Chapter 608 Brother Finally Stands Up
"Speaking of which, Xiao San, what level of soul power do you have now?"

After talking about helping Tang Sui find the place, Dai Mubai remembered Tang San's level.

Tang Sui also looked over curiously.

You must know that when her brother found her before, the breath of soul power released was no weaker than hers.

Speaking of this, a smile from the heart appeared on Tang San's handsome face, "I'm already level 84."

Tang Sui, who was still stuck at level 83, was stunned, "Huh? Brother, you're already level 84?!"

The smile on Tang San's face grew stronger, "Yeah, it's been more than 20 years, and I've won you once."

"Oh!" Ma Hongjun looked at Tang Sui teasingly: "Sui Sui, you are now a veritable 'sister'!"

Tang Sui raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh? That fat man, do you dare to call out?"

Ma Hongjun froze, and rubbed his nose embarrassingly: "That's okay. I'm already ranked below you and third brother, and I'm your dearest brother~"

At the end, Ma Hongjun gave Tang Sui a wink.

Tang Sui let out a "huh", and indifferently slapped his loving eyes.

Seeing the harmonious and harmonious atmosphere, Xiaobai was a little envious.

Xiaobai shook his tail and said, "Now that the fourth test has been completed, then I will drive you back home?"

Everyone has no opinion.

The mighty group of demonic great white sharks began to return.

"Speaking of which, Boss Dai, after you got the reward for the fourth test this time, your soul power should have reached level 79. You will reach level [-] in a short time, and then you can ask Sui Sui to help you bestow the highest level. Suitable for your soul ring."

Sitting on Xiaobai's back, Tang San started chatting with his companions.

Dai Mubai on the back of the other Demon Soul Great White Shark nodded and said: "Not bad. My current spirit power level has reached level 79. But if we want to hit level 80, we still have to wait until our fifth test is over. By the way, little three , You haven't seen what your fifth test is, have you?"

"When you and Sui Sui woke up, I took a look at my assessment. I think our assessment will be different this time, so please take a look at yours."

"Rongrong, take a look at yours too."

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, the others nodded, and began to check the content of their fifth test.

Tang San also closed his eyes, a ray of spiritual power gathered between his brows.

A golden light curtain sprayed out from the imprint between the eyebrows, and the brilliant golden card turned into substance in the golden light and flew into Tang San's hand.

Tang San looked down, and couldn't help being stunned when he saw the assessment content above.

Xiao Wu, who was staying beside Tang Sui, flashed, and an instant teleportation soul skill flashed to Tang San's side, and leaned forward to read the fifth test on the card for him:
"The fifth test of Sea God, challenge the guardians of the seven sacred pillars. The timing starts from challenging the No.1 guardian of the sacred pillar. There is no limit to the number of challenges, and all challenges are completed within 36 hours. Only by defeating the seven guardians of the sacred pillars can you pass this, Defeating seven Title Douluo in three days?!"

Xiao Wu's face changed suddenly.

"Not only Title Douluo, but also Sea Douluo." Tang San looked at the card in his hand with a wry smile, and looked sideways at Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, what is yours?"

Xiao Wu pursed her lips: "I need to defeat Sea Turtle Douluo. There is no limit to the number of challenges. Each challenge must not exceed 2 people. The assessment time limit is one year."

After finishing the content of his fifth exam, Ma Hongjun let out a "huh" with an excited look on his face: "Miss Xiaowu, coincidentally, my examiner is also Sea Ghost Douluo."

He has a comrade in arms!
Zhu Zhuqing looked at the golden card in his hand and said, "The one I need to defeat is Sea Lady Douluo."

Oscar squeezed the card, showing melancholy: "My examiner is an old acquaintance, Seahorse Douluo."

Dai Mubai exhaled: "My examiner is Sealance Douluo."

Ning Rongrong's face became even more bitter: "My fifth test is to help Boss Dai and the others pass the test separately except for you, third brother. I will pass the test only after Boss Dai and the others pass the test."

Ma Hongjun, who suddenly noticed Huadian, turned his head abruptly: "Wait, isn't there a limit on the number of people in Miss Xiaowu's assessment? If Rongrong's assessment content must support us in five battles respectively."

Xiao Wu sighed: "That means I can only partner with Rong Rong. Otherwise, even if I pass the test, Rong Rong will not pass the test."

Ma Hongjun instantly petrified: "How could this happen——!"

Tang Sui shook his head and sighed: "Your fifth test seems to be testing your personal combat ability. Thinking about it in the long run, if we can pass the fifth test, we may encounter problems when we go to the battlefield in the future. It is of great benefit to see a strong enemy."

Oscar jumped onto the back of the demon spirit great white shark where Ning Rongrong was, squatted down and patted Ning Rongrong who was sitting on the back to comfort him, and looked at Tang San again: "Our fifth test has changed (harmony) ) state, but it is nothing compared to Xiaosan’s need to wear seven in three days.”

Dai Mubai was thoughtful: "Although there is a huge gap between our level and Title Douluo, with the best spirit ring combination and Rongrong's increase, I think there is still a great chance to pass the level smoothly. Even It's Xiao Ao, if you have enough preparations for copying the mirror sausage, try a few more times, and you should be able to pass the level."

Tang San held a different opinion, "I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think. Don't forget what I said before, they are not only Title Douluo, but also Sea Douluo."

This is the same reason that a falling phoenix is ​​inferior to a chicken.

Dai Mubai's complexion suddenly changed when he realized it.

Xiao Bai, who had been acting as the background board to listen, spoke out at this time.

"Then do you need my help?"

Tang San lowered his head in confusion: "You?"

Xiaobai said triumphantly: "I know most of the strength and fighting methods of the Seven Sacred Pillar Sea Douluo. I can be your training partner. It's different from your second test. Now my strength is not restricted. So in theory, I can simulate the various levels of strength possessed by the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars, so that you can be more familiar with their fighting methods, etc. What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other with joy.

"Of course that would be great. Thank you, Xiaobai."

"Hey, you're welcome. Helping you grow up is actually helping me and the entire Sea God Island!" Xiao Bai flicked his tail.

Tang Sui looked at the crowd, thought of something, and said, "Then I will also be your training partner. Just in time, I also want to try to see if I can fully master my domain ability within this period of time."

If I remember correctly, one of the guardians of the seven sacred pillars seems to be very good at creating a spiritual illusion similar to the face of an ape.

Facing the more powerful spiritual pollution in advance may also help improve their ability to face the guardian of the sacred pillar. This wave can fight fire with fire.

- off topic -

Although this article does not mark "no CP", the main text mainly follows the growth route of raising cubs, and there is indeed no CP.Just wait until the dust settles, there may be extra stories about buying more shares.

(End of this chapter)

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