Tang San was like a stranded fish, his lips parted slightly, his chest heaved rapidly, and he crazily operated his own power, finally under the playful gaze of the figure diagonally behind him, he broke the coercion that fettered him, point by point. A little bit of recovery.

After panting heavily, he turned around abruptly, and the figure that symbolized the capital of killing and blood—the King of Slaughter—appeared in his eyes.

The same handsome and evil facial features as he remembered.

But there are also differences.

That is, the other party's naked external skin color showed an extremely abnormal grayish white, and the pair of gray-black bat wings stretched behind his back gave birth to several pairs of bone spurs, which were hideous and terrifying, even less human than the Slaughter King he remembered.

The only thing that is familiar is the pair of red eyes that are still not human, looking at Tang Sui who is in the same direction as him at the moment, the inside is as sticky and cold as thick blood, with the aura of a top predator. Cruel, just looking at each other is like falling into an abyss, which makes people feel chills.

Why is he here? !
At this moment, Tang San had a question like Tang Sui's in his heart.

The King of Slaughter, who couldn't hear the voices of the people present, but could read words and expressions, looked at Tang Sui wholeheartedly in his spare time, and asked a question similar to the one just now:
"Just let him go so easily and let him obtain the Death God Domain, okay?"

Fox, who knew the truth about this memory, fell silent.


Although the second half of the script was destroyed, the first half of the script, just the part where the two started fighting, was enough for Tang San to drink a pot.

Back then, their little master let them go after Tang San injured the Ten Headed Fierce Sun Snake.

However, when did this guy replace the puppet he made?
Humian's probing gaze passed Tang San, and landed on mvp, who was staring at several pairs of eyes.

Mvp glanced at the fox's face calmly, suspended in mid-air without changing his expression, and the five black masks lingering around him dissipated like sand blown by the wind.

Tang Sui didn't seem to see the fox's face, but strangely, he didn't call the King of Slaughter, but looked directly at the frozen Tang San, as if "are you going or not".

Tang San:"."

He wanted to go.

The powerful coercion that made him unable to move has slowly gathered within a certain range when the Slaughter King said the second sentence, at least it didn't press him down anymore, but Tang San quickly discovered question.

That familiar, suppressed feeling
Was it because of the arrival of the Slaughter King that his soul skills were sealed?
Tang San, whose expression changed slightly, raised his head and looked at the Slaughter King who was not far away from him, looking down on him.


His Adam's apple rolled down, his lips trembled, and he gradually recovered his strength. He clasped his movable hands, looked at him with inexplicable emotions, and turned into the fox face of the stereotyped squinting mask again, his eyes darkened. , turned his head, taking advantage of the spirit bone's ability not being completely suppressed, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he cautiously and quickly floated towards the exit position he remembered in his memory.

When Tang San was completely submerged in the black shadow cast by the huge conical stone hanging upside down from the top of the wall, Tang Sui, who was standing still, suddenly moved.

A trembling sense of crisis climbed up from his back in an instant, Tang San, who had already formed a complete set of muscle memory in countless trainings and arduous actual combat, turned around swiftly, his hands instantly turned into jade, and conditioned to meet the shiny cold behind him mango.

The purple-gold eyes and another pair of cold and stern eyes looked at each other again.

Aiming at him, the cold killing intent that would definitely cut grass and roots was clearly reflected in Tang San's eyes.

Tang San's heart felt a little sour.

Throwing aside the gaudy suppression of soul skills, Tang San and Tang Sui began to fight in the purest way of close combat.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that Tang Sui is mostly attacking, and Tang San will attack occasionally, but they are all feints, more for defense.

If the real Tang Sui is here, he will inevitably hesitate and think about the reason why the other party keeps his hand.

But the Tang Sui in front of him didn't.

She knew Tang San kept his hands back, but she didn't change her strength, even hitting harder each time, the moves were deadly, full of murderous intent.

Hu Mian watched the scene where he finally got back on the track of the script, but because Tang Sui didn't use the soul skill, but just attacked in level A, and derailed again, he fell into deep thought.

So, what went wrong again?

The King of Slaughter, who suppressed the soul skills and soul power of the two, stood in the void with his hands behind his back. The old god was watching the two juniors fight each other, not worried at all, hiding his achievements and fame.


Tang San, who was swept heavily by Tang Sui's high-altitude split and fell on the scorching ground, let out a muffled grunt. He stood on the ground that could compete with the oven, and his jade-colored palms would scald the flesh when they touched the ground. His arms trembled faintly.

The finely broken stones scratched sharply on his palm, although there were no bloody gashes left, but they were not far away.

Because his Xuanyu hand was on the verge of limit under several hard-on attacks.

He wiped away the dark red blood spilling from the corner of his bruised mouth, looked at Tang Sui who was holding a pair of knives, with a layer of black and red light attached to the knife face, and smiled wryly.

It's not soul power
It seems that, for some reason, this Sui Sui's soul power and soul skills have been suppressed just like him.

And for some unknown reason, Sui Sui didn't summon the Masked Martial Soul.

Fortunately, he has no soul power, but he can still use internal power and the fusion of hidden weapons and poison that he is proud of.

A cloud of obscurity flashed in Tang San's eyes, and he lamented in his heart.

His poison and hidden weapons were originally used to protect the people he cared about.

Even though they were enemies at this time, she was always his sister, so how could he use the deadly poison and dangerous hidden weapon used against a real enemy on the sister he swore to protect?

Reading the thought in Tang San's heart, the eyes of the fox's face flickered slightly.

For some reason, Tang Sui with a cold face also paused for a moment, but soon launched an attack again.

The two figures fought hard to distinguish each other on the platform only a few meters away from the high-temperature lava.

Drops of bright red blood splashed onto the ground, and were quickly scorched by the molten lava flowing from the surroundings, making a "sizzling" sound.


The double sabers in Tang Sui's hands were lifted flying by the Clear Sky Hammer that suddenly appeared in Tang San's hands, and he wanted to return to defense, but was suddenly slapped on the abdomen by the opponent.

The severe pain hit, making Tang Sui arch his back unconsciously, giving Tang San a chance to fight back.

He walked around behind Tang Sui with ghostly shadows, and the pitch-black Clear Sky Hammer pressed onto Tang Sui's arm, and yanked towards him, using the Clear Sky Hammer to clamp him there.

Tang Sui squinted his eyes, snorted coldly, and a circle of muddy red light lit up in his black pupils.

In the next second, she vigorously twisted her body, trying to break away from Tang San's restraint.

It's a pity that what she met was Tang San who had studied the Tang Sect's body skills, moves, and various grasping skills extremely thoroughly in his previous life.

After finding that he couldn't break free, Tang Sui's complexion seemed to turn dark, and the red light in his eyes burst out.

While struggling with Tang San, a mid-length dagger condensed by monster power suddenly appeared behind Tang San full of flaws, stabbing towards him.

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