Chapter 516 She Is Not a Good Person

Tang Suizhai cooperated with the inspection at the base, and while waiting for the high-level meeting to discuss, the world has been shrouded in white mist.

Those terrifying monsters that invaded the world together with the mist are constantly updating their species, and together with countless soldiers and people who died on the front line, they become cold video records and are presented in everyone's field of vision.

The cruel reality is shown on the big screen in the most authentic record form without any editing.

Tang Sui has been to the temporary garrison site for the affected people in the army base, and has also seen the videos ordered by the high-level to be used as a warning and popular science for ordinary people.

With just one glance, people can feel the real hell on earth through the cold screen.

Those who were lucky enough to be rescued by the authorities to the temporary camp had children who silently hugged their own children tightly, and two lines of hot tears flowed silently on the vicissitudes of their faces.

The little muddy face of the child without the care of the elders is also full of tears. The stubborn little figure stands in front of the big screen that is convenient for the public to give orders or understand the situation of the country, and the pupils of the eyes are full of mourning.

They miss the warm embrace that will catch them for free no matter what.

It's a pity that after breaking away from fantasy, what they faced was only the lingering wind, and they could no longer hear the troublesome words of familiar people in daily life.

The female captain who was dispatched to look after Tang Sui, who was also watching her, watched this sad scene, even she couldn't help the sourness welling up, trying to suppress the tears, exhaled a hot breath, looked at Looking at the big screen that was still broadcasting the latest frontline news, he murmured:
"If there is a God in this world, I hope He can save them."

She also has a lovely child.

But the disaster came too suddenly. When she was still in the army, her son's school fell.

How could immature children be the opponents of those monsters?

Even a single gray widow spider, even a small spider, is enough to kill many children.

She didn't believe in God before, but as a mother who wanted to grab the last straw, if she could save her son, she could do anything.

Hearing the female captain's murmur, Tang Sui, who was standing at the temporary station again, glanced at her heroic face full of despair and hope, lowered his eyes, and did not answer.

Because of Tang Sui, even in the spiritual space, the fox faces can feel the sadness and depression of the outside world surging up and down like a tide, as well as the emotion of anxiously wanting to catch redemption.

The masks exist as a half body, and Tang Sui's emotional changes will also be shared.

Noticing the slightest bit of strange emotion, Fox's face said softly: "It's the sixth time. '

The ape-faced voice was deep: "They are praying for a god to come and save them from fire and water.If you stand up at this time and save these human beings, they will regard you as the only god and belief. '

Da Feichu, who always likes to think of the worst side of things, doesn't agree with this statement: "Even if we urgently need more beliefs to reopen the imprisonment, we can't be so impatient.Once the little master stands up and shows his special ability, human beings will only go ahead and climb up the pole, using the little master as a rescue tool. '

Fushen also nodded in agreement: 'Yes.When hanging on the edge of the cliff, I desperately hope that someone can come to save me, but if someone does come to save me, some people will complain why they came to save me so late, and it can't be earlier. '

The eyes of the fox with long and narrow fox face lit up, flickering, and the tone was full of deep sneer: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."But that's for good people, and for taking advantage of them.We are not good people, why bother to bear these resentments?It is better to leave fate to human self-choice. '

'Anyway, they don't lack people who lead the way and goals they want to achieve, don't they? '

Tang Sui raised his eyes and looked at the big screen that had been converted into speeches by the leaders.

Grandma said kindly: "If the little master feels distressed, you can start with the source of the mutation in this world." '

The ape face only agrees with half of it: "Cutting off heresy from the source is the first priority, and the second is to win more people's hearts."I know you disdain to take advantage of this moment, but the reality is that we need more power of faith.Benefits and risks are always equal. '

The masks chattered, trying to persuade Tang Sui.

Tang Sui closed her eyes, and after a few seconds, she opened them again. She looked at the people who were shrouded in a haze of despair, but couldn't help but hold hope together. She turned around, and in the dark blue pupils There is a faint light shining, but it has more agility than before. It is no longer a cold and inorganic substance like a porcelain doll, like a deity with no sorrow or joy overlooking all living beings.

'Although I don't like the feeling of taking advantage of the situation, I am not the kind of righteous shadow who doesn't like to leave a name after doing good deeds. '

The masks fell silent and trembled up and down.

'You figured it out? '

The tone of Yuanmian couldn't hide his joy.

Tang Sui raised his jaw slightly, stepped into the shadow of the corridor.

'Faith, I will. '

'People, we need to be saved.But if you don't save garbage, it depends on the person. '

The long and narrow fox eyes on the fox's face flashed, "What if this will cause resentment?" '

'If you hate it, hate it.There are many people who hated me in the previous life and this life.It doesn't matter if I accumulate karma, I'm not a good person anyway.No one stipulates that God must be a good God. '

She can also be a villain.

Tang Sui replied casually, and Humian chuckled lightly.

In the early morning of the next day, except for Tang Sui, a total of 21 people and two military trucks were neatly lined up in front of the gate of the army base with equipment and supplies under the command of Lieutenant General Modi.

Tang Sui was the last one to walk out of the gate of the base.

She was still accompanied by the female captain sent by the high-level to monitor her.

The things she was going to carry were all loaded by the female captain under the gaze of other personnel. The female captain carrying a big black mountaineering bag stood at the gate of the base with electric protection, and took off the mountaineering bag on her back. Handed it to Tang Sui without saying a word.

Tang Sui reached out to take it.

The weight of twenty or thirty catties was held by the slender wrist, not even a red mark was left on the delicate skin.

This was within Tang Sui's expectations.

But in the next second, the action of the female captain was beyond her expectation.

She suddenly stood up in a military posture, her long legs straight, standing close together, raised her hand and gave her a military salute, with complicated emotions in her eyes, said:

"I wish you a safe journey."

Said the female captain who had checked the culture of Orientals in the past two days.

At the same time, a power of faith that cannot be seen by human eyes rose from her body and flew into Tang Sui's body.

The small hole that had been opened by Billy suddenly widened a little bit.

Although it is unbelievable to say it, the fact is that even if Tang Sui has demonstrated her special ability, in this army base, everyone she has come into contact with does not trust her, only jealous and complicated, no one is convinced.

And now, it turned out to be a subject who watched her open this breach first.

Tang Sui closed his eyes, nodded silently to the female captain, turned around and walked towards Admiral Modi without any hesitation.

Her prayer, she heard.

(End of this chapter)

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