Chapter 521 Mental Shock
Before stepping into the territory marked by the huge beast, Tang Sui kept holding back his breath.

It wasn't until she got close that she released all her aura with evil intentions.

For the alien behemoths in this world, it is tantamount to a dimensionality reduction blow.

The scorpion flies began to be restless, but due to the tyrannical pressure that would crush this space, the flying scorpion flies crawled on the ground one by one, or stuck tightly to the twisted limb of the giant beast. Festival, dare not move.

Tang Sui glanced at the scorpion flies that were restlessly vibrating their cicada-like wings but did not dare to move, glanced at the phantom of the giant beast that gradually became apparent in the fog, and smiled slightly: "Shall we chat?"

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere became tense.

Tang Sui, who hadn't heard a response for a few seconds, said "Huh?", raised his hand, and his fingertips began to condense pure and rich black-red demonic power, "It seems that we are unlikely to reach a friendly conversation?"


The unintelligent walnut-sized brains of countless scorpion flies issued an early warning, their wings fluttered wildly and made noises, as if they were conveying some message.

Tang Sui sighed lightly, his eyes were indifferent: "Is there no wisdom? So I misheard before, it wasn't what you said. Then I'm sorry, I only communicate with people who can understand."

The demon power ball condensed with terrifying energy was about to pop out.

In the next second, Tang Sui heard the whistle sound of an old-fashioned train sounding from the fog.


What do you want to talk about?
It seemed that the voices of countless men and women blended together, it sounded very mottled, but unexpectedly neat.

The condensed ball of demonic power dissipated immediately, Tang Sui looked at the gigantic beast moving six long legs showing its real appearance, raised his face, showing no sign of fear.

Half an hour later, Tang Sui went to the territories of other giant beasts that this giant beast named Bechymos kindly provided with his heart full of satisfaction, and tried to convince them one by one.

Bechymos made her feel more like a kind mother, who looked ferocious and terrifying, but was unexpectedly tolerant.

But not all behemoths are as easy-talking as Behemoth.

For example, Radon, an owl-raptor-like alien species that relies on himself to soak in lava all the year round, will be melted by the terrible high-temperature flame it carries, has a aggressive and violent temper.

Seeing Tang Sui, which was not as big as a paw, it stepped on it without saying a word.

chat?chat p!Die to grandpa!

These hundreds of kilometers of land are now its territory. Although it is much smaller than the previous territory, it is not bad to just break up the area a little bit.

Then Raton was beaten up by Tang Sui and imprisoned in the Twin Realm, allowing him to go back to the Yide Academy to experience the beatings in this world.

The field was pitch black, and even if Raton's eyes could shine, he couldn't stand the countless malicious ghost hands that bullied him to death and ruthlessly ripped off his non-existent fur, and finally scattered all over the ground. Something like volcanic lime.

Raton, who originally had a black and hard body like volcanic rock, was missing a piece here and there after he came out, as if he had been bitten by something, but what flowed out from the wound was hot magma.

Raton, who has been perfected by the Yide Academy, has a very humble attitude after he comes out, and is even willing to lie low and be a small boy, and drive Tang Sui to the next site of the alien giant beast.

But Tang Sui took a look at the wound where the magma was still flowing, and refused. He healed its wound with a wave of his hand, and showed with practical actions what it means to slap a slap and then give a sweet date.

Just like their way of survival is dependent on the competition theory of the survival of the fittest in nature, the alien giants are also respected by their strength.

In the past few days when Lieutenant General Modi and the others were on their way, Tang Sui had already traveled more than half of the world.

After the information on the human side is finally synchronized and connected with the old side, the dust on the alien side has already settled.

None of the five members of the parliament thought that they could still see such a scene in their life.

The alien creatures that killed countless of their compatriots and destroyed the crystalline civilization created by humans surrounded the research institute with the "gate" underground.

They have different postures, and even looking at them feels dizzy and mentally polluted.

The five members of parliament, more than a dozen elected general-level commanders, and more than 20 top scientists were all shrouded in Tang Sui's enchantment of demon power.

All of them were pale.

Even though he tried his best to hold back his fear, his legs were still trembling uncontrollably, and his pupils shrank in fear.

Because there are too many of these heterogeneous species.

The human beings who were originally stationed in W City were all relocated. They were not attacked, and they were all safely evacuated to another town. Those who stayed here were all witnesses.

Tang Sui glanced at one of the men carrying a real-time live broadcast camera, looked at the aliens who were present after patrolling, and flew down to Laton not far from her, and asked, "Are you all here?"

Raton nodded spiritually.

Tang Sui said "Yes", and seven soul rings floated up from under his feet one by one, circle by circle, the majestic and powerful force suddenly enveloped the world, making some thorny aliens who had been violently passed by Tang Sui instantly He bowed his head obediently, making a gesture of submission.

"The seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Avatar."

The blood-red halo shined brightly, and Tang Sui's aura was even more terrifying, and even more suffocating, no one dared to look up.

Only the man with the camera on his shoulder tremblingly pointed the camera at Tang Sui, wishing to bury his head in the soil.

At the same time, the survivors who were watching the scene were breathless.

That is a very different sense from mental pollution.

There is a feeling that I am just an ant that can be crushed to death in front of the other party.

——Do not cross the line.

The fear in their hearts was imprinted in the souls of the people who watched the real-time broadcast and the live scene. This thought appeared in their minds by coincidence, and they didn't dare to come up with anything that wanted to wait for Tang Sui and the alien giants to leave. research mind.

Countless emotions of fear or respect poured into Tang Sui from all directions.

Tang Sui, who had finished deterring, set his sights on the huge research institute armed with iron walls. The sixth soul ring was shining. Tang Sui raised his hand, and his slender and white fingers outlined black and red threads of light in the void, changing from white to pitch black. The masks trembled one after another, like meteors chasing the moon, one by one, they fell straight to the ground, smashing the research institute, which had no problem with the tenth level of earthquake resistance, into ruins!


Such a massive demolition site made all the noises disappear, and we could only watch helplessly as the ruins of the research institute that had been evacuated earlier gradually submerged into a swamp-like ground, and finally, turned into a huge black abyss. mouth.

A steady stream of white mist spewed out from the huge mouth of the abyss, like a smoke ring spit out by someone after smoking.

This is the "door" opened to the foggy world.

After Tang Sui's monster power expansion, it's okay to directly inhale a large group of alien giant beasts.

—— Digression——

Yes, that is the fighting bird Radon from Godzilla.

This wave is over, but it’s confiscated [cover your face], and you’ll go back immediately after finishing the start of the game tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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