Under the well-trained tacit cooperation of the soldiers and the cover of Tang Sui, two large military trucks galloped on the asphalt road and had already driven several kilometers away.

Behind their vehicle, there are bloody limbs of scorpion flies all over the ground.

Tang Sui knocked off the last scorpionfly that came at her, looked sideways at the giant beast standing in the mist, and frowned slightly, a little surprised that the other party didn't intend to attack in person.


In doubt, the long and low roar of the giant beast pierced through the re-condensed fog and rang in the ears of everyone who survived the catastrophe.

Through the holes the size of tennis balls pierced by swarms of scorpion flies in the rear compartment of the military truck, they also saw the dangerous giant beast that humans could not defeat.

People watched the scorpion flies that were chasing after them stop their eager steps amidst this long cry, and began to retreat into the mist in an orderly manner, without seeing their figures.

They are like the guardians of the territory, and the purpose of dispatching is only to drive the enemy out of the territory.

The huge red eyes of the ape who observed this scene flickered, and concluded: "They seem to be very sure that this is their territory." '

The roar just now not only stopped the chasing guards, but also contained a question.

The gigantic beast was questioning her why she had invaded its territory.

Tang Sui kept standing sideways and remained silent for a long time without answering. He didn't dare to slow down until the military truck drove a few hundred meters non-stop and couldn't see the huge beast at all. , and then drove the gray-green military truck to the side of the road, stopped for rectification, and counted the number of people injured and the supplies consumed in the melee just now.

Lieutenant General Modi, who had been counted, walked to the advertising stop sign standing alone, looked at Tang Sui, who was covered by the fog, and handed her a bottle of water, "Thank you."

Tang Sui came back to his senses, Lieutenant General Mo Di, whose forehead was covered with tiny beads of sweat, exhaled, and said, "If you hadn't helped us just now, our loss would have been more than that."

Even annihilation is not impossible.

Tang Sui's eyes fell on the soldiers over there who were helping each other to bandage and clean their wounds, and changed the topic: "How are the soldiers doing?"

Lieutenant General Modi pursed his lips, "There were no casualties. But two brothers were stabbed by their tail spines when defending against those bugs. Although our armor was hard enough, they were pierced. Their arms and thighs are still injured. The tail stab is extremely poisonous, and they have fallen into a coma now, and I am afraid they will not be able to move on."

As he spoke, his voice became tense, revealing a trace of sadness.

Tang Sui realized the meaning of Lieutenant General Modi's last words, and suddenly turned his head to look at the place surrounded by several soldiers.

One of them had already pulled out the spare pistol at his waist, pointed the black muzzle at the ground, and his body began to swell. The unconscious comrade's hand on the trigger trembled faintly.

They don't understand the characteristics of these unknown creatures. With the current technology, serum can't be developed at all.

Existing medicaments also only play a relieving effect, and cannot achieve a radical cure of the toxin.

In such a situation where the host itself is in extreme pain, all they can do is to help their comrades get rid of it as soon as possible.

Tang Sui's pupils shrank when he also thought of this point, Lieutenant General Modi felt that the light and shadow in front of him disappeared in a flash, and Tang Sui had disappeared in place.

"Wait a moment."

Tang Sui, who was completely unprepared for protective measures, stretched out his hands and held them down. He held down the pistols raised by the two men who wanted to help their comrades out one by one. The next sentence he said warmed up everyone's hearts that had been chilled by grief.

"I can save them."

Including Lieutenant General Modi who approached, all eyes were on Tang Sui.

One of the soldiers who had a close relationship with the wounded said in a hoarse voice, "How do you help?"

Tang Sui raised his hand, and a dark purple halo floated up from his feet. The person standing beside Tang Sui subconsciously took a few steps back to make way for the open space.

"The second soul skill, good face."

Tang Sui's language belongs to the Douluo Continent, not any language familiar to this world.

The soldiers with the worst condition were treated first, and the festering and swollen wounds disappeared, returning to the original big hairy legs.

His weak breathing became steady, and his heaving chest also returned to its usual rhythm, indicating the magical reality that he was healed.

Everyone was silent, and every pupil was shaking.

The skills are still in the cooldown period, just in case, Tang Sui used his demonic power to restrain the spreading poison and help him hold his breath.

After the cooling time was over, Tang Sui also applied a healing buff to the soldier, stood up, turned around calmly and walked back to the military card to wait in the eyes of everyone.

After Tang Sui got into the car, Lieutenant General Modi, who came back to his senses, squatted down, took off his black leather gloves, and put his cold hands under the noses of his comrades to test them one by one. After confirming that they were all alive, he couldn't believe it. He raised his head and looked in Tang Sui's direction.

Then, everyone exploded the pot like boiling water.

One after another, the power of faith passed through the thick car door and entered Tang Sui's body.

But there was no sign of happiness on Tang Sui's face, not even the masks in the spiritual space congratulated Tang Sui.

The atmosphere became condensed, and Tang Sui's face became even more icy cold.

"It is also the effect of both kindness and power. Although there is only power and no force on the alien species, it is impossible to obtain the power of faith from the alien species who also have spiritual intelligence, but humans can."

Tang Sui stared coldly at the thick white mist outside the windshield ahead.

"I can take it as, are you on the human side?"

There was no one in the car, Tang Sui's voice fell silent again.

But Tang Sui didn't care, and continued to say: "Let me, who vowed to prove the Tao with an inhuman body, be the savior of mankind and suppress the alien species. You really took great pains to shake my Taoism."


Outside the windshield, the surging white mist stopped, and the voices of the soldiers also stopped abruptly, as if someone had pressed the pause button, and the time of the whole world stopped.

[When did you find out? 】

"Just now." Thinking of the reason for his awakening, Tang Sui felt a little delicate.

Because I also hurt others.

"Fortunately, no matter before or after the discovery, I never thought of becoming the savior of mankind. Even in the world of Douluo Continent."

Her eyelashes drooped slightly, "I have never taken any redemption script. It includes giving the fallen people in the killing capital a real dream, not because of pity and righteousness, but because they happen to be them. In other words, even if There are a group of soul beasts, and I will also create a real dream for them as usual, leading them to the direction I expect."

"I never think that I am a good person. In order to achieve my goal, I will use all methods, but unscrupulous means are just bad tactics. Regarding the principle of this position, unfortunately, it has not developed in the direction of the savior of mankind you expected."

[You just saved two humans, now you are going to turn against them and become the executioner who took their lives, and become the enemy of mankind? 】

The voice said, like a scholar who carefully studies and analyzes textbooks, must prove that his theory is correct, and "correct" the "wrong" content in the textbook.

—— Digression——

Rebel Spike: Be brave enough to say no.

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