Xiaobai and Bai Chenxiang couldn't see everything that happened in the domain, even Bo Saixi who stayed in the Sea God Temple couldn't spy on Tang San's situation.

All they can see is floating above the thick and suffocating shadows like a swamp, with their eyes closed, the four jade-white masks squinting or opening the hollow eyes with faint light and mist flickering in the depths, strands of black The air overflowed from the cold and empty inner shell of the mask, like dense silk threads, woven into an airtight fine net, isolating Tang Sui from the surroundings.

The masks slowly rotate around Tang Sui like guardians, and with the angle of rotation, their eyes will meet Xiaobai inadvertently.

A shudder of being targeted by a stronger predator exploded from his scalp.

Even Xiao Bai, who is the King of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, couldn't help feeling palpitating towards Tang Sui, whose body was covered with a layer of black and red light.

They wrap Tang Sui like a membrane, reminding Xiaobai of the chrysalis before breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

And the chrysalis that is about to hatch is at least king butterfly level.

Xiaobai thought secretly in his heart.

Although he was very curious about what happened to Tang San and the others in the field, out of caution, Xiao Bai still didn't disturb Tang Sui.

Tang Sui, who was concentrating on suppressing the restlessness in the field, had no idea of ​​Xiaobai's entangled psychology.

Although she has not fully grasped the domain, she can observe any disturbance in the domain from the perspective of God.

For example, after the seven monsters fell into the domain and suffered mental trauma, they still reacted quickly.

There was a purple-gold light in Tang San's eyes, and at the same time as vast and magnificent spiritual power spread out from his body, the Blue Silver Emperor Vine with mysterious golden patterns outlined in Yinglan was quickly thrown out by him, and quickly circled Live with companions who cannot fly.

The light blue domain spread with the unique fresh breath of the forest, bringing the Six Shrek Monsters into the scope of the domain's gain.

But Tang San's complexion changed slightly, and his expression became a bit more dignified.

Dai Mubai and the others, who were intimidated as soon as they entered, shivered and woke up as if someone had suddenly stuffed snow from the back of their necks.

With Tang San's buffering operation, Oscar, who had come to his senses, recited the soul-moving mantra decisively, created five fantasy mushroom sausages, and threw them precisely at his non-flying partner.

The phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake's translucent wings spread out behind Dai Mubai and the others, giving them more buffer time.

Ma Hongjun's face was pale, and he muttered with concern in his heart: "It was so exciting when it came up, is Suisui's domain so terrifying?"

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help sighing: "No wonder that in the assessment of the Whale Shark Battle, although Sui Sui's domain is strong and can also increase the attributes of teammates, he didn't come up with a backup plan."

Even as a teammate, just resisting such a huge spiritual pollution in the field is enough.

Not to mention that they are still being targeted under Sui Sui's suppression.

Without Sui Sui's suppression, she could hardly imagine what a terrifying blow it would be.

Ning Rongrong's complexion was also not very good-looking, even with the blessing of the spiritual head and soul bone of the illusion, it was still greatly affected.

After all, although her mental strength is not weak, compared to Tang San and Tang Sui, it is still far behind.


The brilliant light of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda lit up in the dark space, one after another amplified light emitted from the pagoda above Ning Rongrong's palm, and all fell on the comrades.

As soon as the auxiliary light was thrown out, Ning Rongrong noticed something was wrong: "Not good. My boost has been weakened by 10%. It was originally a 70% boost, but now it can only increase by about 60%!"

When Ning Rongrong said this, Oscar's expressions also changed.

"Okay, my spiritual power and soul power seem to be suppressed." Oscar felt about [-]% of his soul power and almost [-]% of his spiritual power in his body, and the alarm bells in his head rang crazily.

Dai Mubai circulated his soul power for a circle, frowning tightly: "My mental power and soul power have also been suppressed, the soul power I can use now is only about [-]%, but my mental power is very bad, only [-]%."

Ma Hongjun hissed, "No way, why is there still a hole in this field!" He knew how Tang Sui used the field to kill so many evil killer whales than himself.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu also echoed Dai Mubai, saying that they were weakened.

Tang San pursed his lips and said: "The increase in the Blue Silver Domain can temporarily offset part of the weakening. My spirit power is a little bit more than Boss Dai's, it's 10%, and my mental power has been suppressed by about [-]%."

Although they couldn't compare with Tang San who was full of external sharp weapons, but that is to say, even with the increase of the Blue Silver Domain, they were still severely weakened.

This is also the reason why Tang San's face not only did not become relaxed after using the domain, but became more dignified.

"Rongrong, have you forgotten? People who are pulled into the domain by me, all their attributes and abilities will be weakened to varying degrees according to the difference between soul power and mental power."

Tang Sui's voice with a hint of chuckle sounded from above the domain, matching the eerie and eerie atmosphere in the domain, there was an indescribable sense of shudder.

When Tang Sui said this, the others also remembered the passive ability of this terrible field.

If the soul power gap between the person who was pulled into the domain and Tang Sui, the master of the domain, is too large, the difference in soul power is 5 levels, the mental power will be weakened by 70%, and the soul power will be suppressed by 30%.

Although with the assistance of the Blue Silver Domain, their mental power was weakened by 60% and their soul power was weakened by 40%, but once they left the scope of the Blue Silver Domain, their own suppression would return to that terrible high value.

You know, after receiving the reward for the fourth test, the gap between their current soul power and Tang Sui's is less than 10 levels, but still greater than or equal to 5 levels.

As for the other double-high Tang Sui, it will only be weakened by a unified 20% to 30%, which does not exist at all!

Tang Sui from the outside looked at his partners who had finally reacted, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

Although her current spirit power is lower than that of her "golden suit" brother, but fortunately, there is still some suppression.

If both soul power and mental power are lower than hers, only .

In the gloomy domain, everyone who felt something suddenly fell silent and looked around warily.

In the next second, Tang San's face changed suddenly, and he yelled: "Close your eyes! Don't look!"

But Tang San had already finished speaking.

The moment the huge ape appeared from the dark void with its round eyes staring at the red light, everyone in Shrek had already been tricked.

"I'm sorry everyone, who called the fifth test to assess personal combat ability."

Tang Sui's words without the slightest guilt drifted in the dark field.

Except for Tang San who can still stay awake under the mental control of the ape face, the other six people have all fallen into the nightmare that the ape face has woven for them.

'According to the distribution agreed last night, I leave it to you. '

Tang Sui said quietly in his heart.

Then Bai Chenxiang and Xiao Bai saw that the four masks that were slowly revolving around Tang Sui paused and hovered in mid-air, trembling slightly.

They strangely saw an emotion called excitement from the four masks.

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