coming tomorrow, woo woo, duck, I'm ready!

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