Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 600 Fast Forward to the Enemy Base Camp

Chapter 600 Fast Forward to the Enemy Base Camp

Bai Chenxiang and Xiaobai's eyes widened, their faces were full of doubts about life, with an expression of "it's still like this".

"Then the third brother and Sui Sui fell into the twin resonance situation again this time, will there be any surprises later?"

Bai Chenxiang asked tentatively.

Ma Hongjun and the others, who had been there before, had a bitter look on their faces, "Surprise? Maybe there is. But according to the usual practice, it must be the kind that gives us a big shock and tortures us first, and then the surprise."

Bai Chenxiang: "Ah, this." It's a bit scary to say that.

The third brother and Sui Sui are the ceiling of their Shrek's combat power, if they join forces together...
Thinking about that scene, Bai Chenxiang gasped, and said dryly: "Then, what shall we do?"

Xiao Wu took out a dry handkerchief from the soul guide, knelt down and gently wiped the sweat from Tang Sui's forehead, and said bitterly, "Now, all we have to do is wait."

Surprised or happy, it depends on who wakes up first, Sui Sui or Xiao San.

If it was Sui Sui who woke up first, it might be a shock.

Tang Sui is very clear that he must have fallen into some kind of illusion or strayed into someone's spiritual realm. This world does not really exist.

She clearly remembered that she was still in the sea area just a second ago, but now she was inexplicably standing on the crowded street, surrounded by buildings of different heights, and vendors pushing trucks to set up stalls on the side of the road staying quietly. At his own booth, waiting for customers to come to his door, the strange thing is that he didn't even yell and advertise a few times.

In addition to pedestrians walking on the street, from time to time, knights in black armor could be seen lined up in full armor, patrolling the city.

Just visible, there are three teams.

Kind of weird.

Tang Sui frowned slightly, and when she continued to look around and planned to stop me, a voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

"Miss, can you give way? My car is not easy to turn."

Tang Sui turned her head and saw a middle-aged man pushing a fruit truck watching her.

The weather-beaten dark face was full of caution, for fear of offending her.

It's a great soul master.

With just one glance, the middle-aged man's cultivation of soul power clearly appeared in his mind.

She said "sorry" and was about to avoid it, but her body froze, a little bit of surprise appeared in her eyes, and she froze there, motionless.

This made the middle-aged man stunned for a while, and called Tang Sui cautiously: "Miss? Are you okay?"

Tang Sui felt bad.

Because she can't feel the existence of fox faces.

The system can't even feel it.

The movement of power was not affected at all, the only abnormality was that the spiritual space where five masks should have been floating was now empty, pitch black, and filled with the breath of death.

"Look, why did that man suddenly stand in the middle of the road?"

"I don't know. Hey, His Majesty the Pope is at war with the two empires recently. Who knows if there are dangers lurking in the city. Let's leave it alone."

"Yeah, that man looks like he escaped from other places and entered Wuhun City, and the other one is obviously a powerful soul master that we can't afford to mess with. Let's go."

The lowered voices of passing pedestrians seem to be infinitely amplified, and they are drilled into their ears.

Tang Sui pursed her lips, and said sorry again amidst the uneasiness and fear on the middle-aged man's expression, then turned sideways, found a corner alley, and walked up.

The middle-aged man, who felt that he had escaped a catastrophe, looked back in trepidation at Tang Sui who left without nostalgia, let out a sigh of relief, and continued to push his pallet truck to the stall he rented to sell fruit.

Turning to the alley, Tang Sui walked close to the edge of the alley with her head lowered and her eyes lowered. She quickly sorted out the information she got from the few words in her mind, and came to an unpleasant conclusion.

The Martial Soul City of His Majesty the Pope's Two Great Empires.
Tang Sui subconsciously wanted to use the soul guide, but found that the amethyst jade bracelet on her wrist did not respond, just like an ordinary decorative bracelet on her wrist.

There was no other way, Tang Sui had no choice but to take out a hat from the depths of the domain space, released the demon power to control the long hair hanging behind him, and pulled them up, leaving only one or two strands of ear hair sticking to the cheeks, and the rest Gathered it into a hat and hid her hair.

There are many fashionably dressed people on the street, and there is no shortage of her wearing a hat.

As for why she suddenly thought of wearing a hat, it was because Tang Sui found that she seemed to have come directly to the enemy's stronghold - Wuhun City, the capital of the Wuhun Empire.

Her mental power can't tell whether it's the real world or an illusion around her. When the masks and the system are all out of contact, Tang Sui also finds that only her mental power and demon power seem to be unaffected.

If soul power is compared to a lake, then this lake is currently in a frozen state, unable to give the slightest wave of response.

The last time her soul power was locked was when she entered the misty world.

so now.
"I'm already in the middle of the assessment?"

Tang Sui murmured softly, raised his head, and looked around in a daze.

Then was she in an illusion, or was she really sent to the headquarters of the Spirit Empire without anyone noticing?

"Da da,"

A rhythmic voice reached Tang Sui's ears.

Tang Sui could hear it without turning his head, it was the sound of the heels colliding with the ground.

This time Tang Sui lowered his head consciously, and walked quickly towards the refreshment shop opened opposite, just in case something got in the way again.

Without knowing whether the surroundings are real or fake, all she knows is the inseparable hostile relationship between her and the Wuhun Empire.

She didn't forget that she should still be the most wanted object of Wuhun Empire, it would be terrible if she was recognized.

Thinking about it, Tang Sui stopped and looked at the refreshment shop in front of him, pretending to stop and hesitate whether to go in and sit down.

What made her heart skip a beat was that the sound of footsteps behind her also stopped.

Instead, a scorching gaze seemed to stare her out of a hole.

Feeling Tang Sui's sizing eyes from behind: "."

She stood there calmly, lowered her head unhurriedly, the shadow cast by the brim of her hat covered her exquisite eyebrows and eyes, even if she walked by her side, she could only see her white chin clearly, not the whole picture .

"Da da,"

Footsteps sounded again, and getting closer.

Tang Sui's right eyelid twitched heavily, and without changing his expression, he also took steps towards the refreshment shop.


A slender hand suddenly pressed down on Tang Sui's shoulder, that strong grip was well controlled, while holding Tang Sui tightly, it would not hurt her.

In the next second, the familiar sound of Tang Sui's hair all over his body exploding suddenly reached his ears.

"Excuse me, have we met somewhere?"

- off topic -

Sui Sui: I don't know, I haven't seen it, so don't cue.

An unexpected person appeared in Wuhu~ Guess who?

(End of this chapter)

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