Chapter 526 Happy Fried Fish
The white moon was reflected on the sea, like a smooth prism, shining silver.

For the evil orcas who have cultivated for ten thousand years, sleeping is just a way to pass the time of standing guard.

With their vicious name, no sea spirit beast would dare to touch them.

What is most proud of the evil killer whales is that another deep-sea overlord does not want to confront them head-on, and the territories divided by everyone are not adjacent to each other, except for the demonic great white sharks in the next sea area, who have been fighting for thousands of years. There were no sea soul beasts without long eyes dancing in front of them.

The cold and salty sea water is the favorite of all sea soul beasts. In this natural hotbed, the evil killer whale standing guard also turned its belly, letting its huge gray-black body float up and down in the sea, squinting its eyes in a strange posture. drowsy.

The jihad with the Great White Shark Clan was fought a few years ago. Although there is no clear agreement, the two clans agree that they will meet each other every few decades or hundreds of years.

Although they were sent to stand guard, the rebellion engraved in the bones of the evil devil killer whales caused them to be wanton and sloppy, and they didn't pay attention to other sea spirit beasts at all.

Coupled with the unique destructive power, it has increased their arrogant capital. Even if an enemy with no eyesight comes to their door, it will be a matter of one or two bites, which can be said to be very arrogant.

The moonlight is beautiful, and the hustle and bustle of the sea has nothing to do with the sea.

The evil killer whale sleeping on its belly lazily floated in the sea, relaxing its mind, but also didn't forget to use their unique ripple detection method to sense the creatures with energy that appeared within ten miles nearby.

Of course, only in the sea.

But today is also a peaceful day.

As the night darkened, slowly, a hazy fog formed over the sea.

The moonlight cast from the night sky poured on the sea surface, and the quiet light falling on the sea surface seemed to illuminate the quiet darkness sleeping under the deep sea.

Unfortunately, its brilliance did not dispel the gloom of the seabed.

The wet and cold sea breeze brought a chilly low cry, and the changing moon was as thin as a blade, hanging high in the sky, as if a very thin blade cut a hole in the sky, and an eye grew out of thin air, revealing a strange blood red color cold light.

The light projected into the sea is also distorted, making the already hazy moonlight even more illusory.

An evil killer whale with a cultivation base of about 2 years narrowed its eyes comfortably, and its huge body swam to the dimly lit sea area with the push of the sea.

It doesn't even need to open its eyes to know that the distance between it and its companions has been shortened.

But considering their swimming speed of 1 meters per minute, and even faster speed under the blessing of soul power, such a small distance is not in their eyes.

The deep darkness shrouded the body of this evil killer whale, silently, and even their unique ripple detection method could not perceive the moment, the darkness exposed its fangs, and it would unknowingly stepped into the trap. The evil killer whale was caged into darkness and disappeared in the floating sea water.

The only small fluctuations are the faint waves of seawater as it lazily wags its tail to adjust its direction.

Tang Sui's domain was launched by seizing the short time when the water waves swayed.

The silent disappearance of a clansman was no pain to the seventeen orcas.

The other demon killer whales, who noticed that the number seemed to be wrong, opened their eyes, reflected their disgust and crowded, so they swung their tails and swam farther. After a while, the clansmen who were beyond the detection range of the ripple detection method closed their eyes as if nothing had happened. Eye.

Anyway, their territories are very large and their borders are very long.

AWOL is impossible, so it depends on personal preference where to follow.


The ferocious roar formed a new type of sonic attack in the dark space.

However, there was no splash.

The dark red eyes of this 2-year-old evil killer whale were full of bloody light, and a faint bloody light was attached to its huge head. The huge teeth that were as sharp as swords opened, tearing fiercely Biting the black translucent tentacles extending from all directions.

Obviously, this evil killer whale has come to its senses, discovered its own crisis, and is trying to save itself.

When these black translucent tentacles stretched out in front of the falling evil demon killer whale, their slippery fronts suddenly split open, revealing the essence of a greedy beast. Two rows of sharp teeth bit its hard gray-black body.

That layer of fat and soul power adhered to the skin, which was harder than reinforced concrete, was torn apart like fresh and tender fish fillets.


The blood-red wind blades are sent out along with the evil killer whale's wide mouth and swinging sharp tail fins. It is like chopping vegetables to cut off all the tentacles with sharp teeth that are stretched out in front of it, but soon there will be another More tentacles swarmed up, biting off more flesh from its body.

But what frightened this evil killer whale even more was that every time these tentacle monsters bit off a piece of meat from it, part of its soul power would be inexplicably lost.

Maybe it didn't feel it at first, but as its body became more bumpy and even began to lose its strength, the evil orca finally realized the weirdness of those tentacles.

But it is already late.

As the gurgling blood flowed out from the churning wound, and countless blood spots fell from the void, the evil thoughts silent in the domain became more agitated, splitting more tentacles, eager to kill this one that had fallen into the trap to be slaughtered. Killer whales torn to pieces.

One, two, until five evil orcas with a cultivation level of 2 years and above disappeared one after another, the other evil orcas finally sensed that something was wrong. Using the sonar function unique to the sea soul beast race, they erupted in warning from their mouths. The sharp roar spread out instantly.


A new sonic roar was brewing in the mouths of the clansmen who heard the warning within ten miles, and the information was transmitted to the clansmen farther away.

This is how it is passed on from ten to ten.

"Well, it's been exposed, so there's nothing we can do about it. Let's make a quick decision."

A blood-red halo lit up in the sea water, dyeing the dark sea area into a more turbid color.

"The seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Avatar."

The powerful coercion that belongs exclusively to the blood of the monster race suddenly enveloped this sea area.

The coercion from the hierarchical system made the other gathered demon killer whales pause in their attacking movements. Looking at the human girl floating above the sea, who was very petite compared to their thick and huge body, the round dark red eyes The four jet-black masks with different postures are reflected in it.

"I understand why the strong like to use the seventh soul ability to fight directly."

What remained in the eyes of the evil killer whales was the crow-black long hair of the human girl who was scattered behind her was blown up by the sea breeze, raised her hand to control the four black masks to fall, and hit their fellows, instantly smashing the steel The scene of the flesh and blood being smashed into a blood hole.


The painful howls of the same race infected other evil killer whales.

Their dark red eyes were stained with hatred, and they swung their solid bodies and rushed towards the girl.

The girl's deep and pitch-black pupils were filled with coldness and bloodthirsty, but the corners of her lips were filled with a strange joy because of their fierce counterattack.

"Because it's really refreshing."

(End of this chapter)

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