By the time the agreement between the two parties was finalized, it was already three hours later.

In terms of physical examination, Tang Sui can cooperate with their research, but only accepts external examinations such as X-rays, and provides hair strands as a friend, but does not include his own blood, and refuses to provide any experimental materials that will harm his body.

The higher-ups felt that Tang Sui's appetite was too great, and it was understandable that he didn't want to take a biopsy or take bone marrow, but if he didn't provide a drop of blood, that would be too much.

Tang Sui only said one thing about the aggression of the high-level people: The more powerful a person is, the more attractive his own blood will be to those guys.Even if there is only a drop of blood, the effect is no less than that of putting bait into a pack of hungry wolves.

Tang Sui's position is very clear.

To be honest, anyway, if I go back, I will still live in the same world as these monsters in the mist. It doesn’t matter whether I go back or not, the main thing is to see if the humans here want to close the window and let the world return to its original state.

She chose to play badly.You must know that the world on the other side is a world where the strong are respected and the weak are eliminated.As long as there is strength, which side is not alive?
Therefore, even though there are many scientists and careerists in the high-level who want to obtain more DNA and physical data of Tang Sui, they don't care about this crisis at all. The cooperation is only proposed out of kindness, and they can fly solo at any time , just survive in this world.

As Tang Sui said, capable people can thrive wherever they are, not to mention Tang Sui also has special abilities that they are not familiar with.

According to Tang Sui's cautious and confident attitude towards blood, many people have analyzed that Tang Sui himself is a very powerful innate ability user, which is why he is so fearless.

To be able to fight against monsters that are immune to gunfire, and to live to such a large size safely, no matter how you think about it, it is not a vase.

The conversation gradually came to an end. The psychologist looked at the line-by-line records in his sketchbook, raised his head, stared deeply at Tang Sui, and asked a question that Tang Sui thought was unexpected.

"Miss Tang, can I ask one last question?"

"Huh?" Tang Sui said with a look at the other party.

The psychologist put down his sketchbook and said firmly: "Your identity in another world is not an ordinary civilian, right?"

No matter before or after stepping into this isolation room, the attitude of the girl in front of her has always been calm, even if there are a lot of people behind the special glass partition, and there may even be the most senior leaders on their side. He didn't panic at all, and his eyes never wavered, as if he was used to this kind of cross-level conversation.

The ease of speaking made people completely unable to find an entry point, because every condition Tang Sui gave was well-organized, so it was more justifiable to refuse their request.

They were obviously on their own territory, but they were the ones who had been passive since the beginning of the conversation.

Such a person, psychologists no longer treat Tang Sui as an ordinary girl.

To the psychologist's question, Tang Sui just responded with a smile: "You can guess."

"By the way, the four people who came here with me didn't know anything about me. They only regarded me as a tourist who also suffered a disaster. For the sake of the hard work along the way, please don't embarrass them." ....
Of course, the higher-ups responded with a smile.

However, as soon as they turned around, they took Bella and the four of them separately into the interrogation room, allowing the prosecutors in the base to conduct interrogation and record work, but did not carry out any lynching.

Bella, who was a little uneasy at first because she was separated from her teammates, gradually settled down and answered the prosecutor's questions.

There is nothing that cannot be answered, because they really know very little.

Apart from the news from Billy that Tang Sui had easily dealt with a fog monster three to four meters high, there was no other useful news.

Since forming the team, Tang Sui has kept a low profile in the team, not to mention his efficiency.

Based on Billy's description and sketches, they reproduced the lobster monster Tang Sui hit on the computer, and then convened a council.

Dare to sneak into the mist alone and seriously injure the hard monster that consumed a lot of bullets to barely escape. Tang Sui's combat power immediately made a new estimate.

A group of high-level executives talked to each other on this rectangular conference table, always focusing on one topic—whether or not to trust Tang Sui, and take Tang Sui to the "window" of the city.

The gate that connects this world with the next is not here, but in another large town.

The small town where Tang Sui landed can be said to be the last victim range.

And the real "window" is actually in the city.

The high-level executives used high-performance equipment to hold an on-site meeting non-stop. After unanimous approval, Tang Sui's final destination was also put on the agenda.

At the end of the new day of X-rays, Tang Sui stretched, and was cut off by the secretary and another man who was fully armed. Looking at the badge and rank on his shoulder, he was still a lieutenant general.

"Tang, tomorrow morning, Lieutenant General Modi will lead an elite team of 20 people to escort you to the city, which is where the 'window' connecting the two worlds is located. Can you?"

The secretary asked in a dignified manner, but no one knew that this was an established fact.

Tang Sui nodded, "I can do it anytime."

She looked at the man standing upright behind the secretary, and greeted him friendly: "Mr. Lieutenant General, hello."

The man looked serious, and ignored the fact that the secretary was still present, he said bluntly: "Miss Tang, I have heard about you for a long time. Although we will escort you to the city for the next itinerary, there is one thing, even if Mr. Allen is present. It has to be said first.”

The smile on Secretary Allen's face froze, and he winked at the other party with a slightly changed expression, which was ignored by Lieutenant General Modi.

"Please tell me, Lieutenant General."

Tang Sui's easy-going attitude did not soften the lieutenant general's attitude, but said coldly: "The twenty elite soldiers I lead this time are all brothers who have been born and died with me. We all know the journey It's dangerous, so I don't ask for anything else, just ask that you can obey my orders when something big happens on the road."

This is not too much.

Tang Sui nodded cheerfully.

Lieutenant General Modi's straight back relaxed a little, and he strode away amid Secretary Allen's awkward smile, without showing any face to the other party.

Secretary Allen had to apologize, saying that the soldiers' personalities were like this, and asked her not to mind.

Tang Sui nodded his head in understanding, he didn't mind at all, and even had other thoughts.

For example, a seedling with personality is very suitable for being poached.

—— Digression——

Although I couldn't go to the theater premiere, I still watched the movie at home.

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow .
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