The psychologists and negotiators who were questioned gave a meal.

They really didn't find out.

But it is also possible that Tang Sui fabricated it.

The negotiator's eyes flashed, and he smiled at Tang Sui through the white germ isolation suit, although Tang Sui could only see the other party's unshielded eyes.

"We didn't find such a place name. But you know, Miss, this doesn't make us believe that you are indeed from another world, doesn't it?"

The negotiator came to play his expertise.

"What's more, you should have encountered those terrifying and deformed weird creatures like ancient giant beasts on the way here, right?"

"If you really came from the world where the mist is, such a world full of dangers, even we are devastated, how did you survive?"

This time the psychologist kept his mouth shut, holding a pen and scribbling in the sketchbook, profiling Tang Sui.

Tang Sui smiled, "Actually, I have something more direct that can prove that I am indeed from another world, but just like what you said, sir, what we all lack now is trust. You are willing to see me, I believe It also means that you are friendly and not malicious, which is why I am sitting here now."

"But I still need your high-level leaders to express an accurate position, whether to cooperate for a win-win situation or to restrict each other."

As he said that, Tang Sui looked at the transparent glass partition beside him.

She knew that behind this layer of glass was a group of people.

Among them may be their highest strength.

The psychologist and negotiator sitting opposite Tang Sui paused and realized that Tang Sui was not an ordinary rookie, but had some insight and something.

At the very least, their current ordinary classes don’t know about this mysterious glass layer. Most people with little knowledge will only regard it as an ordinary isolation room. The surrounding lighting is transparent to let the people inside the isolation room. Know that you are alone and helpless.

"It seems that everyone is in a difficult situation." Tang Sui looked at the two people who were frozen, and his eyes fell on the flat and empty table. He looked sideways at the soldiers with guns guarding the entrance, and said, "You can help me get the An iron spoon? Any hard metal weapon will do."

The soldier paused and looked at the negotiator questioningly, who nodded after a moment of thought.

The soldier turned his head and did not leave the door, but called another subordinate who was guarding the door.

Not long after, an iron spoon Tang Sui wanted was brought.

"Miss, what do you want the iron spoon for?" The negotiator didn't understand what kind of medicine Tang Sui was selling in the gourd.

Tang Sui looked at the silver spoon lying in the center of the black glove worn by the soldier, and asked the soldier an inexplicable question: "The hardness and authenticity of this spoon, you brought it yourself, are you sure there is no problem?"

Taste a few unusual soldiers for a meal, and he likes to watch some science fiction in his spare time, his eyes immediately became weird, and he couldn't help saying: "Ma'am, if you want to perform a show of bending silver spoons with bare hands, our Any trained soldier can bend a silver spoon."

Tang Sui, who really had this intention, paused, and nodded lightly: "Well, I just asked. Since you have confirmed it, then I will give my sincerity first."...
After the words fell, Tang Sui raised his hand.

The white fingers were long and slender, and the white wrist that was exposed was not wearing anything, but it was strange. When the white and harmless index finger was tens of centimeters away from the soldier, the silver on the soldier's hand The spoon seemed to be picked up by an invisible big hand, and suddenly flew out of the soldier's palm out of thin air, and flew to the negotiator in front of the wide-eyed eyes of everyone.

"what is this?!"

The two experts were frightened at the same time, and stood up abruptly from their seats. They didn't even care about the chairs falling down, and looked at the silver spoon that flew to the table and turned itself in astonishment.

The soldier and the soldiers stationed at the door raised their guns subconsciously, aiming their black muzzles at Tang Sui.

"What is that? Magic?" Standing behind the glass partition

A magistrate said suspiciously.

"Did the spoon be tampered with when it was brought over?!" This was one of the dispatched scientists, full of conspiracy storms.

"Not like. I didn't see any traces of silk threads. And her expression is very natural." Another general who has studied human micro-expressions looked at Tang Sui carefully, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Do you think she's telling the truth?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

They looked at each other.

Another scientist seemed to have a different opinion.

He straightened the frame of his glasses, with a mournful expression on his face: "The 'doors' have been opened by us, and unknown and terrifying monsters have also appeared. Could it be that the other world cannot have 'evolved humans,'?"

The others couldn't help being silent when they heard the words.

Indeed, the price of the "window" opened this time is too heavy.

The whole world has been greatly affected.

But how did this young girl do it?
When doubts arose in everyone's hearts, Tang Sui looked at the two experts who were two meters away from the table, and made a "please" gesture:

"Please don't be so nervous. It's just a small proof. Don't you doubt how people from other worlds survived in the fog of danger? It's because the vast majority of people in our world, after birth , will acquire their own natural abilities, and become stronger with age and strength. On your side, it should be called special power, or, supernatural ability? Magic? It’s okay.”

"If you suspect it's magic, you can also boldly reach out and check if there are any threads around the spoon."

After speaking, Tang Sui stood still and waited for the feedback from the two experts.

As for the two muzzles aimed at her, Tang Sui looked sideways at the soldier who was on alert, and blinked: "I forgot to say, your bullets are actually useless to me. But to show my goodwill, I I would like to restrain myself a little bit."

Two soldiers: "."

Wearing isolation helmets, they couldn't help showing complicated expressions. This time, they didn't dare to underestimate Tang Sui's words, but they also dubiously believed them.

After all, in their subjective consciousness, it is impossible for people to beat bullets.

Seeing through the thoughts of the two-legged beasts present, the fox face giggled, jokingly said: "Perhaps little master, you can tell them, my lord, the times have changed." ,
Tang Sui really thought about the feasibility of this sentence, but seeing the two experts gradually change from timid to bold, and finally surprised, Tang Sui decided not to provoke them.

Maintain a sense of mystery, but a magic stick, ah no, the necessary common sense for gods.

The two experts who had confirmed that the silver spoon was not hoisted by the mechanism also picked up their broken three views again, and their attitude towards Tang Sui seemed more rigorous than before. .
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