Serene killing intent enveloped the man like a tide.

The spear pierced deeply into the left shoulder blade was forcibly pulled out by Tang Sui, who had bulging veins on the back of his hand. After sweeping his right leg, he fell forward. In the blink of an eye, she had already appeared behind the man.

The fingers of his right hand were slightly opened, and the spear was held by Tang Sui like a magic wand and turned around. There was a sticky sound of "噗嗤".

Tang Sui gripped the spear vigorously, and the sharp blade turned cruelly, twisting and breaking the man's neck from the inside out.

A fresh headless corpse was released immediately.

The severed head rolled down not far away, his face seemed to have a well-drawn smile, and he was smiling until he died, but there were some unbelievable emotions in his eyes, as if he hadn't thought of himself. Will be counter-killed.

"Tick, tick, tick,"

The dark red blood dripped down the tip of the spear, like a faucet that had not been tightened, and the flow was menacing.

As the man completely lost his vitality, he fell forward without the inertia of his head and tall body. Tang Sui, who was still in the penetrating posture, was almost staggered by the man who suddenly fell down and turned into a roadblock.


If you stand in the place illuminated by the light and look at it, you can still see the faintly exposed outline of the bones, which are connected with the shallowly beating blood and muscles, and the viscous blood is constantly oozing out.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded from the front, and Tang Sui, whose eyesight had not yet recovered, had already flashed towards the blind spot of the oblique front by relying on the muscle memory formed from countless battles.

Forced to change her perspective, Tang Sui's lips trembled, and she caught a glimpse of the man picking up her spear from the corner of her eye.

Tang Sui realized from the moment he woke up that his mental power, monster power, or soul power were all sealed.

Tang Sui subconsciously waved the spear in his hand, but the moment he raised his eyes, a glaring white light flashed in the darkness for a moment from the opened door, as if he had received a mental attack, and he felt dizzy. Come, let the eyes become pitch black.

Her gaze slowly moved up and landed on the head.

The sound of rhythmic footsteps seems to be slowly approaching.

Tang Sui, who was leaning against the sliding door motionless, estimated the distance and arrival time of the other party in his heart according to the interval of the footsteps.

Tang Sui was horrified and wanted to back away, because she was shocked to find that the distance between the footsteps and the time she calculated to walk out the distance did not match at all!

It seems that the sound of the wind circulation became clearer because it was closer to the ground.

But it can't change her current situation.

She found that the sliding door was not completely closed, but left a dark gap, and that red-gold eye opened from the darkness.

"this face"

Tang Sui glanced at the corpses with detached heads on the ground with unemotional eyes, clenched the spear tightly, adjusted his breathing rhythm, and pressed his body to the sliding doors on both sides, but kept a little distance enough for her to react and retreat .

Only the purest body skills are left.

Tang Sui's left arm trembled slightly, and his white teeth gritted his lips, almost biting his lips with a circle of blood.

Tang Sui secretly clenched the spear in his hand, his muscles tensed.

Tang Sui's right hand gripping his left arm was slightly tight, then loosened. Looking at the dead man's body, she pulled out the spear that pierced the man's neck, stretched her legs and turned the man over. The robe was indeed from Wuhundian.

The sharp blade of the gun made a dull sound when it touched the wooden floor.

Tang Sui's eyes widened, trying to see clearly what the figure who killed her stood behind the light.


What she pressed just now is that the acupuncture point can temporarily block the blood from converging towards the left shoulder blade, and the possibility of dying from excessive blood loss is reduced, but in this way, the left arm is equivalent to useless and cannot move.


what? !

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped.

"Da da da,"

Severe pain in the chest.

It watched Tang Sui's miserable state, and blinked at her slowly.


Suddenly, the sound of the sliding door moving came from the depths of the long corridor.

This is the effect of each acupuncture point on the human body acupuncture point map that her brother told her when he wanted to teach her the body method of ghost shadow obsession.

This guy.

Tang Sui secretly held his breath, trying to control his emotions and keep his heart and pulse not beating so violently.


The sound of the sliding door being violently pulled open sounded from the side.

The bright red blood dyed most of his handsome facial features red like floating flowers, and his face was frozen in astonishment, looking a little more ferocious for no reason.

Tang Sui looked up, and saw the creepy eyes of the masks closely pasted on the ceiling or the door frame staring at her, and the doors leading to other aisles were pulled open by the masks, leading to another deep aisle.

It was also pitch black, with no end in sight.

The focus of the dark blue pupils refocused, and Tang Sui finally saw clearly what was going on inside the sliding door.

Tang Sui, who couldn't help but be attracted by a mask and was shocked, came back to his senses, and the scarlet starlight flew into his sight.

Tang Sui, who heard the slight wind, turned his eyes with difficulty, and faced another wooden wall without any variegation or blemish, or a sliding door is more appropriate.

She was sure she hadn't seen it.

The shuddering killing intent accompanied by hoarse laughter wrapped Tang Sui.

She rushed to the side of this small room, next to it was a wall covered with masks.

high heels
When the man saw her fall, he was not afraid of her being killed by the explosion, he squatted down, and then stretched out his hand to kick her body away.

However, her field of vision was only the same as last time, moving down slowly, and she could only see a pair of plain and common boots clearly.

She didn't know what was here, and she didn't know whether these sliding doors would be suddenly opened by another existence and give her a blow.

She raised her right hand and tapped a few acupuncture points on the shoulder blade with her cold fingertips.

The painfully numb left arm touched a hard and bumpy touch, with a familiar coldness, and a feeling that a living thing was wriggling.

Tang Sui recalled the countless faces he had seen, but none of them matched.

Tang Sui took a breath of cold air with difficulty, a blood hole was stabbed out, and the left shoulder blade, which was bleeding profusely, was already a bloody mess.


Tang Sui, who could clearly see the roiling malice in that eye, opened his mouth, but was unable to make any sound.

Could it be that.
The space here. And the time, it's all messed up
Realizing this, the brilliance in Tang Sui's eyes began to fade, and finally completely disappeared in the orange halo overflowing from the door.

The masks that hung on the entire wall stared at Tang Sui whose vital signs had disappeared, like a passer-by indifferent under the stage, not paying attention to the performance of this miserable scene.

The world returns to darkness.

Only the scorched black marks on the fallen wooden door that seemed to have been burned by something and the crimson remains on the ground showed what happened.

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