Douluo: After Reincarnation, secure the script of the group favorite

Chapter 622 He said he would protect his sister

Tang San with excellent hearing naturally heard this sneak attack from behind.

Using Tang Sui's struggling strength to complete his turn, he instantly judged the point where the dagger stabbed, and then the handle of the Haotian Hammer, which suppressed Tang Sui, moved up slightly. The red light at the bottom of Tang Sui's eyes flickered, and the dagger formed by demonic power immediately Changing the position of the landing point, Tang San also deftly changed the position of the Clear Sky Hammer and their positions, making the dagger stand still.

Tang Sui, who tried repeatedly but failed, became angry.

The dense black-red demonic power instantly covered the whole body, I don't know if it was Tang San's illusion, he felt that the color of these demonic powers was closer to a deep black, more turbid than what he had seen before.

It was too late to think deeply, as if Tang Sui, who had obtained a layer of buff, finally broke free from the grip of the Clear Sky Hammer, a short dagger appeared in her palm out of thin air, and was held by her and stabbed viciously towards Tang San's heart .


As if piercing a hard jade wall, a crisp sound sounded.

The killing intent in Tang Sui's eyes became stronger.

Tang San looked at the strong killing intent in Tang Sui's eyes, his eyes showed sadness.

Under the amazed gaze of Fox Face and the Slaughter King, Tang San, who was able to harden his body by relying on Huayu, gave up resisting, and let Tang Sui, who was holding the dagger, seem to be integrated with the dagger. The right hand ruthlessly pierced into his heart, piercing through the heart in the flesh and blood.


Humian was really surprised this time, you must know that Tang San still had a chance to escape from Tang Sui's men, and then continued to fight.

Even Tang Sui, who pierced through Tang San's heart with the dagger and his right hand, stopped there as if pressing the pause button.

The broken heart made Tang San cough up blood uncontrollably.

He seemed to be stunned, with a familiar face with a sense of familiarity, his body moved closer to Tang Sui, and even Tang Sui's hand went deeper, stained with warm blood.

"Sui Sui."

Tang San's eyes were sad and gentle, looking at Tang Sui like in the past, with his brother's connivance.

Even if this act of connivance is to kill him with his own hands.

"Why...don't you hide?"

Tang Sui's black pupils reflected Tang San whose mouth kept overflowing with blood, he felt puzzled from the bottom of his heart.

"You should know, I'm not her."

Hearing this, there was a subtle look in Humian's eyes.

The Slaughter King raised his eyebrows.

And Tang San.

He smiled tremblingly, raised his hand with difficulty under the indifferent expression of "Tang Sui", and hugged him tremblingly under the latter's eyes from vigilance to surprise.

Like the way we got along when we were young, he withdrew his hand, stretched out his hand stiffly and slowly to touch the long black hair of "Tang Sui", and said hoarsely: "I know"

From the first second when he was thrown into the illusion by that guy and opened his eyes to see the person, he knew that the person in front of him was not the Sui Sui he was familiar with.


".Meet you."

In the soul master competition, he had observed it with the Purple Demon Eye.

He didn't expect that he would see that scene just in time.
After taking Wangchuan Qiushuilu, Ziji Demon Eyes can see through all falsehoods, and can even directly see people's souls.

Tang San's pupils began to become dilated, and his brain gradually became chaotic, but he always remembered what he wanted to say.

"For me"

"You too, my sister"

He spoke intermittently, his voice getting weaker and weaker.

"Tang Sui"'s eyes moved slightly, the black pupils reflected the weak Tang San.

"Brother said. He will definitely protect you."

He didn't know the relationship between the "Sui Sui" in front of him and another Sui Sui.

but he trusts his instinct
So even if it's just an illusion, he still can't watch Tang Sui get hurt or even die in front of him by hurting the enemy by one thousand and hurting himself by eight hundred
He couldn't afford to bet against either possibility.

A big mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs was coughed up by Tang San with a "wow".

The hand resting on the top of "Tang Sui" fell limply, like Tang San whose chest and pulse had stopped beating, walking towards death.

"That's what he said."

Silently, the fox face that moved to "Tang Sui" gently reminded someone, staring at Tang San with a gentle and horrifying gaze, as if he was looking at some peerless treasure, and finally his eyes flashed again. After a pity, he kicked the problematic ball back to the silent "Tang Sui".

"Are you moved?"

Anyway, he didn't dare to move.

It's really ugly that a good script has become like this.

"Tang Sui" eyelashes drooped slightly.

The smell of blood so close at hand was so strong that one almost felt nauseated.

Warm, blood from a blood relative
"Tang Sui" stared at the breathless Tang San, and pulled out his bloody arm expressionlessly.

Tang San, who lost his support, began to fall forward inertially.

After hesitating for a while, "Tang Sui" finally didn't reach out to support the person, but let Tang San's body turn over and fall towards the hot lava.

"You are more ruthless than I imagined. Compared with the little guy who still has a little bit of humanity, you are more in line with the appearance of a monster like Mian Lingqi in my memory."

The voice of Bat Wing, who had changed from a male appearance to a female demon body, turned from surprise to a low smile, with inquiry in his eyes.

"I'm more and more curious about your story."

When she first picked up the little guy, she discovered that the other person was hiding something special.

"Tang Sui" glanced at her, his lips parted slightly, as if he had said something.

The crimson pupils of the bat wings flickered, and there was a little bit of surprise on her evil and beautiful face that had returned to her original appearance.

It's just that the guy who was already unconscious could hear their conversation.

Because the surrounding scenes reproduced by the fox's face were like glass being hit by some heavy object and shattered.

The figures of the three-headed bat beasts began to turn into black mist, and together with the scattered space fragments, they fell and disappeared wrapped in black mist.

The fox-faced figure standing in this space also distorted, flashing and flashing like an unstable signal, but still tenaciously withstood the repulsive force, standing upright like a real fox. Hitomi stared straight at "Tang Sui", staring at this really villain who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and threw it away after using it, and let out a light snort.

"Tang Sui" who finished talking with Bat Wing looked over feelingly.

The four eyes met for a few seconds, as if exchanging some messages, the corners of the fox's lips curled up in a mocking arc, and he murmured something softly like a sigh.


The illusion space completely collapsed, revealing the dark and viscous interior of the domain.

In the outside world, Tang Sui, who was floating on the soft golden sand, opened her eyes suddenly, lowered her head, and looked into her dark twin realm with a slight frown.

Strangely, her brother didn't last for two hours, and even Miss Xiao Wu couldn't beat him, so he passed out directly.

Is her domain so scary?

- off topic -

This game is a collection of riddlers~
Direct code until about three o'clock in the morning orz, good night, little cuties QAQ

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