A cold light suddenly appeared, Tang Sui opened his eyes, leaned back, and retreated a few meters.

Qian Renxue, holding the angelic holy sword prepared by the eighth soul skill, pursued her relentlessly, and pointed the sword pointing at Tang Sui with divine power. Tang Sui kept retreating.


"Fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Overlord Spear!"

The silver-blue long spear pierced through the air, like a stylus pinning the sea, knocking back the golden light waves that were wantonly expanding the territory, leaving a large area.


The Blue Silver Overlord Spear with the needle pointed at the wheat awn directly slammed into Qian Renxue's Holy Angel Sword, the dazzling glare and deafening explosion sounded, and the shocking mental fluctuations made their thoughts stagnate .

A blue-gold light as magnificent as the sea came quietly and shone on Tang Sui.

Tang Sui's field of vision was pulled into another dimension in an instant by the divine power of deja vu.

In the confrontation between the black-red light prism and the white-gold light prism, a third blue-gold light beam connecting heaven and earth suddenly appeared, and the powerful light wave of divine power charged aggressively towards her and the power of faith of the angel god.

Unlike the platinum power of faith that was gradually disappearing, Tang Sui only felt a cool breath coming from the blue wave, slowly repairing the wounds in her body.

这 是
"Are you okay?"

A familiar voice sounded from behind.

Tang Sui was startled, and in the next second, a powerful big hand gently supported Tang Sui from behind. Tang San, with the golden god pattern branded between his brows, floated behind Tang Sui, his eyes shining with purple-gold light were cold and angry. Looking at Qian Renxue who had regained her stature, a killing intent flashed across her eyes.

"Qian Renxue!"

"Tang San?!"

Qian Renxue was really surprised this time, but she was even more afraid of the majestic power that came with Tang San.

Like the aura given to her by the Angel God, it was filled with an indescribable sense of holiness.

Not alien, but the enemy.

Could it be that the power just now was the power of the Seagod?

Qian Renxue began to feel that the situation was a bit tricky.

Tang Sui, who never expected Tang San to appear here, also looked at Tang San in surprise, "Brother? Aren't you" absorbing the spirit ring?

Tang Sui didn't finish the following words, but Tang San certainly knew what Tang Sui wanted to say.

He nodded towards Tang Sui, and in the next second, his aura rose steadily, and his suppressed energy burst out suddenly.

Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, red, red.

Eight soul rings emerged at the same time, showing the fact that he had successfully advanced to Contra, and the aura he exuded was even higher than Tang Sui's.

"After the breakthrough of soul power, my consciousness was suddenly pulled into a golden space. Inside, I found a door, and your breath came from the door. When I stepped into the door, I found that I had come Arrived here." Tang San obscured part of the truth, but the fact is indeed the same.

Tang Sui also guessed that her brother should be hiding something, but now it's not just their brother and sister, there is also Qian Renxue, who is watching covetously, and the angel god who is behind the back.

Thinking of this, Tang Sui looked at Qian Renxue flying in the air, "Brother, beat her up!"

There is a backer, there is a proxy, of course, it is a direct attack.

Coincidentally, Tang San didn't intend to let go of this one of the chief culprits who persecuted his younger sister.

And the Sea God sitting on Tang San and Tang Sui's side was willing to help the iron allies.

Sensing the crisis, the shining golden eyes of the Angel God, who could not see the whites of his eyes, looked straight at Tang San, or the Seagod Divine Sense hidden in the golden lines between Tang San's brows.

Even Tang Sui didn't know what the communication between Sea God and Angel God was.

But in the second after Tang San launched the attack, the space where the three of them lived suddenly cracked and collapsed inch by inch.

Suddenly, there was a raging and noisy sound like a raging wave in the sky, and golden lightning and thunder roared above the head and even further away, as if it was an invisible game.

This space created by the angel god is like plasticine that has been destroyed by people, and it collapses little by little, revealing the original empty essence.

'Stop it first, the space here has collapsed. '

The majestic and deep voice sounded in Tang San's mind.

It's the same sound they hear every time they complete an assessment.

Tang San was only slightly stunned for a second before he recognized whose voice it was, then his eyes darkened, he turned and flew back to Tang Sui, a little luminous blue flickered between his brows, the triangular cube enveloped them, and they were separated from the outside world. The scene of destruction is out of place.

Sensing a powerful pulling force pulling her outward, Qian Renxue looked at Tang San who was protecting Tang Sui, exerted a little force on the hand holding the Angelic Sacred Sword, and let the undeniable force The force pulled her out of this collapsing space.

The next time we meet again, I will definitely defeat you with my own hands.

The rumbling sound gradually diminished.

After the outside world calmed down, the space around them had turned into a vast expanse of blue-gold.

Tang San removed the Vast Sea Universe Cover, looked at the familiar place and heaved a sigh of relief, "It seems that we are back."

"Where is this place?" Tang Sui looked around suspiciously.

Tang San put his hands on Tang Sui's shoulders, and the profound soul power and spiritual power emanated from his palms and penetrated into Tang Sui's body, helping her sort out the surging blood energy.

"Here is the space of spiritual consciousness. Although it is mine on the surface, most of the authority belongs to Lord Seagod. However, as my affinity with Seagod increases, the control over this space is also deepening. Complete control It's just a matter of time, don't worry."

Everyone here is their own.

Only then did Tang San explain to Tang Sui what happened after he successfully absorbed the spirit ring and the generated spirit bone of the evil killer whale king and entered this space of spiritual consciousness.

"After receiving the reward for the fourth trial, my Seagod affinity increased to 35%, and I was able to mobilize part of the sea's power. Then I met Lord Seagod, who told me that the power of the Angel God appeared within the range of the sea .”

"Lord Seagod is the god of the sea area. Although it is only a dying divine thought, as long as it is within the scope of the sea, every move of the outside world cannot escape the control of Lord Seagod. Only then will Master Seagod and I know that your soul consciousness You suddenly left your body. When you think of the power of the angel god that suddenly appeared in the sea, it must be He who took you away."

Saying that, Tang San's complexion gradually became serious.

"After obtaining the eighth spirit ring and new spirit bone, my spirit power level has been promoted to level 84, but I didn't realize it at all. It was Lord Seagod who reminded me in time that I found out."

"If there is a first time, there may be a second time. Sui Sui, if this happens again next time, you must not face it alone." Tang San solemnly warned.

There is even a sea god behind him as a big tree to enjoy the shade.

But Sui Sui was alone, even if it was only a lingering divine sense, it was not something they could deal with now.

Enemies are not to be underestimated!

- off topic -

I'm sorry, I was so tired yesterday, I was busy until after ten o'clock, and then I fell into bed and fell asleep.

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