Chapter 619 Only You Are Left

The red light on Tang San's left leg faded away, replaced by a blue light gushing out from the center of Tang San's brow, covering Tang Sui like a spread net.

Even knowing that he was in an illusion, and everything was half-truth, Tang San still didn't dare to gamble on such a serious possibility.

Tang Sui felt threatened by the bursting blue light. To be able to fight Tang San at high speed in the air, in addition to strong physical fitness, he also had to be mentally strong enough to give himself an advantage as the attacker.

Therefore, at the moment when the blue light began to crystallize and solidify, a black glow flashed across Tang Sui's icy and delicate face, a black ape face was worn on her face, and the red round pupils that were as big as copper bells glowed red, matching her Tang San's eyes collided with each other.


The dazzling red light barbarously broke into Tang San's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, like throwing a flash bomb in his sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, making his vision suddenly become a bright blank.

"Oh!" Tang San snorted, the blank space in front of him was still expanding, causing his pupils to temporarily lose focus.

Two equally vast and powerful spiritual forces collided in an unknown field, and the result of the first collision was that Tang San's spiritual consciousness sea flickered like a malfunctioning TV set, and the signal flickered unsteadily.

And when he regained his vision again, the confinement of the triangular cube had already formed in mid-air, but Tang Sui, who should have been imprisoned inside, was not inside.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing flesh made Tang San's ears move, he looked over vigilantly, his pupils shrank unconsciously.

Because on the incomplete corridor bridge below, a bloody blade protruded from Hu Liena's heart, and the muddy blood color spread on her soul master's robe.

Hu Liena, whose heart was pierced from behind, couldn't help leaning forward when Tang Sui swiftly pulled out the slender blade. After choking out a mouthful of blood clots mixed with internal organ fragments, she staggered two and a half steps and knelt on the ground, dripping heavily. Blood trickled down from the broken heart, and soon accumulated a large pool of blood under her body.

Holding two knives, Tang Sui flicked away the blood from the blade, his dark pupils were cold and silent, as if he had just crushed an ant to death, and he glanced at the only remaining enemy with his indifferent eyes.

"Only you are left."

Tang Sui said like a sentence.


A huge black shadow passed behind Tang Sui.

The target was not Tang Sui, but the fatally injured Hu Liena.

Hu Liena, who still had a look of shock on her face, was knocked down by the three bat beasts rushing into the Huangquan dew lava pool that could easily scald human flesh and blood.

The eyes that looked at Tang San at the end were full of disbelief and the pain of being betrayed.

Tang San tightened his hand holding the handle of the Clear Sky Hammer, controlled the sudden feeling of guilt in his heart, took a deep breath, and at the moment Tang Sui's figure began to distort, he also swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand , met the black-red light that turned into an afterimage and galloped towards it.

On the sunny golden beach, the six Shrek monsters seemed to have just been fished out of the water. They collapsed powerlessly on the sand one by one. Their clothes were damaged to varying degrees and there were various wounds. Even their clothes were soaked in sweat and stuck to their bodies, making them extremely uncomfortable.

There are even two or three people who have not even regained consciousness.

Oscar, who had passed out completely, couldn't provide sausages for everyone, so he could only rely on Bai Chenxiang, who had not entered the domain, to take care of them like a raging fire, first clean the wounds on his body, and then feed a piece of medicine pill brought from Tangmen .

It is used to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the yuan.

Xiaobai approached, crossed his hands, looked at Dai Mubai and the others who were half-dead with disdain, and said with disgust: "It's only been more than two hours, and you actually only lasted for about an hour, not even half of it. arrive."

Ma Hongjun, who would usually say "Why don't you try it yourself", is just a hard-eyed person at this time, like a salted fish that has lost its dream, paralyzed on the beach and doesn't want to move anymore.

Xiaobai curled his lips boredly, and his eyes fell on Tang Sui who hadn't withdrawn his mental power and domain.

Sure enough, the humans chosen by Lord Seagod are different.

Today's Xiaobai is also a qualified Poseidon blow.

"Ding ding ding——!!!"

The sound of hard cold weapons rubbing against each other can be heard endlessly.

The three-headed bat beast, whose speed couldn't keep up with the two, found a safer place to squat, its developed auditory system captured the movement in the air, and its six blood-red eyes keenly observed the changes in the space, looking at the two people. Hit from here to there.

With a deafening bang, the black and red figure flew backwards.

The wide bat wings of the three bat beasts who have been watching the battle here startled. Although their bodies are huge, their moving speed is comparable to that of a swimming snake. However, they moved behind Tang Sui in three or four seconds, spread their wings, and revealed their growth. With a dark gray fluffy neck and a relatively soft abdomen all over the body, Tang Sui, who fell out, was put into his arms.

But Tang San wasn't treated so well.

Although it didn't fly upside down, it also fell straight from mid-air.

The severe pain all over his body made Tang San's consciousness stagnate for a few seconds.

Fortunately, a few seconds before he was about to fall into the hot molten lava, Tang San regained consciousness.

The faint blue light dissipated, the hot bubbles from the boiling lava burst, and the splashing molten flame stars jumped up unwillingly, but Tang San could only watch helplessly as Tang San walked away from the scorching lava.

Tang San, who had regained his footing, looked at the man and the beast on the opposite side, his eyes changed for a few moments, and finally settled into condensation.

"There are all kinds of things!"

The blue-golden blue-silver domain's myriad phenomena spread out again, the phantom of the forest full of tree shadows appeared, and hundreds of blue-silver emperors bloomed from Tang San's body, heading towards Tang Sui and Tang Sui as if equipped with an automatic navigation system. The three bat beasts chased after them.

With the lesson of being absorbed by these Blue Silver Emperor vines before, the three-headed bat beast and Tang Sui would naturally not be caught again, and started to hide around in this underground space as Tang San expected.

Sensing something, Humian looked at the figure chasing after Tang Sui, squinted his eyes, and there was a hint of danger in his gentle voice: "Have you thought it through? Are you planning to do something to her?"

Tang San, who was chasing behind Tang Sui, did not answer, but when the distance between the two parties was shortened again, he swung his left leg, but the imaginary razor-shaped slash did not appear, but in an instant, Tang San was the center. Countless shattered red light blades burst out, attacking in all directions at the same time!
"Evil Orca Soul Bone Skill, Orca Crush Teeth Slash!"

A 360-degree indiscriminate full-range attack is ejected suddenly.

Tang Sui, who wanted to repeat the old trick and use the third spirit ability Void Face, was immediately locked on by Tang San's huge spiritual power as soon as he moved.

The ubiquitous squeezing feeling seemed to form a kind of confinement space, detaining her soul in the original space except that she could not escape!

The three-headed bat beast also seemed to understand that Tang Sui's ability was restricted. I don't know whether it was because of the guardian or other reasons. Under Tang San's gaze, the three-headed bat beast turned into a cloud of black mist, completely ignoring the spinning The coming red light blade cut the black mist into several balls and rushed towards Tang Sui.

Tang San's eyes suddenly showed astonishment.

What is it trying to do? !

- off topic -

I was fine when I went to dinner, but because my relatives were too enthusiastic, I couldn’t go back today [Pain Mask]

So today is a single update, and tomorrow will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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