Chapter 523 Girls' Whispers

From the time Tang Sui entered the vortex until now, it turned out that seven months had passed before he knew it.

But Tang Sui knew that he had actually spent a long time in another world, but the flow of time in each world was different.

It's been seven months, and a lot has happened during that time.

Under the pressure of Seagod's Light and everyone's almost crazy cultivation methods, everyone's strength has made a qualitative leap.

Relying on her astonishing perseverance and hard work, Bai Chenxiang not only raised the assessment to purple level, but also successfully broke through level 54 in cultivation, and her current soul power is level [-].

Tang San's strength has broken through to the level of the soul saint, the level of spirit power is 73, and the seventh spirit ring is even at the level of 10 years.

In the form of Wuhun Avatar, his Blue Silver Domain has also completed the third evolution, named Sen Luo Vientiane.

Xiao Wu's progress was a little slower, stuck at level 66.

Dai Mubai, level 68.

Oscar, class 64.

Ning Rongrong, level 65.

Ma Hongjun, level 65.

Zhu Zhuqing, level 63.

Most of the time for the first test is to climb the steps and climb the steps, practice and practice.

Boring, but also lively.

Because the partners are all here.

After talking about the big guys, the topic immediately turned to Tang Sui.

"Before you left, Senior Bo Saixi said that the other side of that vortex is likely to be another space. Seeing that you have returned safely, it shouldn't be dangerous to come to that space?" Tang San thought for a while and said.

Tang Sui paused and replied, "For me, it's really not too dangerous."

But as far as the consciousness of the Dao of Heaven in that world is concerned, it is uncertain how far those grown-up aliens will go in the end.

"After going there, the main thing is to train the mind."

she concluded.

Oscar looked at Tang Sui who seemed to be more Buddhist than before, and asked curiously: "Sui Sui, your soul power level reached Contra level before you left, what about now?"

This question made everyone's eyes light up instantly.

"That's right, Sui Sui. The third brother's seventh soul skill, the myriad phenomena that he uses in the form of his avatar is amazing! Swallowing gold threads can also extract soul power! Your eighth soul skill should be Also awesome, right?" Ma Hongjun's eyes twinkled with little stars of longing.

Including Tang San, who was used to being beaten by his younger sister's talent, also looked at Tang Sui expectantly.

"That's it." Tang Sui shook his head unexpectedly, facing the expectant eyes of his partners: "Actually, I don't have it. My current soul power level is still stuck at level 80 when I left."


Everyone was shocked and asked why.

Tang Sui played Tai Chi calmly with everyone, picked up the sea fish that was forked with a branch, put it on the small bonfire and roasted the other side: "So I said everything. The assessment in that space is mainly about training the mind, and soul power. Grade doesn't matter much."

Because in addition to soul power, after gaining the power of faith, other attributes of her personal panel have increased by leaps and bounds.

Well, if you can't increase your soul power, you can add demon power.

Although he was kicked out in the end, it was not a loss.

Whoever is anxious will suffer.

Tang San thought for two seconds, and suggested, "It happens that Sui Sui is back and everyone is here, why don't we accompany you to hunt a soul beast that suits you tonight?"

The others also nodded and looked at the final decision maker.

Unsurprisingly, the answer was negative.

"No, the ninth month is about to pass, and you have less than three months left to climb, so hurry up and continue going up is what you should do now." Tang Sui thought that she needed more than just one Soul beast, let's make a small stove by ourselves.

"But." Tang San frowned slightly, Xiao Wu pursed her lips, and suddenly got up from the beach, "Sui Sui, come with me first, I have something to whisper to you."

A "whispering word" snuffs out the thoughts of other people who want to get closer.

Tang Sui looked at Xiao Wu's tangled eyes, nodded, followed Xiao Wu out of the campfire where they were sitting around, and stepped into the dense forest.

"Sui Sui, can I enter your domain?" Xiao Wu, who never stepped into Tang Sui's domain before speaking, offered to apply.

Tang Sui was a little surprised, but he was relieved when he thought that everything on Sea God Island was being watched by Bo Saixi, the great priest of Sea God.

"it is good."

Facing the curious eyes of everyone on the other side of the bonfire, Tang Sui and Xiao Wu directly used the disappearing technique.

Tang San jumped up from the ground like a frightened bird, his pupils covered with a layer of purple-gold light glimpsed the place where the two disappeared, the "black mud" surging like a swamp, his nervous expression relaxed, stained Some helpless.

He probably guessed what Xiao Wu was going to say to Sui Sui.

Really, anyway, he is also Sui Sui's elder brother, so why can't we invite him to join us and let him open a Blue Silver Domain?

"What's the matter, little San?"

"It's okay, they went to Suisui's domain." Tang San sat back helplessly.

Dai Mubai understood, thought of something, moved closer to Tang San, pressed his elbow on his shoulder, and said jokingly: "A family of three doesn't take you, Xiao San, it seems that the whisper Xiao Wu said is related to you ?”

Ning Rongrong also covered her mouth and laughed.

Tang San: "." No, it's actually related to Sui Sui.

But for some reason, Tang San still felt a little stuffy, brushed away Dai Mubai's hand, pulled out the grilled fish skewer stuck in the sand, and stuffed it into Dai Mubai's hand: "Eat it while it's hot, Boss Dai, don't gossip gone."

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows, accepting Tang San's food bribery practice.

On the other side, Xiao Wu, who stepped into the domain again with Tang Sui, the master of the domain, did not repeat the same mistakes as last time, except for a somewhat cold feeling.

"Sister Xiao Wu, what do you want to say to me?" After confirming that it was safe, Tang Sui spoke up.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Sui with a serious face, "Sui Sui, tell me honestly, did you condense all your soul rings by yourself?"

Tang Sui paused, then nodded to Xiao Wu's serious pink pupils: "Well, everything is."

When Xiao Wu heard this, she frowned worriedly: "Sure enough. That's why you keep declining."

After they transform into soul beasts, each level of improvement can convert their own cultivation level 1:1 into the most suitable soul ring years for them to put on. Therefore, before their life experience was revealed, Mother Erlong took her She would have a sad face when she went hunting for spirit rings.

Tang Sui lowered his eyes, "Well, it doesn't count. My situation is a bit special. Maybe it's because I'm a mixed race. If I want to transform a soul ring by myself, I need an equally powerful force to transform it into a soul ring. The soul beast, maybe it's because of the age. medicinal plant."

She didn't say it all.

Xiao Wu is not surprised, because the way of survival and becoming stronger among soul beasts is to kill each other, depend on each other, or devour and evolve.

This is also the main reason why she is worried about Tang Sui, "But in the Sea God Island, everything is under the supervision of the Sea God's Great Priest. If you want to obtain the eighth soul ring, you will definitely expose your specialness."

—— Digression——

Then Suho stopped climbing the ladder.

What a joy to watch others climb a ladder!Let's go fish~
(End of this chapter)

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