Chapter 607
"I know brother." Tang Sui nodded. To be honest, she also had lingering fears this time.

Tang San let out a breath, and asked other questions: "By the way, Sui Sui, why was your soul consciousness suddenly pulled into the space of that angel god this time?"

Speaking of this, Tang Sui's expression is not very happy:
"Angel God took me away as a preaching tool for His successor."

Tang San showed astonishment on his face: "The preaching tool man? That angel god asked you to preach to Qian Renxue?!"

Speaking of the latter, Tang San raised his voice.

Tang Sui snorted softly: "Yeah, I didn't realize it at first. It wasn't until I seemed to wake up Qian Renxue that the whole space began to reject me, and the angel god appeared in person, and I realized that this was just A game set up for Qian Renxue."

Tang San's expression turned serious, "So, Qian Renxue is probably also undergoing the same successor assessment as my Seagod Nine Examinations. I originally thought that our growth rate was fast enough, even as long as I really become the next successor. Sea God, this time the game with the Spirit Empire is sure to win, I didn't expect it."

"Just like what Senior Bo Saixi said, the enemy won't stand still and wait for us." Tang Sui, who felt much relieved, raised his hand and pressed lightly on the back of Tang San's hand, "Brother, I'm already much better. I have sent soul power. Let's leave the spiritual space and return to the real world first, Miss Xiao Wu and the others should be very worried about us."

"Okay." Tang San stopped the transmission of soul power and internal power, and slowly withdrew his power.

At the same time, the entire space also began to become hazy.

After a sharp drop in consciousness, Tang Sui, who was sitting cross-legged on the back of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, suddenly opened his eyes, and then bowed down and coughed.

"Cough cough."

"Sui Sui!"

"Sui Sui, you're awake!"


The eager voices of his partners came to his ears, and he was patted on the back gently and forcefully. It took several seconds for Tang Sui, who was coughing violently, to finally recover.

[You are awake.I suddenly couldn't detect your soul consciousness just now. 】

The system's voice was rarely filled with human anxiety and joy, and the masks also chattered in the spiritual space.

'Being able to take away your soul without a sound is no longer something humans can do. ' The ape said with a deep voice.

The fox face took the words: "I thought it would be his target, but since he has recognized your qualification to fight for the way, it stands to reason that he will not do anything to you again." '

【I detected the remnant of another breath of divine power before, not the god of the sea, nor the divine power of the God of Asura. 】

God of Fortune: "The only gods that have not been recorded are Rakshasa Gods and Angel Gods. '

Grandma said slowly: "Is it an angel god?"After you come back, your soul is not so clean. '

Da Fei said angrily: "If you are dirty, I will be dirty too!"No, go take a shower!This smell is so disgusting, I want to throw up! '

In fact, she is the only Tang Sui who is suffering: "."

Fushen was dissatisfied and said, "What are you vomiting?"Now that you have no entity, the only one who suffers is the little master, okay?Still dirty?You've been stepped on so many times, it's already dirty, okay? '

Big fly out: '?Don't talk nonsense!The one that has been stepped on many times is obviously the ape face!It also plays closely with different people! '

Ape face: '? ? ? '

The ape face was angry: "Who doesn't keep your face with your thick eyebrows and big eyes?" !You are the only one who thinks dirty!You are noble, you are great! '

The sound of the masks made Tang Sui's brain buzz, and she, who hadn't recovered from the sequelae, coughed even more heart-piercingly.


Invisible fluctuations spread from the depths of the deep spiritual space, and the masks with small mouths kept blazing like they were pinched by the neck of fate. The noisy ravings all came to an abrupt end.

[Everyone shut up. 】

Three icy mechanical sounds sounded, and the masks of the emotionally charged each other gradually dimmed the light in each other's eye sockets, and they were as quiet as a chicken.

Physiological tears clouded his field of vision due to violent coughing, and a dark brown water bag and concerned pink eyes were somewhat distorted in the water-colored world.

"Sui Sui, drink some water."

Xiao Wu half knelt on the back of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, patted Tang Sui's back with one hand to help her breathe, and held the water bag with the other hand, waiting for Tang Sui to take it.

Tang Sui stopped pouring water after unscrewing the cork bottle and poured a few gulps into his mouth, and let out a long breath.

Although her brother had put her consciousness back into her body very gently, the sequelae of being dragged out of her soul consciousness by the angel god was like accidentally drowning after being seasick, struggling for a long time before being rescued by someone, it was extremely uncomfortable.

Of course, it does not rule out the influence of the power of the angel god on her.

On the other side, the tyrannical aura that overflowed gradually subsided, and Tang San, who was sitting cross-legged on Xiaobai's back, also slowly opened his eyes, and was immediately noticed by Xiaobai sitting down.

"Master Tang San, you're awake too!"

Excitement flashed in Little Platinum's pupils.

Dai Mubai and the others heard the sound and looked, seeing Tang San with a ruddy complexion and a more serious aura than before, they finally let go of what they raised.

"Little San, how do you feel? Have you and Sui Sui entered the state of twin resonance again?" Dai Mubai asked concerned.

Tang San sighed lightly: "Yes and no. It's a long story."

He told all the encounters between him and Tang Sui in the spiritual realm, and Tang Sui also talked about the various intersections between her and Qian Renxue in the space created by the Angel God.

Everyone frowned when they heard this, and Xiao Bai was also shocked and puzzled.

"Let a person who is preparing to preach and a person who has confirmed the 'Tao' preach, how beautiful is God's thinking?!"

Xiaobai originally wanted to swear and say bad things, but when he thought that most of the gods would respond to such things.

Although this is on Lord Seagod's territory, it's better to be cautious.

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, clenched his left fist, and slammed it heavily on the palm of his right hand, with a look of gearing up: "Dare to move Sui Sui, when we return to land after completing the assessment, I will definitely make people from the Spirit Empire look good. !"

Can't touch Qian Renxue, could it be that he can't touch other people in Wuhun Empire?
As long as you represent the Spirit Empire, can't he represent the Star Luo Empire?

"Boss Dai is right, the account of Sui Sui's being bullied can't just be settled like this." Ning Rongrong said solemnly with a straight face.

Ma Hongjun's fingertips flew around a little bit of flame, and his pupils were reflected red, "That's right. Since the opponent's god doesn't talk about martial arts so much, then we don't need to use these martial arts. If we meet after returning , Hmph, young master, I must let them experience whether my phoenix flame is hot or not!"

"Fatty, I stand by you this time. I support you to burn them with phoenix flames!" Oscar gave a thumbs up to Ma Hongjun, who was exuding a domineering aura, and praised him.

Ma Hongjun brushed the ends of his crimson hair confidently, and rubbed the starting point to light the flame, "Just wait and see, I will do what I say when the time comes!"

Friends, you interrupted me sentence by sentence, which eased the dignified atmosphere a lot.

Tang Sui's heavy heart became much lighter as he looked at his comrades who shared the same hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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