Chapter 609 Qian Renxue's Doubts
In the Angel Temple, the more than 20-meter-high angel statue is surrounded by rich golden light.

Like a bright sea of ​​stars, it reflects the hall into a piece of sacred white gold.


The golden light suspended in the center of the hall exploded and turned into countless filaments of light, rendering it in the temple.

Six huge golden wings stretched out in the air, and the next second, a golden halo erupted from Qian Renxue's body.

The golden threads surging in the air immediately flocked to Qian Renxue like a hundred birds returning to their nests, and the condensed energy was completely absorbed by her.

The angel god is enshrined, and now the 99-level limit Douluo Qian Daoliu, who has been famous for several years in the history of Douluo Continent, stood quietly in front of the angel god statue, looking kindly at Qian Ren who was suspended in the mid-air with his eyes closed. Snow.

A look of satisfaction flashed across the deep and clear face. Seeing Qian Renxue put her hands together in front of her chest in prayer, countless golden threads converged into a sacred aura, exaggerating her already noble temperament, adding a sense of aloofness. a feeling of.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Qian Renxue suddenly opened her eyes.

At this time, her pupils had completely turned golden, and a strange cluster of golden flame patterns quietly flickered between her brows, and finally melted into her brows, turning into a golden inscription of divine patterns.

The energy slowly converged, and Qian Renxue, whose pupils turned back to purple, looked at Qian Daoliu: "Grandpa, I passed the fifth angel test. Now the angel affinity has increased to 40.00%."

Hearing this, Qian Daoliu smiled and said: "That's right. Your foundation is so deep that you were able to pass the five exams in just a few years. The next sixth exam is relatively easy, but the last three exams are even more difficult." , you have to be mentally prepared.”

A dim light flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes, looking at Qian Daoliu with a gratified expression, thinking of what she had seen and heard in the "assessment", she said hesitantly: "Grandpa, do you know what the content of my fifth exam is? what?"

Qian Daoliu said "hmm", with a hint of doubt in his thick voice: "Xiaoxue, did something happen in your fifth test?"

Qian Renxue landed slowly from mid-air, thought for two seconds, and then told Qian Daoliu what she saw and heard in the fifth test.

Qian Daoliu's eyes flashed after listening, "I didn't expect that your fifth test was so different. It seems that not only Tang San accepted the inheritance of Sea God, Tang Sui may also have an adventure in inheritance. I just don't know what it is What, it caused the angels and gods to be alarmed."

"Grandpa, don't even you know about this?" Qian Renxue was puzzled.

Qian Daoliu said calmly: "All the content of the Angel God Examination was promulgated by the Angel God himself. What is there, what happened, and some things, even I can't know the whole content."

"Each angel assessment is determined according to the examiner's own talent and character."

"And the appearance of the Angel Nine Trials is definitely not lucky. This not only means that you have amazing talent and character, but also means that the seraphim feels a deadly threat."

"You said that you actually met Tang Sui and Tang San brothers and sisters during the assessment, and even handed over their brothers and sisters. This only shows that you will inevitably become confrontational in the future."

Qian Daoliu's words stunned Qian Renxue.

"It's inevitable...?"

Qian Daoliu nodded, the six wings behind him trembled, and slowly flew down from the steps of glory to Qian Renxue, raised a hand to put on her shoulder, and reassured Qian Renxue who was in a daze .

"Xiaoxue, I watched you grow up. I probably know a little bit about what you're thinking. But since you've already discussed the way with her, and you ended up going different ways with different destinations, you're doomed to go the other way. "

Qian Renxue pursed her lips, "But, Grandpa"

"Xiaoxue, I know you are still unwilling." Qian Daoliu interrupted Qian Renxue and sighed, "Only when your affinity with the seraphim reaches [-]%, can you have the ability to destroy the enemy and defend the glory of the angel .”

Qian Renxue opened her lips, wanting to say something, but finally closed her mouth again.

No, rather than being unwilling, what she wants to know now is what Tang Sui's Tao is.
Looking at his absent-minded granddaughter, Qian Daoliu closed his eyes, and the golden six wings behind him trembled, and he rose into the back space.

"Xiaoxue, your fifth test has now been completed, it's time for the sixth test."

Qian Daoliu's words brought back Qian Renxue's Piaoyuan mood.

She looked up at Qian Daoliu, who was flying in the sky of the temple, high above like a god, overlooking all living beings, her right eyelid twitched.

"Grandpa, what is my sixth test?"

Seeing this, Qian Daoliu gave him high hopes, the best successor of their angel lineage, and smiled slightly:
"Your sixth test is to persist for a stick of incense under my attack. The time limit is one year."

The moment the last sound fell, golden flames rose from Qian Daoliu's feet.

The surrounding scene changes suddenly.

It is no longer a holy and magnificent temple of angels.It is a large floating platform with the sun and the moon rotating like a theodolite.

The only thing that has not changed is the 20-meter-high statue of an angel standing in the middle of the platform, watching the two people standing at both ends of the circular platform like a referee.

The clear blue sky was close at hand, billowing white clouds brushed across his face, and a trace of coldness spread on his skin.

The colorful nine rings are accompanied by six huge golden wings, and the emerging golden-haired humanoid martial spirit is condensed behind him.

Qian Renxue's face changed suddenly, and the battle memory engraved on her body made her subconsciously cast a circle of angelic light to form a shield in front of her.

Qian Daoliu raised his right hand above the sky, and in the next second, a deep golden glow shot out from his palm, exploding like a halo.

"Hoo hoo—!"

The turbulent golden air wave whizzed over.

Just a halo of light was released, Qian Renxue's body was bombarded hundreds of meters away by a swaying strong light, countless wounds left by blades appeared on her body, and the deep red blood instantly dyed her holy platinum robe red .

Qian Renxue, who was half kneeling on the ground, choked out a mouthful of blood and spat it on the ground.

The knife-like pain spread from the open wound on her body, making Qian Renxue cough twice, and two mouthfuls of blood spilled out.

"Remember, I won't be merciful. When you can't hold on, just say it, and take the test again after repairing."

Qian Daoliu's faint voice sounded from above.

Qian Renxue raised her head with difficulty, suppressed other distracting thoughts in her mind, and began to concentrate on dealing with Qian Daoliu, with determination in her eyes, wiped off the blood on her lips, stood up tremblingly and said : "Come again, Grandpa."

Grandpa was right.

If you want to pursue more, you must first make yourself stronger in order to have this capital.

No matter what is waiting for her in front of her, she can't shrink back!

- off topic -

The contents of the Nine Tests of Angels are vague, and some of them are not according to the original ones.

(End of this chapter)

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