Chapter 611 As the name suggests, very active

"Don't look so solemn. My training is actually quite simple."

Standing opposite the Seven Shrek Monsters standing in a row, Tang Sui couldn't help laughing when he saw the faces of his companions who were facing a formidable enemy.

Ma Hongjun was the first to not believe this.

"I don't believe it. Sui Sui, you are the second most powerful person in our team after third brother. You smile so maliciously, you must be holding back your bad intentions and preparing to beat me up!"

Oscar also stared nervously at Tang Sui, and nodded in agreement after hearing Ma Hongjun's words.

Tang Sui smiled, spread his hands and said, "You really don't have to be nervous, I will beat you up violently, because I have only one training method, and I am not fighting you."

"What? There is such a good thing?!" Dai Mubai thought he heard it wrong.

"During this period of time, when everyone received Xiaobai's training and guidance, I have a deeper grasp of my field. Now I can suppress the mental pollution that comes with the field." Tang Sui said about himself in the past one and a half months. harvest.

Tang San's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but said: "Then, Sui Sui, don't you have the ability to independently control the target of spiritual pollution in the domain?"

Tang Sui nodded: "Almost. But I can only suppress it for about an hour. Unfortunately, although it is my own field, I still haven't completely controlled it."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu comforted: "It's okay, Sui Sui, in your situation, this kind of example is not uncommon. As long as you practice and explore, you will definitely have a deeper understanding and understanding, and then you will deliberately master the domain perfectly." .”

You must know that when Er Ming only comprehended the innate ability of the Titan giant ape family, the gravity field, he couldn't grasp it well at the beginning.

It was mother and Da Ming who guided Er Ming to dig deeper into the field of gravity before he fully grasped it.

Sui Sui's situation is inherently special, if Sui Sui's cultivation method is replaced by a soul beast, it is not surprising that she has not mastered her now.

"Well, I see. Miss Xiao Wu." Tang Sui smiled at Xiao Wu, brought the topic back, and said with a solemn expression:

"I have only one way to train you. That is to put you in my twin domain, and I will control the spiritual pollution in the domain according to the strength of each person's spiritual power."

With Tang Sui's field topic raised, and now hearing about Tang Sui's training methods, no one showed surprise.

But Xiao Wu who had entered the field and Tang San who had personally experienced the huge negative emotions and spiritual pollution had extremely serious expressions.

Ma Hongjun, who had never been severely beaten by Domain, his eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "You don't need to fight with Sui Sui? That's good!"

A strange look appeared on Tang San's face.

Xiao Wu turned her head and glanced at Ma Hongjun who felt that she had survived the catastrophe, her pretty face was full of subtle emotions.

Tang Sui looked at Ma Hongjun who was instantly excited, and the corners of his lips raised a harmless arc:

"As I said just now, I can suppress the domain for an hour at most."

"Let me remind you in advance that my field is full of activity. You can regard it as a living and cunning opponent. And this opponent's routines are endless, and any situation may appear."

Although to be precise, there are five opponents.

In the Twin Realm, even if the main body of the fox face is still in the Slaughter Capital, it can still dictate the domain.

Hmm. The system shouldn't have such a bad taste and get involved together, right?

He listened to Tang Sui's inner voice completely systematically:【.】

Other masks: "emmmm"

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly, and asked: "It is full of activity, does it mean that unexpected changes will occur in the domain at any time?"

Tang Sui gave Zhu Zhuqing a look of approval, and continued:
"Yes. If you can last an hour in the field, you can tell me and continue to stay in it. If you can't hold on, I will monitor your situation at any time, just in case, and drag you at any time out of the field."

The smile on Ma Hongjun's face slowly disappeared: "Why does it sound to me that it's more difficult than fighting with you, Sui Sui?"

Why does it sound the same as when I was training in a mimetic environment in Shrek Academy a few years ago?

The painful memories of dying suddenly started to attack him, Ma Hongjun shuddered, and hugged his arm silently.

Tang San, who fully understood the rules, nodded and said: "We all know the rules, Sui Sui, when do you want to start training?"

They just had a big battle with Xiaobai today. Although Oscar's super recovery sausage slowly recovered their soul power, their mental power was really not enough to last.

Tang Sui, who watched the whole process from the sidelines, naturally knew this. She glanced at the vigilant partners and set a time: "It will start early tomorrow, everyone should rest well today."

Everyone had no objections, and neither did Xiaobai. Instead, he looked forward to tomorrow's arrival even more, and even slept directly in the seawater next to the beach for a night. .

And when Xiaobai sensed a few auras approaching the beach, Xiaobai in the sea suddenly woke up.

The long tail stirred in the sea water, and the huge body jumped up from the sea water. After transforming into a human form in mid-air, it flipped steadily and landed on the soft sand, looking excitedly at the energetic Shrek people.

"Is it finally about to start?!"

Tang Sui nodded, looked at everyone, the breath on his body suddenly became vigorous, and said loudly: "Are you ready? I'm going to start."

"You can start anytime!"

Dai Mubai straightened his back and replied.

Tang Sui closed his eyes and began to mobilize the demon power and soul power in his body.

Eight brightly colored soul rings floated up from under her feet, the first, fifth, and seventh soul rings shone brightly at the same time, the black and red light only flashed on Tang Sui's body, and the white miniature face surrounded her ankles, consciously Give up the position beside him, not daring to compete with the other four jade white masks that appeared.

"Twin field, open!"

The moment they opened their eyes, the soft sand under everyone's feet turned into a life-threatening swamp, and turned into a greedy glutton, as if with a single mouthful, they swallowed all seven people on the ground into another darkest world!

The field of vision in front of him suddenly became pitch black, and the huge and turbulent malice like a tide swept in from all directions.

It seems to have returned to the days when tidal forging began.

Their soul skills were restricted, their limbs and even their necks were locked, and they could only passively bear the blows of the cold waves.

But the difference this time is that the force impacting them will not cause physical harm at present, but the spirit is warmly welcomed the moment they fall into the domain.


While the Seven Shrek Monsters were showing pained faces, the shrill and treacherous laughter came to their ears, and Ma Hongjun, who had the lowest magic resistance among the crowd, instantly turned pale.

They have been waiting for a long time.

- off topic -

There are no double shifts, and I got home very late today.You don't have to go out tomorrow, so it's double shift then!
(End of this chapter)

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