Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 522 But Her Brother Is Still Climbing the Ladder

Chapter 522 But Her Brother Is Still Climbing the Ladder
The alien groups are divided into different batches and step into the whirlpool door one by one, returning to the land that really belongs to them.

The last one to fly into the vortex gate was Raton.

Before stepping into the vortex door, Raton turned his head and watched Tang Sui who was suspended in the air and let out a cry.

Tang Sui's expression did not change. Under the bewildered eyes of the people, a not-so-loud voice passed by the puzzled people and flew into Raton's ears:

"I still have something to do here, I will come later."

Hearing this, Raton flapped his wings, brought up huge black smoke, entered the vortex door, and returned to the inner world that only belonged to them.

After seeing off the last alien species, Tang Sui's eyes fell on the anxious-eyed congressmen and flew towards them.

After that day, the dense fog that drowned the world gradually dissipated under the unfailing sunlight, revealing the ruins of the ruins destroyed by the aliens.

Except for those who were selected to watch on the scene, no one else knew what Tang Sui talked to them after the camera was turned off, and what restrictions with the power of rules were set.

Post-disaster reconstruction was put on the agenda, and people made the day when the disaster ended as "Disaster Day".

The video recording this catastrophic situation has been sealed in the top secret archives. It is said that anyone who has watched this video will never have the heart to cross the border to study the world window.

Tang Sui, who followed the aliens into the inner world, stayed here for a long time.

The territorial division of the overlord-level alien species, and the way for the alien species to become stronger, are all arranged by Tang Sui.

Because she discovered that there is a special energy in the mist spreading in the other world.

It is of great benefit to the heterogeneous species, and it is conducive to the development of deeper spiritual wisdom of the heterogeneous species.

This kind of cultivation method is similar to the cultivation method of soul beasts in Douluo World. Maybe one day, their bodies and strengths that have become huge over time will directly break the confinement of this layer of space, and it is also said that they can cross over to another dimension. indefinite.

In addition, they follow the instinctive way of survival and competition, and the change of the owner of the territory. She didn't intervene at all, but when she sensed that the world had begun to reject her, an outsider who shared the energy resources of the mist with the aliens, she From a group of powerful alien races, the gate connecting the inner and outer worlds is handed over to a group of Titan orangutans who have cultivated extremely high intelligence to guard.

On the day Tang Sui left, a golden beam of light fell from the blue sky.

The "door" of return has been opened, with the meaning of expulsion impatient.

"It's time to leave." Tang Sui patted the black fallen leaves on the hem of the skirt, looking at the familiar golden beam of light, his eyes showed nostalgia.

"Hoo hoo—!"

A gust of wind blew up, mixed with sparks that ignited the white mist, and a giant beast like volcanic rock fell down unexpectedly on the rugged mountain.


A long cry came from the mist, and the huge mountain-like monster stood silently with its limbs stretched out.


Shaped like a swamp, but possessing vitality and extremely high intelligence, a shadow monster has a slender figure branching out from the pitch-black land, like a scarecrow planted in the fields to drive away birds and peck seeds, close to the body of a black slime From time to time, water bubbles appeared one after another.

A merman species that inhabits the deep sea, and a strange species that blends into the mountains.
In this majestic breath that suffocated like the deep sea and made the brain and mind turbulent and in a trance, Tang Sui just froze for a moment, not affected at all, but showed a somewhat gratified smile.

"You all have become very strong."

One after another, the alien species that are firmly in the dominant position in this most primitive and cruel competition for survival have come.

They arrived silently, showing their figures openly, surrounded by small figures that were not as tall as a tree, and respectfully crawled down, crowned with the highest etiquette passed down to this day by each of their races.

Tang Sui paused.

In her field of vision, black and golden light clusters rose from them, from every intelligent alien in this world, spread out into a huge light vein, and converged towards her.


The voices of the souls of all the different races reached her heart.

"This is the power of faith." Tang Sui stared blankly at the ball of light pouring into her body.

Different from the usual golden faith, its color looks muddy, but it is more pure.

It doesn't even need her to transform energy, when these lights of faith fly into the body, it has already become part of her power.

Kind and natural.


A strong light suddenly appeared, and the golden beam of light suddenly became stronger. With a sense of impatience, it caged Tang Sui and kicked her out of this world.


Douluo World, above the core forbidden area of ​​Sea God Island, the dark gray vortex hovering in mid-air shook.

Poseidon's high priest Bo Saixi looked up with some feeling, and there was a dark hole in the middle of the dark gray vortex, even the eight Shrek monsters who were still struggling to climb the steps noticed this change.

Ma Hongjun, who had already climbed to more than 60 levels, was originally paralyzed on the steps. After feeling the vibration in the air, he looked at the source and sat up straight like a spring. The partners who were more than 100 steps away shouted.

"Look at that vortex!"

In fact, without Ma Hongjun saying, they also stopped climbing, or practicing, turned their heads, and raised their eyes.

Because of unremitting efforts, Bai Chenxiang, who desperately climbed the [-] steps and upgraded the assessment from the yellow level to the purple level, wiped the sweat from the corners of his forehead, raised his blushing cheeks, and looked at the person who was only three levels away from him. The difference between the steps above the sky.


The powerful power fluctuated and oscillated.

The ring sea near the forbidden area of ​​Seagod Island also started to become noisy.

Bo Saixi looked solemnly at the dark gray vortex that continuously generated waves of power. When the torn black rift revealed a corner of the pea green skirt, everyone's spirits were shocked. Seeing the rift slowly Slowly flew out a familiar figure with eyes closed and one hand raised in front of him, as if he was trying to cover something.

Tang San's heart trembled violently, his lips trembled, and he made the same move as Xiao Wu who had already climbed the 130 steps.

Run down the stairs step by step.

"Ah, is it about to fall!?"

Bai Chenxiang, who was closest to Tang Sui, frantically made gestures of support, just in case.

But her worries are unnecessary.

Because Tang Sui landed slowly from mid-air.

Tang Sui, who also felt that he had landed on the ground, opened his eyes and met Bai Chenxiang's red eyes.

"Sui Sui!"

A soft body was suddenly attached to her back, and a heavy weight was placed on her shoulders, and the long-lost breath surrounded her.

"It's okay, luckily you're fine." Xiao Wu's voice trembled slightly, without turning her head, Tang Sui also knew that her sister Xiao Wu's eyes must be the same red color as her body.

Tang Sui pressed Xiao Wu's arm, and said "Mmm", facing Bai Chenxiang's bewildered gaze, the corners of his lips naturally raised a real arc.

"I made you worry, I'm back."

【Welcome back. 】

The mechanical sound belonging to the system sounded softly, with a hint of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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