Chapter 520 I'm Not A Devil

"Enemy? You're joking." Tang Sui's dark blue pupils showed a little irony.

"Where there are people, there will be battles. When they have no common enemy, they will turn around and fight among themselves. Even if I don't take action and keep watching, in this test field called 'humanity', people will eventually The order will collapse due to the gradual threat, and a few true and good people will die."

Tang Sui opened the car door, jumped out of the passenger seat lightly, and landed on the dusty ground.

"Everything in the world is balanced. And this world is more real. The world people live in is not the inner world, but the normal outer world, just because you didn't open permission to me. Everything comes from 'another The world's aliens are also real."

"But the two actually coexist in a world. One surface, one interior. Like the place where the light shines, in addition to the gorgeous surface, there is also a mottled interior. The place where the aliens live is the inner world."

She looked at the people whose faces were filled with the joy of the rest of their life after the catastrophe, and looked towards the foggy rear.

"Humanity already has a direction and a goal, so I don't need to intervene. But for these alien species born in chaos, all they can rely on is the instinct of biological competition for survival."

【. So, do you still want to stand on the opposite side of human beings? 】

Tang Sui paced to stand in front of the billboard at the station, looked at the staggered map of bus routes sandwiched between the glass layers, his eyes were cold: "If you are not of my race, you may not be punished. Whether the order of this world can be restored depends on The next deal I will make with you."

"You can unseal the seal of my power. In contrast, I will help you to reorganize the chaotic order, so that both worlds can go on the path of normal development."

"Both the inner world and the outer world are bounded by 'gates'. After convincing the aliens, I will take them back to the inner world and return the outer world to the original inhabitants, and the 'door' will be closed permanently. Unless someone does not Consciously, trying to open the 'door' again will trigger the corresponding protective measures."

"If the two are conscious and live peacefully in their own world without crossing the border, then your world can also move towards a glorious future. What do you think?"

Tang Sui threw out an olive branch.

That voice is the consciousness of heaven in this world. He was silent for a few seconds before slowly saying:

[Even if you can't gain the relative power of faith, it doesn't matter? 】

He remembered that she had discovered that alien species could not provide her with the power of faith.

Of course, Tang Sui was prepared for the seeds to fail. Anyway, these seeds were picked up, so he took it as an attempt, at least he would not lose money.

"I'm eager to collect the power of faith to complete my great cause. But it doesn't mean I will accept to abandon the way I chose. Even if I haven't really realized the way, I won't choose to be the savior of human beings."

She raised her jaw slightly, her delicate porcelain white face exuded a sense of coldness.

"I will not choose an absolute position. What I do, I just want to be worthy of myself."

The consciousness of heaven fell into silence, as if evaluating the conditions proposed by Tang Sui.

A few seconds later, a sound like broken glass came from her body, silently explaining the choice of the consciousness of heaven.


Tang Sui was shaken all over, and closed his eyes, feeling the majestic force coming out of the gate pouring into the bones of his limbs, and the crackling sound of the familiar bones continued to resound with the impact of the force.

Filled with familiar power, Tang Sui closed his eyes for a few seconds to adapt, then opened them, let out a long breath, and raised the corners of his lips: "Thank you."

As soon as the voice fell, the stagnant time resumed its flow.

A Tang Sui suddenly jumped out of a group of elders, startling the soldiers.

Some soldiers scratched their heads and couldn't remember when Tang Sui approached.

The soldiers who were still cheering a second ago stopped abruptly, subconsciously took a few steps back, everyone was alert, and a circle was created with Tang Sui as the center.

Lieutenant General Modi also stared at Tang Sui with tense muscles, his eyes were uncertain, and his hand had subconsciously touched the spare pistol at his waist.

'You forgot to restrain your momentum. '

Ape-Mian kindly reminded.

Tang Sui blinked, and the abyss-like terrifying and deep aura around her suddenly subsided, and she turned back into a harmless and gentle young girl.

Tang Sui looked at Lieutenant General Modi and smiled slightly: "Mr. Lieutenant General, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Lieutenant General Modi: "."

He looked at the weird Tang Sui, and said cautiously: "Bad."

"The bad news is that I have something to do next, and I may not go to City W with you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Because Tang Sui was the main person on their trip.

The angry soldier turned black on the spot, and because of Tang Sui's magical power, he cursed and kept his mouth shut.

Fortunately, Lieutenant General Modi had seen strong winds and waves, so he just asked in a deep voice: "Where are you going? Without you, our trip would be in vain."

"I know. So the good news is that my agent will follow you to City W." Tang Sui raised his hand, and the grandmother's face carved with the face of a kind old man emerged out of thin air, and a faint light flickered in his narrowed eyes , Tang Sui smiled amidst the apprehensive and terrified gazes:

"It's one of my abilities. You can call her grandma. I can see everything she sees through my grandma's vision. Even if I'm not here, I can still convey my words through my grandma's mouth. "

After speaking, Tang Sui paused, and offered another condition that none of them could refuse:
"And, as long as she is here, I guarantee that your next journey will be extremely smooth, and there will be no creatures without eyes blocking the way."

Everyone was shocked.

Lieutenant General Mo Di stared at Tang Sui with burning eyes, his voice was hoarse: "But just now, those bugs still rushed up."

Tang Sui: "That was before, not now. Besides, I have made up my mind, and I just want to announce it to you."

As the words fell, a strong wind suddenly swayed from Tang Sui's feet. While everyone raised their hands to cover the oncoming white mist, Tang Sui's figure suddenly disappeared in place, leaving only a grandma who was not affected by the strong wind hanging over his face. He stopped in place, and slowly met Lieutenant General Modi's eyes:

"Let's get along well."

Lieutenant General Modi: "."

Looking at this weird mask, his scalp felt numb.

The dense white mist is the best shelter. Tang Sui is suspended in the sky, and her expanded mental power allows her to clearly see every person and thing in the mist even in the white mist.

Yuanmian, Da Feichu, and Fushen floated beside Tang Sui, and Yuanmian was a little surprised: "I thought you would let me follow them."

After all, it is good at mind control.

Follow the opponent all the way to the base, that's not a proper one-shot.

"You think too much, I'm not a devil." Tang Sui smiled, and stopped looking at Lieutenant General Modi and the others who had a headache below, and flew towards the fork where the giant beast resided.

(End of this chapter)

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