The second after the verdict was pronounced, Sea Dragon Douluo raised his hand and patted Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar.

The Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar engraved with the giant dragon totem was full of light, the giant dragon carved on it seemed to come alive, the golden dragon-shaped energy circled out amidst the sound of the dragon's chant, and directly hit Tang San, bursting from his chest. penetrating everywhere.

"Challenge, Titled Douluo, Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar, pass."

"Fifth test, to challenge the Guardian Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars, and pass all the tests. Due to tricks in the challenge process, it was not recognized by all the Guardian Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars. Therefore, the rewards are reduced, and only the basic rewards can be obtained , Seagod Affinity 5.00%."

"The completion of the assessment took eleven hours, less than one-third of the total time, and the rewards were multiplied by three. The Seagod affinity increased by 15.00%, and the total affinity increased to 50.00%. Due to trickery, he got a high reward. The sixth test There is a change, an increase in difficulty."

In mid-air, the golden light group that completely lost the support of the golden light from the Seven Sacred Pillars turned into a golden light beam and descended from the sky, covering Tang San's body.

The feeling of being surrounded by energy came from all directions, pouring into the body from all limbs and skeletons seamlessly, as if subtly transforming Tang San's body.

But Tang San no longer cared about taking advantage of tricks and getting unexpected rewards after passing the examination.

"Little San, continue!"

A big super recovery sausage and a fresh and delicious small sausage were thrown at Tang San.

Malevolent voices shouted from the throng projected from a sliding door on the other corridor.

"Tear them up!"

"Little San! Calm down!"

The dazzling red quenched the entire field of vision.

Outside, covered in gray mist, Tang Sui's bare skin, imprisoned in the black-red beam of light, began to produce black-red lines of unknown function. The red color gradually deepens, transforming and changing towards complete black.

Joking and sarcasm mixed with laughter reached the ears.

In Tang San's trembling eyes, the close blood connection between him and Tang Sui was broken.

"There seem to be a few girls inside!"

Killing one after another is like a long link of memory and image.

The noisy ravings created layer after layer of sound waves, turning into a turbulent vortex, and like rain hitting plantains, it stimulated her spiritual consciousness, and even her entire soul, piercing her soul full of holes.


The falling Tang Sui adjusted his posture in mid-air with difficulty, raised his eyes, and met the countless lines of eyes that were hidden in the deep darkness and opened in vain.

The moment she just got up, the hard wooden board under her body, or the wooden sliding door, was pulled open again without accident, causing Tang Sui to fall again.

Sea Dragon Douluo looked at the backs of the eight Shrek monsters leaving in a hurry, thought for a while, and directly used the power of the sea god in the holy pillar to repair the injury, and rushed towards the place where the beam of light was lit.

Like an overturned teacup, it spilled all over the dry table, and she wanted to save it, but it was too much to recover, making Tang Sui's soul so painful that it seemed like it was about to explode, destroying her spirit and will.

It seems that the strings that have jumped to the extreme are still snapped under the strong drag force.

Tang Sui was surprised to find that he could hear clearly amidst the rambling babble that surrounded him like a tide.

It turned out that there was no coincidence or chance at all.
She is Tang Sui, too.
Face Reiki itself.

"Look! That man's legs are shaking!"

Tang San staggered to the ground, but was almost overturned by the raging violent air waves.

It was obviously far away, but when Tang Sui cast his gaze, he rejected other voices, leaving it clearly in his ears.

"Have you heard? The Tang family, the imperial capital, produced two illegitimate children!"

"Do not--!"

The result was beyond her expectation, the door was no longer a prank that waited for her to fall heavily on it before pulling it open for the next tease, but when she was about to approach the next wooden door, the door had automatically " "Bang" it was pulled away and continued to fall.

"Hee hee hee--"

Bai Chenxiang, who had the lowest level of soul power in the room, was the one who was really blown back more than ten meters by the violent air waves constantly spreading from the black and red beam of light.

Tiny laughter echoed.

Those memories that were deliberately forgotten by her, buried in the deepest part of her mind.

Tang San took it very quickly, stuffed it into the mouth without hesitation, and then cupped his fists at Sea Dragon Douluo and said, "Sorry senior. Something happened to my sister, I have to rush there immediately!"

It was the voice of the woman's shadow that suddenly appeared on the empty wooden sliding door in the long corridor.

The alarm bell rang in his head, almost instinctively, Tang Sui endured the dull pain in his bones and hurriedly got up from the wooden door.

Tang Sui, who was in mid-air, tried to adjust the center of gravity of his body to prepare for the next landing.


Infinite fall.

Everything from the previous life, from this life, even more distant than the previous life, has been forgotten.

"I don't have a daughter like you!"

The chaotic voice, full of extreme negative emotions, poured into Tang Sui's brain, and the mixed malice formed a suffocating dark sea, almost drowning her in it.

"Hee hee hee! Is this little girl with half-haired hair here waiting to be torn to shreds?"

Then there was a heavy fall with a "bang", and it hit the solid wooden hard board unsuspectingly.

Countless retro and long corridors are interspersed and connected, like a jigsaw puzzle assembled discordantly on a template, absurdly staggered and displayed in this dim red space.


Tang Sui turned his head feeling a sense, and looked at one of the intricate corridors.

Don't think about it, the bones of the feet that suddenly hit the ground must have been fractured or shattered.

Dai Mubai held down Tang San forcefully, but his eyes were anxiously consistent.

A memory I no longer want to recall.

The wooden platform she is on seems to be the center of the whole world, and it is also an outside observer. The sliding door that blocks the view and serves as a partition is nothing in her eyes, and she can clearly see the bloody scenes that are staged in different corridors. tragedy.

In the end, a shrill scream that was no longer human screamed from Tang Sui's mouth.


In a daze, she had reached her end point.

"Hee hee hee--"

Tang San, who finally arrived at the Pillar of Illusion of the Sea, watched this scene with tearing eyes, and his handsome face with wounds showed deep disbelief.

"I didn't expect Miss Tang's family to be a hidden extreme anti-social personality? Hahahaha!"

"The devil! You are the devil!"

The scene of killing each piece, and the scene of hands being stained with blood, was shrunk down into this grotesque space and reflected in front of Tang Sui.

"You are a monster!"

In the scarlet moonlight, the thick rust smell wafted out of his nostrils.

On the other side, the Shrek Seven Monsters have already flew up together, and quickly flew towards the place where the black and red beam of light was lit.

"Xiangxiang be careful!"

Ma Hongjun flapped his wings burning with flames, raised his arms to block Bai Chenxiang's body, opened his eyes vacantly, and looked at Tang Sui whose power was rioting in horror.

"Sui Sui, what did you see in the illusion!"

- off topic -

The third wave of updates will drop before 0 o'clock, and Moli will not set a flag at the specific time. When will the code be finished and when will it be posted? Chirp!

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