Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 618 Brother and sister killing each other?

The pitch-black diamond-shaped storm charged like a bamboo.

Tang San's pupils shrank, blue-golden light erupted, and with the use of the Blue-Silver Domain, several tough Blue-Silver Emperor vines poured out from his body, instantly forming a plant protection layer, meeting the extremely destructive drill shaped storm.

The Blue Silver Domain's Myriad Things Launched!
The surroundings, which had been dyed red by the molten magma underground, instantly turned blue-gold, and the blue silver emperor vines that burst out of the nest turned into thick giant trees, and the shadows of the trees suddenly appeared, and everything around them became unreal.

"what is that?!"

Hu Liena, who failed to recognize the awakened and evolved Blue Silver Emperor, exclaimed, with a hint of weakness in her voice.


The three heads of the three bat beasts affected by the omnipotent ability howled in pain.

Because at the moment when the domain ability was activated, a feeling of dejection appeared in their hearts.

It is it that bears the brunt of being drained of vitality.

Followed by Hu Liena and Tang Sui.

"Tang Yin, what are you?"

Hu Liena's voice couldn't affect Tang San in the slightest.

What really gave Tang San a hard blow was that after he activated the Blue Silver Domain's omnipresent ability, he actually actually extracted life force from the three consciousnesses present besides him, and was even able to mobilize the drawn life force, Replenish the exhausted soul power, mental power, and even physical injuries.

Only the guy in black, his domain ability is useless to him.

As if they were all real and only he was false.

The intertwining of endless killing intent and clear-headed reason split Tang San into two people, with pain like tearing his head.

Under Tang Sui's powerful evolutionary soul skills, the Blue Silver Emperor Vine is still like a ball barrel punctured by spikes, broken into a section of vine branches, falling from the midair with rustling, covered with hot molten lava, or The real Huangquan dew was burned and turned into its nourishment.

One blow failed, Tang Sui had no lingering strength, the black-red monster power condensed into two slender blades in her palm, the surprise attack skills trained by the Slaughter King himself were no less than what Tang San taught Tang Sui, After being modified, the 2.0 version of Ghost Shadow Mizong.

The life-drawing ability of all things was blocked by Tang Sui's demon power covering his body.

It's like wrapping food with a layer of plastic wrap. It's clearly in front of you, but you can't taste it.

Cooperating with the shadow-like mask, Tang Sui, who was not good at melee combat, fought evenly with Tang San who was in mid-air.

Whether it's Hu Liena or the three-headed bat beast, they can only see the remnants of the two lights and shadows, one blue and one black.

Beads of sweat rolled down the cheeks from the chin, and dripped on the back of Tang San's scarred hands, causing a sharp pain.

The split memories in his mind and his sister were full of murderous intent, and the eyes without any warmth and hesitation were constantly intertwined. For a moment, Tang San almost couldn't tell which of his memories was real and which was an illusion. as a real enemy.

It is said to be an illusion, but Tang Sui's current strength configuration, and the overall configuration of Tang San who was pushed into the illusion by the fox face, are indeed their strength configuration before entering Sea God Island.

Rounding up, it is equivalent to Tang San fighting against Tang Sui at the moment.

Reason kept reminding him that this was just a fabricated illusion, and everything was within the training.

But Tang San was still stabbed by Tang Sui's eyes without any warmth.

——'By the way, let me remind you.If you are killed by her here, you in reality will also be severely injured.No matter how you get hurt here, the real you will get hurt. '

Humian, who seemed to have suddenly discovered his conscience, reminded him kindly.

what? !

Tang San looked at Tang Sui who vowed to kill him, his pupils shrank suddenly.

But before he could even express his astonishment, he was intercepted by the dense rain of attacks.

"Ding ding—!"

The sharp blade wrapped in a layer of black-red monster power and pierced Tang San's body without stopping.

Even Tang San sometimes has omissions.

Ten thorns down, there may be one thorn that will inevitably fall on the body, but when Tang San's arm touched the slender blade in Tang Sui's hand, the sound was like the collision of jade.

Tang San was not the Tang San who was stuck on the road to hell and couldn't use his soul skills, but he who had been tempered.

With the continuous tempering of the body, the mysterious jade hand skill held by Tang San has been perfected by him, and the unique jade quality has been extended to the whole body by his hands.

What he displayed at this time was the state of bone-like jade.Although the bones on his body are still not as tough as the Xuanyu hand, the difference between the two is almost the same, and the ability to resist blows is terrifying.

But Tang Sui's attack power is not a display either.

After realizing that the current strength could not hurt Tang San any more, Tang Sui's eyes sank, the seventh blood-red soul ring swung away, the aura on his body was as deep as ink, and thick evil thoughts also escaped in this space. Spread out.

"The seventh soul skill, the real body of the tool soul!"

"The eighth soul skill, one breath of reincarnation!"

A more intense blood light suddenly appeared.

This was Tang San's first experience of the eighth spirit ability used by Tang Sui in attack form.

In attack mode, Tang Sui's eighth soul skill "Dream Void Realm" will be replaced with "Reincarnation One Breath".

Instantly recovers all injuries and physical strength of oneself, and when attacking, the critical damage of each mask will be increased by 63%.Within the domain, it can also absorb 1% of the enemy's soul power per second, and at the same time, enhance its own defense by 50%.

A strong sense of crisis swept over his body, Tang San knew he could no longer defend passively, and had to fight back.

Otherwise, she will be riddled with holes by Tang Sui, and will really die in reality!

Currently the strongest single attack soul skill appeared in his mind.

Almost at the moment of activation, the lingering voice of Fox's face appeared behind him:

——'Do you really want to use your eighth soul skill? '

As if it was whispering close to his ears, Tang San was distracted for a moment, and the tyrannical and terrifying mental power and soul power formed a majestic wave of air and exploded, trying to force the fox back.

But that wave of power, like a stormy sea, passed through the tall and straight figure with a fox face.

He is like a mirage in the desert, the real entity is not here.What Tang San saw was just a projected phantom.

Tang San, who was disturbed for a moment, quickly strengthened his will again, the eighth spirit ring that was also blood red lit up, his muscular left leg slightly lifted, and the darker blood light lingered more intensely around his leg, Seeing that it was about to change from the accumulation stage to the explosive stage, the fox face said again:
"Guess, after your slash, will she in reality be cut in half by your slash?" '

- off topic -

Fox face: Can you guess which one I said is true and which one is false?
The Spring Festival plus updates are coming one after another.

Today and tomorrow will be the third update, the middle day update, the last big explosion update on the ninth day of the ninth day, the kind of Meme Chirp with a guarantee of 15 chapters!

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