Chapter 525 Monster, Be Active

Of course Tang Sui was familiar with the spirit beast race of the evil killer whale, and he was no stranger to it.

But now she has learned not to listen to the wind and the rain in everything, but to make a conclusion after investigating it herself.

Who knows if the evil killer whales will be the one she was once targeted again.

After tentatively setting the target as the evil orca family, Tang Sui asked the swordfish group for more precise information.

The information that can be unified from their mouths is that, just like the setting in the original anime, the evil spirit killer whale is a kind of extremely bloodthirsty sea soul beast. It lives in groups, has a large number, and has no natural enemies. The 99-year-old deep-sea demon whale king doesn't really want to be tough with this kind of ferocious, bloodthirsty, tyrannical, and numerous tribe, especially the demon killer whale tribe's recipes are very complicated, and sometimes they don't even need food , but it will also hunt and kill all soul beasts or people it encounters.

The swordfish were very emotional and full of fear when they talked about these vicious evil killer whales.

The rest of the information is similar to what Tang Sui remembered, with the only exception being that due to the openness of the sea, the information in the sea area is the fastest and the furthest.

The swordfish have a good relationship with the demonic great white shark group. Recently, I heard a rumor from the demonic great white shark group that the evil killer whale king seems to be preparing to lead his group to challenge the deep sea demon whale king.

Tang Sui was stunned for a moment, and asked about the current cultivation age of the evil devil killer whale king. The highest cultivation level of the swordfish group was no more than 10 years, far less than 50 years. The Whale King's cultivation is about [-] years old.

But with the various skills of other clansmen and its own skills, in a word, it is planning to fight on wheels, bullying the few with more.

Tang Sui fell into deep thought, until the school of swordfish sank into the water, she was still thinking.

Tang Sui's heart-to-heart communication system hits the nail on the head with Tang Sui's thoughts: [Evil killer whales don't have to be washed away, but if you want to get in touch with the deep-sea demon whale king, I suggest you go get some evil killer whales to get you The eighth soul ring has been perfected, more cards to run away. 】

Tang Sui, who had been poked in his mind, smiled, "Got it.If we are approaching the territory of the evil orca clan, it will be hard for you to help me locate some of the lonely evil orcas. '

The system snorted and did not answer directly.

Tang Sui didn't mind either, so he stepped down and flew towards the sea area that the swordfish school pointed to earlier.

Inside the Sea God Temple, Bo Saixi, who saw this scene through the crystal ball, frowned, and the maid on the side also looked blankly at Tang Sui, who was flying to the outer sea, and was extremely shocked: "She doesn't really want to hunt demons. Killer whales, right? We must know that although the evil orcas have a very bad reputation, in the sea soul beast group, they are so ferocious that they even kill their own people, but they are also particularly united externally, and will chase after those who challenge the majesty of their group!"

Bo Saixi rubbed the scepter with her fingertips, and said uncertainly: "She doesn't want to be an impulsive person, she should have her own considerations, right?"

Although the crystal ball can locate all the places where sea water exists, if there is an emergency, she can also mobilize the power of the sea to support Tang Sui, but that undoubtedly means that Sea God Island will completely tear itself apart from the evil killer whales.

Over the past few years, although the grievances between the Evil Orca Clan and the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan have accumulated for several generations, those generations refer to the replacement of the leader of the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan, and the leader of the Evil Orca Clan, It has always been the original patriarch.

The evil orcas are afraid of Lord Seagod's power, and they dare not invade the vicinity of Seagod Island and offend His majesty.

And they have turned a blind eye to this notorious group of "neighbors" for many years, and they live in peace in a sense, but this does not mean that the evil killer whale group will always be aggrieved Suppressed by the power of Lord Seagod.

They are just biding their time.

Bo Saixi's eyes were slightly deep, and he said in a low voice: "If Tang Sui is really in trouble, I will ask Lord Sea God for instructions."

Only then did the maid push back the heart that jumped into her throat.

Tang Sui, who didn't know Bo Saixi's plan, took advantage of the high altitude, restrained his aura, activated the third soul skill, the void face, and passed through the sea area where the demon soul great white shark was located, and entered another crisis-ridden world. territory.

[Di——Seventeen evil killer whales were detected, with cultivation bases between 1 and 3 years. 】

When the system's notification sounded, Tang Sui let out a small sigh, showing doubts: "I started ten thousand years ago? Could it be because I've reached the 'border line', so I ran into the sentinels stationed there?"

If the sea spirit beast race of the devil spirit great white shark is the overlord spirit beast in the sea area, then the evil spirit orca race is the opposite of the established power balance.

A hundred-year-level evil killer whale can bite and kill a fellow cultivator's year-old devil soul great white shark, commonly known as: one hits two.

That is to say, relying on the population development of the Demon Soul Great White Shark to be no less than that of the Evil Orca Clan, and relying on the Sea God to take advantage of the shade, these years have been desperate to kill the Evil Orca Clan, and several generations of patriarchs have changed before leading the tribe to survive.

[It's not impossible. 】The system agrees with Tang Sui's statement, but there are also difficulties.

[Although the evil orcas are also blessed sea soul beasts, able to leapfrog and crush other sea soul beasts, their cultivation base is dead. Even if a century-old evil orca can beat other thousand-year sea soul beasts violently, it will only have the power of a hundred years after devouring it. Far less than a millennium. 】

[Your eighth spirit ring is also very important, it depends on whether you want to cast a wide net to catch more fish, or kill them all with one shot. 】

The system is very vivid.

Tang Sui looked at the swimming red dot representing the evil killer whale reluctantly, and was entangled: "Although I really want to catch them all, but even I am not sure that I can kill them in one fell swoop. After all, they have all kinds of Sea spirit beast skills can be cast."

System: 【.】To put it bluntly, you just don’t want to bother to catch fish, right?
It looked at Tang Sui who wanted to be greedy but didn't dare to be greedy, and said quietly: 【Didn't you ever think of stealing them into the domain? 】

[The fish are out of water, so they can only lie on the board and slaughter them? 】

The system started whispering the devil: [Even if there is no sea water, you can still jump, but how high can you jump?Under the shadows is your domain.If you can still jump tens of meters high, then extend the field infinitely and dig a deep pit of hundreds of meters, or even 1000 meters. Anyway, your mental power has been expanded, and how deep you dig is not up to you. 】

Tang Sui: "!"

Her dark blue eyes sparkled with a little bit of brilliance, full of eagerness to try.

That's right, why didn't she think of it!
The system that sensed Tang Sui's thoughts: [To be a monster, your thinking should not be too rigid.Forget it if your blood is still mixed, but they didn't even think of the fox face with a pure demon body. 】

It pretended to be regretful, 【After returning from another world, they have changed. 】

Tang Sui blinked, and joined the system: "Mmmm!System you are awesome! '

The fox faces who were trampled by their little master: "." Ha ha.

Did they not expect it?
of course not.

But do they dare to be impotent and furious?

They dare not.

—— Digression——

Before frying, the fish has to be stir-fried first, and then deep-fried in the pan【Wash hands jpg.】

(End of this chapter)

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