Chapter 636 System Truth
"Bang bang bang!"

The automatically screened memory gallery exploded under the scarlet moonlight.

Like firecrackers exploding in the New Year, resigning from the old year and ushering in a new life amidst the deafening sound of firecrackers.

Tang Sui, who no longer shouted, but knelt on the wooden platform with his head down, rolled his eyes numbly.

There is no longer any pain in the cracked feet, as well as the pain from the previous fall.

Just like opening her eyes in the dark room before, the wound on her body healed.

The beige dress on her body was covered with a layer of soft light, as if it had turned into moon white, and pure white flowers bloomed in the darkness.

The shoes were lost when they were knocking and falling.

Tang Sui stood up slowly, her snow-white feet stepped on pools of blooming crimson on the ground.

Distorted and muddy light and shadow drifted past Tang Sui like a cloud.

The girl in black carries all the haze and fear in the soul of the human child, because she is the demon with purer soul power created by the human child after transforming into a demon.

He forgot his original identity and original purpose, and became a "Tang Sui" with no memory.

They kill for her.

Footsteps sounded slowly in the empty corridor.

In such a huge mansion, few people are willing to talk to her.

"Should I call you the system or the black face?"

They who made a contract with him, these shikigami, some chose to retire, some chose to stay, continue to stay in the Abe family, signed a contract with the descendants of the Abe family, and became their shikigami, deceiving themselves, leaving In that place full of memories.

This time, she really woke up.

Beside the girl, there were countless pieces of jade-white masks piled up layer upon layer.

The orange-yellow hole lamps are placed at both ends of the wall every ten meters, illuminating the invisible road ahead for Tang Sui.

With different emotions, different concepts, and enhanced demonic power, they wander in the world, and the places they pass are full of tragedies and killings.

She has a bright face.

Also remembered everything.

The cold voice of the girl in the black skirt who turned her back to her sounded, and their resentful and accusing voices on the fox face stopped abruptly.

There was blood red in front of his eyes.

She was human before she became a Reiki.


No assassins, no killings, no tricks.

There are good and bad among the gods, Lord Seimei has too many human shackles on him, even though he is enshrined by countless people, he cannot become a corner of the 800 million gods after all.

However, the countless reincarnations are like a new self that will be born every time it falls into darkness.

She spent countless efforts to find a trace of divine sense that Lord Qingming left behind with yin and yang techniques, and took him to reincarnation, hoping to repeat the old tricks like in the killing capital, collect beliefs, and make Lord Qingming a god.

After that, the greedy and lonely child devoured his friends, and under the erosion of demon power, two baby masks, one black and one white, were born.

They floated up, arranged and rearranged to form a Yubai mask that Tang Sui was familiar with, and kept complaining——


She walked to the end of the corridor step by step, and a wooden sliding door stayed there quietly, waiting for the return of the last owner.

He couldn't stay in Netherland, because in the early years, Master Seimei had divided his "evil" part and became another Seimei, staying in Netherland.

If a lonely child has someone to talk to, it doesn't matter even if the other person is not alive.

When the last cicada mask, which symbolizes tragedy, was born, they met the famous onmyoji in Heian-kyo——Abe Seimei.

Generation after generation of reincarnations from birth to death, gradually, the masks also lost her.

Like her.

The girl in white is the fused human child itself, but most of them are good memories.

The black face gently wiped away the blood and tears on Tang Sui's face, stared at her for a few seconds, and then said, "It seems that this time I really woke up."

"You came."

Except for Xiao Hei, the fox-faced them all developed resentment.

But they will still follow the connection of the soul, constantly looking for her.

Remember the truth of this crossing.

As if sensing her arrival, the shattered pieces of the mask trembled and buzzed one by one, like dominoes. When one collapses, the others will have the same chain reaction.

That was her sin.

It's just that Tang Sui, who is used to the friendly side of the masks, still feels uncomfortable when he hears it.

Her father, who is obsessed with collecting treasures from different famous artists all day long, is very indifferent to her.

"you liar!"

Back and forth, just a few words for no reason.

The disgust and hatred she had raised in the center of the darkroom before were the emotions of the masks.

Tang Sui's trembling voice escaped from her lips.

Since then, I have a home and a bond.

She lost herself in samsara.

Tang Sui closed her eyes, and a huge torrent of memories appeared in front of her again.

It was as if a pair of invisible big hands strangled their throats, making them unable to make any sound, and could only maintain the last stubbornness, shaking their bodies violently.

They are forgotten and resentment is generated.

The girl in a black dress sat kneeling in the middle of the dark room with her back facing her.

The mask seemed to have a strange attraction, and even she, who had never been interested in those collections, felt curious.

With a cold temperament, the black-haired girl who was kneeling with her back to her slowly stood up, turned around, and stared at her with black eyes on the exquisite facial features that were exactly the same as hers.

Tang Sui, who was walking in the completely quiet corridor, turned his head, glanced at the familiar starting point of the dark room, and walked towards the depths of the corridor step by step.

As if turning the clouds to see the sun, the bleak wind danced, and the familiar long corridor appeared in front of Tang Sui.

And amidst the blood, she saw other people for the first time in the dark room with familiar layout.

Tang Sui opened the door.


However, the lifespan of human beings is only a hundred years. Even Seimei Abe, who is known as the strongest onmyoji, is still only a mortal after all, after being associated with countless gods.


As long as she considers it a friend, that's enough.

Knowing that one day, my father bought a mask from another master.

The heat that didn't match the cold body temperature swirled in the eye sockets.

Of course, there are also Shikigami who don't want to believe Seimei-sama just left.

She is like an exiled sinner, living without a fixed place, and more often she will become a black and white mask and be brought back by different collectors, which will trigger new tragedies and create more masks.

However, even though there was resentment, the fox faces were like good friends of the cold war. Even if they were still angry, they would still stand by her side when she was in danger and needed help.

Sinuous tears of blood flowed down her pale cheeks.

The same cold touch passed from the cheeks.

They were born from the same soul.

So, from this day on, she lives with her masked friends all day long.

"Aren't you used to calling me Xiao Hei? It doesn't matter if you call me that."

And the gentle and powerful Seimei-sama who had countless memories with these shikigami finally disappeared in the world.

Tang Sui's cold fingertips brushed over the masks that circled around her.

It is a neat seven.

- off topic -

Good guy, there are a lot of comments before, some guessed that the system belongs to the male protagonist, but none of them guessed that the system is Xiao Hei.

(End of this chapter)

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