After realizing this point, Tang San's complexion was ugly, and the thoughts in his heart became like a mess of woolen balls for a moment, messy voices came out, full of disturbance, even the fox face couldn't hear Tang clearly Three real thoughts.

But Humian didn't care about Tang San's defensive methods either.

He turned around as if no one was there, and walked towards the bed, exposing his deadly back in Tang San's field of vision.

He was clearly heading towards a bright area, but even if he was bathed in the pale golden Seagod's Light, he couldn't get rid of the lingering deep feeling on his body.

Tang San frowned, staring at the fox's face gloomyly, watching his every move, his chaotic heart sounds were controlled by Tang San to grow, and buried his most real psychological activities under countless noisy voices.

He didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's gourd.

Although he was told bluntly that he harbored malice towards him, the strange thing was that whether it was the man in front of him or the other masks that did not appear but had self-awareness, they were pure evil but not necessarily so.

Because according to his observations, according to the meaning revealed by the old voice when he was in Wolf Bandit Village, they were on Sui Sui's side.

The creaking sound of the wooden floor stopped, and Fox, who had already walked to the edge of the bed, spoke softly:
"I can tell you the truth, this is indeed a scene constructed with the most authentic memories and presented again."

He stretched out his slender and cold white hand from under the black robe, and pointed it vaguely in front of Xiao Tangsui's red hot face.

Even if he wasn't touching, he could still feel the incomparably real heat passing along the air to his fingertips.

The temperature of a living person.

Sigh, greed, regret...Complicated emotions flashed one after another in Humian's eyes.

Tang San, who could only see the back that Hu Mian left him, was startled, and quickly and calmly found out the flaw in Hu Mian's words, denying: "The first half of the memory you showed me may be true, but Later. I remember clearly that I left for at least two hours to find someone. During this period, I never came back!"

"You said you were re-presenting the memories of the past in front of me, but my people were not there at that time! There are no memories here at all."

The unspoken meaning is that you don't want to fool him.

Hu Mian chuckled, withdrew his hand, covered it under the black robe again, and said, "Who said it was your memory?"

Tang San paused, "What do you mean?"

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Tang Sui on the bed suddenly let out a sick moan, which attracted Li Village doctor who was watching over, and hurried to the bed with a warm medicine bowl, and at the same time, Fox took a small step back. The faces rubbed against each other, but at the moment of contact, ripple-like ripples twisted and appeared in the air, directly passing through the fox's face.

Li village doctor gently helped Xiao Tangsui to sit up from the bed.

She was so small that she was weak due to a high fever. Even if someone supported her, she was like a soft ball of plasticine, and she was about to shrink into the bed as if she had no bones.

Fortunately, Dr. Li Cun was an experienced doctor, so he seized the opportunity and carefully poured two mouthfuls of soup into Xiao Tangsui's slightly parted lips.

After waiting for Xiao Tangsui to habitually swallow the bitter medicinal juice in his mouth, he straightened the limp man, and then poured two mouthfuls, repeating this operation several times, before pouring down all the small half of the herbs in the medicine bowl .

Of course, Xiao Tang Sui choked out a lot of the medicine that was poured in, but a small half of it went into the stomach smoothly.

After keeping Xiao Tang Sui in the sitting position, he calmed down for a while, and then he settled himself in the bed again. Looking at Xiao Tang Sui who still had a high fever, he couldn't stop sighing.

"What can I do? If this continues, everyone will be burned."

Standing obliquely behind Doctor Li Village, Humian watched this scene quietly.

Tang San who was not far away wanted to step forward, but because of Humian who was closer to Xiao Tangsui, he didn't act rashly.

But doubts arose in his heart.

Although this memory is far away and buried in the depths of the memory palace by him, what he remembers is that after he failed to find his father, he returned home and searched every corner of the house, the beams, Or the land with some slack on the ground, just dig it up with a shovel, not letting go of every place, and found part of the savings Tang Hao hid at home, and part of the copper soul coins he saved on weekdays, and hurried to the neighboring village , and handed over the money to Doctor Li Village.

Village doctor Li ordered his son and two fast-footed young men from the village to go to the county town to buy medicine.

During this period.
By the way, during this period, he had exhausted a lot of energy due to running back and forth, and also because Doctor Li told him to wait outside, in case he had not yet awakened his martial soul, and he was just an ordinary child who was infected by Sui Sui.

So, he didn't know what happened in the house!
Thinking of this, Tang San looked sharply at Humian, and even forgot to Yan Yan's own heartbeat.

Hearing Tang San's heartfelt voice, the real fox face only glanced sideways at Tang San, and let out a chuckle of unknown meaning.

In the next second, Tang San's gaze was attracted by the raving little Tang Sui on the bed.

Only the branches in the bonfire were burning, and Xiao Tangsui's voice was very clear in the crackling wooden house.

Dr. Li Cun, who had been thinking about her, was stunned for a moment, and then delighted. He called Xiao Tangsui's name by the bedside, trying to bring him back to consciousness.

The most feared thing about a high fever that does not subside is that people faint from the fever and cannot regain consciousness.

In Li Village doctor's calls, with Tang San's excellent eyesight, he saw the slightly trembling eyelashes of his closed-eyed sister, as if she was struggling to wake up.

"Sui girl, Sui girl, wake up, you... are you awake?!"

There was some excitement in Doctor Li's voice.

Accompanied by the slowly opening pupils, before the joy in Doctor Li's eyes widened, he suddenly met those pupils covered with a layer of green light.

"Old Li, what?"

Before the old Jack who had heard the sound had finished speaking, a sense of crisis, as if he was being targeted by a natural enemy, swept over his whole body.

After the body stiffened abruptly, both old Jack and Li village doctor suddenly passed out and fell to the cold ground.

Tang San watched his sister wake up and slowly sat up from the bed.

The cold wind scrambled in, and Xiao Tang Sui, who was supposed to be burned and had no strength to get up, lowered his head and spread his little hands, like a person with disabled legs who is very unfamiliar with his walking legs after standing up again. After shaking hands tentatively, he said in a hoarse voice:
"Such a weak body"

As soon as these words came out, Tang San's eyes suddenly changed, more shock flowed from his eyes, and he blurted out: "How is this possible?!"

Another personality appeared so early? !

- off topic -

[Gently kneel down] Relatives made today's ink carp shorter, woo woo

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