"Little Tang Sui" who stood up again gave a soft snort, the corners of his mouth curled into an arc of no warmth, his pupils covered with a layer of green light lightly swept over the fallen old Jack and Li village doctor, and Tang San In the astonished eyes, "Little Tang Sui" exerted a little force on the hand supporting the bed, and the whole body broke away from gravity, suspended and flew some distance from the ground.

It was as if she was born with the ability to fly, and she was very familiar with the movements of controlling her body to fly.

He realized that Tang San couldn't find any shadow of the past on that long-lost silhouette.

He obviously hasn't awakened his martial soul yet, and his soul power hasn't been activated yet, but now he can fly directly into the air
Tang San knew that there were many people who had adventures in this world, and special people like him who cultivated both soul and martial arts must exist, but they hid it very well, and did not expose their own cultivation method other than soul power.

So he never underestimated anyone.

Tang San, whose thoughts were floating, paused, and a strong sense of crisis came to his face.

"Little Tang Sui" floating in the mid-air stared straight at Tang San who shouldn't have been able to see with his green eyes flashing, and a playful laugh mixed with the fox's face came to his ears.

In the next second, Tang San's expression changed suddenly.

Watching "Xiao Tang Sui" slowly float to the door, and when he was about to push the door away, suddenly, the other party frowned, the habitual arc of the corner of the mouth was suppressed by the sudden contraction of the pupils, and the whole person suddenly frowned. Falling from mid-air, stepped on the ground, but because of the high fever and weakness of the body, he directly knelt and sat on the ground.

Then, Tang San saw "Little Tang Sui"'s face turn blue and then white, the dark green in his eyes seemed to fade a bit, as if he was fighting something, his pupils turned green and then blue, flickering indefinitely.

This change lasted for several seconds. When the light at the bottom of the eyes changed from blue to light green again, the small face of "Xiao Tang Sui" was a little distorted, as if sand had suddenly entered the eyes, and the light reflected in the eyes Things start to appear blurry double.

"If you stay here, you can only wait for death."

He heard the other party speak in a hoarse voice persuasively.

"Leave your body to me first, and I'll go to a safer place to take care of you. You don't have to worry about anything, just sleep and everything will be over when you wake up."

"Don't continue to resist, I'm for your own good."

Tang San's expression was a bit serious.

The only waking existence in the room was "Little Tang Sui". Old Jack and Doctor Li Village hadn't recovered from their inexplicable coma.

This only sober existence is actually the only sober one.

It is important to know that the different personalities of the patients who have been separated from the soul are rarely able to coexist peacefully.After all, there is only one body, if at this time the other party wants to take away the body, then Sui Sui.
Suddenly, a sarcasm came into his ears, Tang San looked coldly at the fox face retreating to the shadow area, the latter's vertical pupils flickering with faint green light looked over, even if his face was covered with a mask, Tang San could still I can imagine that the corner of the other party's mouth under the mask must be a malicious smile.

"If I could seize the house, I would have done so long ago."

Tang San's eyes turned colder in an instant, "You may have had this idea at the time. But you didn't succeed. Because Sui Sui's consciousness was stronger, and directly suppressed you who took over the body for a short time."

Still sitting on the ground, "Xiao Tang Sui", who still couldn't float up, had a look of unwillingness flashing in his eyes, and said something sternly.

Obviously standing very close, but Tang San didn't hear anything.

The only one who can do this is the fox noodle that sells some kind of medicine in the gourd in front of him.

"What did you do? What did you say?!"

Humian glanced at himself who had failed, deep malice rolled in his dark green eyes, but his voice was still full of drowning tenderness: "I'm just telling the truth."

She didn't want Tang San to know that she also had a wonderful "last life", so she didn't want Tang San to hear it.

But as for what Tang San himself imagined, that was Tang San's own business.

After all, the next play will continue to sing.

Then, Tang San saw "Little Tang Sui" fly up again, the green light in his eyes became much more solidified.

Now, he knew, another personality had taken over the body.

The "Little Tang Sui" who floated up again didn't waste any more time, and left the dilapidated cabin without hesitation, and went to his unknown area.

Little Tang San, who finally came back with his savings, froze with excitement when he saw Old Jack and Li Village Doctor both collapsed in the room.

The faces of the two woken up by Xiao Tang San's pinch changed from dazed to anxious, mobilizing others to start searching.

As a passer-by, Tang San watched his young self rummage through the neighboring villages and nearby villages inch by inch. I can find my sister.

not found.
can't find it anywhere
From the scorching sun to the sunset on the western mountain, what Tang Hao, who finally returned home under the setting sun, heard was the news that his youngest daughter had suddenly disappeared when she was seriously ill from the sweaty villagers.

Hearing the news, Tang Hao's eyes froze for a moment, no sadness could be seen on his decadent rough face, he just waved his hands and said, "If you can't find it, you can't find it."

Tang San's heart suddenly turned cold, looking at his father's sloppy appearance, and thinking of the father who accompanied their brothers and sisters to spend day after day in the valley, the suppressed black and red mist appeared again His eyes.

Do not.

Tang San's hands hanging by his sides were tightly clenched into fists, and the finger bones made a chilling crisp sound due to the excessive pressure.

None of this is real, it's just an illusion, an illusion.

Father is still avoiding the Wuhun Temple, and will not be exposed to outsiders, but he will definitely go to Sui Sui in private.

He kept telling himself in his heart not to care.

But illusions are illusions, but logic and thinking are real.

Almost four hours have passed since Suo Sui disappeared in the fantasy world until his father returned home.

In four hours, I don't know what kind of accidents can happen.

It's too late even if Dad looks for it in private
All kinds of thoughts came to mind uncontrollably, one after another, so that Tang San's clenched fists and nails were deeply embedded in the palm of his hand, and traces of bright red dripped down the ground between his fingers.

The small black tentacles entrenched in the dark felt the fragrant breath from the blood, ready to move.

The fox, who bases his pleasure on the pain of others, watched this scene with a smile on his face.

It can only be said that Hu Mian's profile of the people around Tang Sui is just right.

As one of the original masks that accompanied Tang Sui from the day she was born, the fox mask manipulated the real and false scenes, presenting another unique fate trajectory in front of Tang San.

——This is Fox's assessment in front of Tang San, which is a manifestation of aboveboard maliciousness, and it is also an overt conspiracy.

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