
At the moment when Tang Sui died, the outsider Hailuan Douluo let out a muffled snort, and a thread of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Beads of sweat rolled from his forehead to his eyelashes, making Haiwang Douluo feel a tingling pain when he opened his eyes.

The sacred and gentle Seagod's Light shrouded the Sea Vanity Douluo's body who was already sweating profusely at some point, dispelling some of the chill that had condensed on his body.

"what happened?"

Poseidon asked with concern.

Sea Delusion Douluo opened his mouth to breathe in the air, his trembling pupils still had undiminished fear: "Her, her illusion. Something is wrong!"

It was the first time that Bo Saixi, who had seen Sea Vanity Douluo, who was good at controlling the spiritual field, lose his composure, stared at the man standing on the hexagonal platform, standing in the wind like a sculpture that had lost its life, covered by the blue sky. Tang Sui was shrouded in clouds and mist, with his eyes closed.

"What do you see?"

Bo Saixi, who couldn't figure out why, asked.

Their voices made Tang Sui's brain tingle, and the memory of being killed by an unknown existence in the previous scene was clearly shown in his mind like a picture scroll.

Tang Sui stood up somewhat staggeringly, while looking around in a daze, the vigilance in his heart remained undiminished.

"There is no need to peek into her illusion, just increase the domain effect and continue to maintain it."

Tang Sui subconsciously slid back, raised his right hand to block, and at the same time clenched the five fingers of his left hand, estimated the position of the opponent's face from the lower leg, and punched him.

This time, the same mistakes will never be repeated.

Countless masks that seemed to be welded to the door frame or on the ceiling looked down at her from above with smiles, and the eyes that were bent into a line were full of complex emotions.

She quietly listened to the changes in the wind in the air, felt the sound of breathing other than hers, and buried herself step by step into the depths of the dark corridor.

"Bang bang bang!"

He was wearing a red robe of a soul master and a golden armor. The overly familiar six-winged feather pattern was engraved on the most conspicuous place of the golden armor, making it impossible for Tang Sui not to notice.

Tang Sui, who completed the review in a very short time, put down his hand caressing his forehead, and there was a murderous intent floating in his dark blue pupils.

Hearing this, Bo Saixi was silent for a moment, raised his hand, and injected the majestic soul power and spiritual power into Hai Wang Douluo's body together.

As expected, the opponent leaned back to dodge, stabilized his body, and then punched.

Fist to flesh melee combat.

Three plain wooden walls blocked other paths, except for the wide-opened front, a long and strange corridor that was familiar but slightly strange, connecting to the darkness that could not be seen.

The two just held hands in the dark corridor.

In the same route, Tang Sui no longer touched the sliding doors on both sides.

"Let's play hide and seek together!"

And the attacker's reaction was not slow at all. The moment Tang Sui kicked out, he raised his arms and crossed his body in front of him to block. He only took half a step back, and soon turned defensive to offensive and attacked Tang Sui. .

"Hee hee hee--"

Back and forth, before he knew it, Tang Sui had already retreated to a sliding door that was lit up.

Haiwan Douluo took a deep breath and said: "During the hundreds of years I have been the guardian of the holy pillar, I have seen the darkness in the hearts of countless soul masters, and the most tragic memories that I don't want to recall. But none of them are like she is like this"

Because she hasn't seen clearly what killed her just now.

They laughed out loud, their voices overlapping and undulating:
"Remember to live until the end before leaving."

Countless darkness invaded, Tang Sui opened his eyes in the dark room, put his hands on the cold ground, sat up straight, and looked around in a daze.

But fortunately, she came back to life.

I don't know why, it's the same mask.But these masks of different shapes and styles no longer made her feel friendly, but a feeling of disgust, wishing to smash them all.

"Just what happened."

Sea Delusion Douluo replied "Yes" in a low voice.

It was a handsome man with black half-long hair.

"Wuhun Temple?!"

When she walked to the side of the third sliding door, the sound of breaking the air suddenly came from behind.


The inexplicable impulsiveness made Tang Sui raise his vigilance again.

Hai Duo Douluo's lips trembled, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Darkness."

Thinking of this, Tang Sui exhaled lightly, twisted his wrist, and looked towards the dark front.

Tang Sui, who was still unable to see the attacker's true face clearly due to the light, could only judge from the feeling when fighting that the opponent was a tall and strong man, who seemed to be wearing silver decorations with some dazzling eyes, and a little gold.

Tang Sui, who heard clearly this time, quickly dodged sideways, listened to the change of the wind, his eyes sharpened, and at the same time he turned around, he kicked the tall figure hard with a roundabout kick.

"What?" Bo Saixi thought he had misheard.

"It's as if I'm standing on the edge of the abyss, looking down. The horror of being swallowed by the deep darkness in the next second. It's a trembling feeling that the soul will be swallowed!"

Then in the next second, a feeling of being stared at by a terrifying existence that made her shudder, made her pupils shrink, and she sharply raised her head, staring at the source of her disobedience.

"I don't know how to use words to describe the existence I saw." Hai Van Douluo worked hard to turn his frozen brain, looking for suitable words.

A draft blowing from nowhere hit a half-closed sliding door on the right in front of her, making a creepy and indistinct sound.

He could hardly find a suitable adjective to describe the darkness of his magnified Tang Sui.

The orange light finally illuminated the appearance of the person she was fighting with.

Almost as soon as he saw the iconic pattern, Tang Sui's eyes showed hostility.

When he thought that he would no longer have to see the terrifying darkness, he was actually relieved.

Tang Sui, who wanted to get some distance away, was caught by the other party who took the opportunity to sweep his legs.

Hearing Tang Sui's terrified voice, the black-haired man who was fighting with her kept the smile on his lips, and even let out a chuckle, as if by magic, a spear suddenly appeared in his empty hand, It stabbed at Tang Sui's deadly heart.

Tang Sui's pupils shrank sharply, and it was too late to dodge, so he gritted his teeth and lowered his body, letting the blood-stained spear poke into the left shoulder blade above the atrium.

The real pain of tearing flesh and blood stimulated the brain, Tang Sui clenched his teeth, stubbornly raised his painful left arm and grabbed the slender blade of the spear that was still trying to penetrate, more blood and stinging pain came from dripped between the fingers of his left hand.

Taking advantage of the time when the spear was restrained, Tang Sui firmly grasped the long pole beyond the blade with his right hand, using the spear as a fulcrum, raised his right leg high, and quickly kicked the opponent three inches below the navel.

As if it was an instinct engraved in his soul, the man subconsciously let go of the restrained spear and then slid to avoid Tang Sui's kick attack range, preserving his male self-esteem.

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