"What are you doing in a daze? Tell the vehicle to leave quickly." Tang Sui pulled back the rationality of the people beside him with a cold voice.

"Everyone be alert! Keep driving!"

Lieutenant General Modi wiped the water marks on the shield with his hand, gave up the radio, and roared in the most primitive way.

The other soldiers were all agitated, each performing their duties, from the haste at the beginning to the methodical tacit cooperation.

The military card was restarted, but the guy whose wrist was cut off in the fog was already angered. After that roar mixed with anger fell, the ground began to tremble slightly, and the trees were crushed by some huge thing. The sound of breaking, running over, and the white mist that turned into water vapor and fell on the ground could not block the moving behemoth.

Giraffe-like in shape, the legs are thick, pale, multi-jointed bony structures.

The six long giant legs are like the long feet of an elephant, supporting its body with many tumors. At first glance, it looks like a skyscraper. Whether it is a military card or a human being, it is extremely small and insignificant in front of it. Pitiful.

Ordinary people might not be able to see clearly, but Tang Sui could clearly see that every sarcoid that bulged under the black rock-like armor was like an eye, and a sticky light yellow eye mask would appear every time it blinked. There seemed to be some long, smooth worms moving and sliding over the closed eyelids, which made Tang Sui's scalp tingle for a while.

Several scorpion-tailed flying beasts flew around the insect limbs extending from the skeleton torso that looked like some kind of beast.Looking at it from the bottom is like looking at a living fossil. There are so many black ribs left on the surface of the fossil that it makes one's scalp tingle.

Knife feet with unknown functions also protrude from the abdomen, and the large tentacles and sharp limbs are squeezed together, which makes it look very distorted.


The colossal monster, who couldn't see where its mouth was, let out a deep roar.

In the next second, those scorpion-tailed fly-bodied creatures hovering around the giant beast seemed to have received some order, flapping their wings similar to cicada wings, and making a loud "buzzing" sound and went straight to them Come.

Lieutenant General Modi shrank his pupils sharply, pulled the trigger in his hand, and launched an attack on the scorpion flies flying densely like a giant net, while shouting:
"The enemy is coming! Cover the driver! Pay attention to the lineup and move forward at full speed!"

There is no need to proceed cautiously now.

Anyway, military trucks are all modified, as long as they are not facing any tanks or fully armed armored vehicles, ordinary vehicles and trees are especially capable of hitting.

After yelling this sentence, Lieutenant General Modi, who knew that staying on top of the truck would only become a live target for their attacks, said to Tang Sui while killing the scorpion flies in the air: "You go in first, and I will help you back up." !"

To be honest, Lieutenant General Modi's heart was cold and filled with a touch of regret when he saw a behemoth that rivaled skyscrapers.

If they had known it would be such a behemoth, they should have turned around and detoured.

With their force alone, they can't bear it at all!

Tang Sui's face was also extremely serious, because the moment this behemoth Behemoth appeared, she realized one thing - now she can't beat this guy.

But she also didn't mean to let Lieutenant General Modi act as a moving target for her.

After all, she was the one who asked people to get on the roof in the first place.

"These flying insects are nothing to me. Go down, cover your subordinates, and move forward at full speed. I won't be shocked."

Although her power is blocked, her skills and physique are still there. As long as her masks are not blocked, she has the ability to protect herself in group attacks.

Lieutenant General Modi wanted to say something, but when Tang Sui raised his hand with a condensed expression, the surrounding space rippled, and four jade-white masks with different postures emerged from the void. Modi, who had always believed in science, was dumbfounded Will.

Lieutenant General Modi's heart was shocked again.

This, these weird mask-like abilities are not mentioned in the personal information report!

The trembling sound of the approaching wings brought Lieutenant General Modi back to his senses, took a deep breath, knocked on the partition under his feet, raised his head and said to Tang Sui, "Don't die!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped down, and the window leading to the car was closed neatly. Tang Sui, who was staying above the military truck, clearly felt that the speed of the truck had increased.


Tang Sui's fingertips trembled slightly, mobilizing the monster power accumulated in his body. With ten fingers, a black and red light ball emerged from the palm, stretched in the blink of an eye, and changed into the shape of a long knife. The handle of the knife was firmly held by Tang Sui in his hand.


The sound of taking a breath came from the driver's seat of the second military truck. The perspective of three soldiers sitting in a row was the best observation position for observing the first military truck.

The mask appeared out of thin air, and the scene of Tang Sui "taking things from the air" drawing the sword was clearly transmitted to their field of vision, and the world view of the three soldiers who did not believe in God was immediately greatly shocked.

"My God, is she really human?" the soldier in the driver's seat murmured.

The comrade-in-arms beside him also replied in a daze: "Maybe, isn't it." The floating mask and "fetching objects from space" and so on don't seem like what humans can do, okay? !
The soldier near the car door regained his senses and turned his head to look at the driver soldier belatedly, "Don't you hate God and believers the most?" Why did you say "My God"?
The soldier in the driver's seat came back to his senses, and before he had time to explain, a scorpion fly rushed from the window beside him, and hit the reinforced bulletproof glass with a "bang".

The other two were so shocked that they also came back to their senses, looking at the scorpion fly moving its mouthparts on the glass window, goosebumps arose.

"Bang bang bang!"

With such a ecstasy, several other fat scorpion flies crashed into the front windshield one after another, the driver's view was blocked by most of it, and the road ahead could not be seen clearly.

"Damn it!" the driver soldier cursed with a sudden change of face.

Before his two comrades could take rescue measures, another jade-white shadow was like an iron broom, and quickly and accurately blasted away the few scorpion flies that were stuck tightly in front of the windshield, leaving the space that was originally Clear vision.

"Oh shit!"

The three rescued people yelled curses at the same time.

Not for anything else, because the culprit who just blasted those scorpion flies away was hovering at the far left of the windshield at a weird parallel speed with the moving military truck.

At the same time, the few scorpion flies stuck on their window were also shot away by another white mask.

The three soldiers who had just seen how these masks came to be with their own eyes were still in shock. They struggled to find the pictures from the corners of their memories, and their beating hearts slowed down a bit.

Very good, confirmed the memory, it is a friendly army.

Tang Sui, who imitated two long knives with demon power to kill those scorpion flies, looked at Fushen and Dafei who were already solving the trouble of the second military truck, looked away, raised the knife and dropped it, three more times A scorpion fly separated from its head and body, fell from mid-air on the ground of the asphalt road, and was crushed into a lump by the wide wheels.

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