Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 601 I understand, this is advanced porcelain

Chapter 601 I understand, this is advanced porcelain

The panic was only for a moment, and in the next second, a light black and red mist appeared in Tang Sui's eyes. Covered by the shadow falling from the brim of his hat, Tang Sui's facial features changed slightly in an instant, and the color of his eyes also changed from dark blue to camouflage Intense to almost black red.

"Huh?" Tang Sui raised his head in confusion, his delicate facial features were exposed in another pair of deep purple pupils, and a little bit of bewilderment appeared on his face, "Sorry, I don't think I've seen you before?"

Tang Sui, who was full of doubts on his face, felt a turmoil in his heart the moment he saw the person holding him down.

The young woman who stood in front of her frowned slightly with a bit of heroism and decisive brows, her deep purple phoenix eyes reflected her delicate facial features that had been disguised.

The moment she saw her face clearly, there was a hint of doubt on that almost perfect divine face, and a flash of astonishment flashed in the eyes as she looked at her, as if she was surprised that her intuition could be wrong. The other party was really a stranger.

In the original trajectory of fate, how could Qian Renxue, who was supposed to accept the Angel Nine Trials in the Angel Temple, appear here? !
Tang Sui didn't understand and was shocked.

I can only guess that this is probably the butterfly effect again.

Qian Renxue, who was dressed in a platinum soul master robe, carefully observed the slight expression on Tang Sui's face, and after confirming that Tang Sui was not lying, Qian Renxue let go of her shoulder, and said to Tang Sui neatly. Sorry: "Sorry, I just thought it was someone I knew."

She didn't expect her intuition to be wrong sometimes.

Qian Renxue stared at Tang Sui without blinking.

But it shouldn't be, just now she clearly felt that there was something about this man that attracted her.

Tang Sui, who met Qian Renxue's scorching gaze, couldn't help but twitched his right eyelid again, with a kind smile on his face: "It's okay."

Just let me go.

After mutual forgiveness, this episode of admitting the wrong person seems to be about to be revealed.

Tang Sui did not change her previous route, and walked towards the gate of the refreshment shop after breaking away from Qian Renxue's control.

". That feeling is still there. It's strange. My assessment this time should be related to her."

Qian Renxue's soft murmur sounded in the wind.

Tang Sui with very keen ears: ".?"

how?Are you also checking?

At this moment, Tang Sui felt the strong malice from the big world.

Putting two "God's Chosen" with different beliefs on the same site, is it to raise Gu here?
Tang Sui, who was slandering her heart, walked to the counter without changing her expression, and when she was about to order a drink, she suddenly felt Qian Renxue's breath approaching again.

"If you don't mind, I'll treat you to this cup, as an apology for admitting the wrong person just now."

Tang Sui turned his head, facing Qian Renxue who came with a smile.

That smile was just right, three parts apologetic, three parts kind, and four parts sincere, perfectly showing the good education and tactful handling she received as Xue Qinghe, who had been dormant in Tiandou for more than ten years in front of her.

Tang Sui who just wanted to get rid of Qian Renxue's vision as soon as possible: "."

There was a hint of surprise on her face, as if she hadn't expected such a "surprise", when she saw that Qian Renxue was about to pay, she quickly said: "No need, it's just a misunderstanding, no one has lost. "

Qian Renxue's expression became more sincere, and the bag of golden soul coins in her hand had already been placed on the table: "This is what it should be, and it was originally my fault. Besides, I was a little anxious to act just now, and it may have hurt you. I think You just ordered a berry milkshake, right? Take this as my treat."

A manipulator, this red-faced nonsense is top-notch.

Tang Sui, who felt that he had met his opponent, was silent for two seconds, then nodded slightly, "Okay, then I will be disrespectful."

Hearing this, the corners of Qian Renxue's lips widened a little, and then said calmly in front of Tang Sui: "Boss, make two cups of berry milkshakes."

The shop owner looked at Qian Renxue, who was dressed in luxury and extraordinary temperament, and then at Tang Sui, who was quiet, and showed a subtle look of "I understand, this is high-end Porcelain" to the latter, and recommended intimately: " Two beautiful ladies, the Luoluo cake that was newly served in our store not long ago is also delicious, it goes well with the sweet and sour berry milkshake, and it is perfect to enjoy the delicacy while negotiating, do you need two servings?"

Tang Sui: "."

Attracted Qian Renxue looked at Tang Sui who did not make any refusal remarks, and nodded, "Then let's have two."

It just so happened that she also planned to find a chance to test this person and see what was wrong with her.

Tang Sui, the master who was really touched by the porcelain, looked at Qian Renxue who cut first and then played, his eyelashes trembled slightly, covering up the deep thought that flashed in his eyes.

Why did Qian Renxue have to keep her?
She is confident that her demon power disguise has not been revealed.

Even if she took out a miniature Clear Sky Hammer, she would not be recognized by Qian Renxue as long as she used monster power to disguise it.

If you use reverse thinking, since Qian Renxue feels that her assessment is related to her, does that mean that she was dragged to this "Wuhun City" for no reason, and the clue to the "assessment" is also in Qian Renxue?
The two of them had their own thoughts and chose a table outside the store.

The propped up parasols well block the glare of the sun falling from the sky, and with the occasional breeze, it is an alternative place for a pleasant afternoon tea.

But neither of the two people who were seated had the time to enjoy it. Instead, they thought about how to get more information.

Tang Sui sat firmly on the seat and sipped the straw, not in a hurry to be the first to break the silence.

But Qian Renxue, the one who couldn't sit still, spoke first:

"The berry milkshake in this store has a delicate taste, with moderate sweetness and sourness. Do miss come to this store often?"

Tang Sui let go of the straw, leaving a faint ring of tooth marks on the white plastic straw.

"Basically, I'll come here when I'm free. Mm, is this your first time here?"

Qian Renxue, who was indeed here for the first time, said "hmm", "I usually practice at home, and rarely come out to play."

"That's it, it turns out that Miss is a noble soul master." Tang Sui had a smile on his face.

Two points clear, five points envious, the tone changed, and three points lost: "I am dissatisfied with you, Master Soul Master, I am actually just an ordinary person, and I don't have any talent for cultivation. So in my spare time, I can only wander around , find a place to sit and pass the time."

Qian Renxue, who originally wanted to follow her steps to ask about Tang Sui's cultivation level, was suddenly blocked, and looked deeply at Tang Sui, who said she was an ordinary person.

Tang Sui returned a flawless smile.

After staring like this for a few seconds, Qian Renxue lowered her eyes and said, "Don't call me Master Soul Master, my name is meant to be called by people. My name is Qian Renxue, what's your name?"

- off topic -

It's a little bit sloppy, and needs to be sorted out.

(End of this chapter)

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