Chapter 641 Defeating Magic with Magic (Two in One)

Bo Saixi took a deep look at Tang Sui, and when his eyes fell on Tang Chen, who had his eyes closed, he softened a lot. All the words he wanted to say were finally reduced to two words: "Thank you."

Tang Sui smiled at Bo Saixi, and the two looked at each other in mid-air, tacit understanding.

After leaving the twin realm, the two met Tang San's curious eyes.

Ma Hongjun stared at Tang Sui eagerly as if he wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask.

Tang Sui blinked at Tang San and the others who were looking over, landed suddenly from mid-air, and returned to his companions.

"Now, let's continue with the sixth test."

Bo Saixi's expression, which came out of the field, has returned to its previous gentle and calm expression.

The others pricked up their ears.

"After the difficulty has increased, your sixth test content is to persist for three incense sticks under the hands of the Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo. Orally declaring defeat is a failure of this test, and the number of challenges is not limited. The time limit is one year."

Dai Mubai also sat back on the sofa seat exhausted, with a sad face: "If the original formation is maintained, there will only be six of us, and I'm afraid that if we don't get a stick of incense, we will all be gone."

You must know that Zhuqing needs to absorb the eighth spirit ring now, and it is not clear that it is suitable to complete the absorption. One of the trump cards, the Nether White Tiger, was directly strangled in the cradle.

Thinking of this, Tang San let out a long breath, and looked at Tang Sui, "Sui Sui, how is your current spirit power level and overall strength?"

After speaking, Seahorse Douluo also left.

Bai Chenxiang looked at Ma Hongjun who had a loveless expression, wanted to comfort him, but couldn't do it.

Want to use the "power of God" to deal with the power of God.

Other masks: '.'

[My suggestion is that you don't get involved.Anyway, the seven sides are back, your blood has become pure blood, the law is no longer against you, why bother to go through this muddy water again? 】

The black face said coldly.

Ma Hongjun gasped, and subconsciously wanted to take two steps back, but forgot that there was a sofa seat behind him, so he fell unsteadily on the sofa chair, the blood on his face became beautiful, his eyes were dazed and trembling Repeated in a voice:
"Three days later, under the hands of the Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo, insist on three incense sticks?!"

For a moment, she felt that her brother was really smart.

Bo Saixi smiled meaningfully, "Of course. It's just that the seven Holy Pillar Douluo will also release the restrictions and use the power of the sea god in the sacred pillar."

Dai Mubai who fell into silence raised his head, thought for a while, and asked Bo Saixi: "Senior, in our sixth trial, can Zhuqing join us in the battle?"

In terms of combat power, it was greatly weakened.

Tang Sui couldn't help but fell silent, and looked towards her brother, just in time to collide with her brother's gaze.

This price made everyone gasp.

Tang Sui's eyes moved slightly, "After fully awakening my mask martial soul, my current soul power level has reached level 88, and other comprehensive abilities have also been greatly improved, but you know, Brother Sea God's Power, it is very tricky. Even if it is me, I am not sure that I can withstand it. What's more, I have never fought against any of the Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo, if you want to count me in, brother, it will be both an advantage and a disadvantage."

Tang Sui suddenly fell silent.

Dai Mubai choked, subconsciously looked at Tang San.

Having said that, the black face, who felt Tang Sui's mood that was about to get into a ball at this time, fell silent.

Heimian's cold voice was full of indifference.

But if the two conflicted and would endanger Tang Sui's life, they would abandon Tang San and the others without hesitation, and only protect Tang Sui alone.

If you want to add reinforcements, only one or two, each choice is accompanied by the same harsh price.

Yaozu can fight across realms, but it's only limited to her, not everyone.

The downside is that she also doesn't understand the opponent's abilities and fighting style.

Among them, the strength of Contra is too few, and the opponents are all Title Douluo without exception, and their average strength is around 95, not to mention that Sea Dragon Douluo, who ranks first in strength, has directly crossed the 95-level boundary. A level 96 Title Douluo.

Bo Saixi smiled lightly: "Yes. However, if both of you plan to join in, then the unlimited number of challenges in the sixth test will be cancelled, and there will only be one chance. Moreover, the time of the test, the last It will start in half a month later."

Whether other people live or die has little to do with them.Just considering that Tang Sui will be sad, when Tang Sui wants to protect them, of course they will follow Tang Sui's will.

The advantage is that after the blood of the monster race is fully awakened, she has a hole card that Bo Saixi, who often watches the screen, does not know, so she can catch them by surprise.

【Anyway, Tang San is the child of destiny, protected by heaven.No one can die. 】

'.I know.This time. It was with great difficulty that we reunited and became our complete selves.If the elder brother finally made a choice.If I encounter danger during the assessment. If I can't guarantee my own safety, I will put my own life first. '

For Xiao Ao, Boss Dai and Fatty, the sixth test is the end point of this test, and it is the key to life and death for each of them.

Although Boss Dai's soul power has also broken through to level [-], Sui Sui went to retreat directly because he just broke through, so Boss Dai didn't get the eighth soul ring.

Bo Saixi's words were like a torpedo, and they exploded in the minds of Tang San and the five of them at the same time, and their thoughts became blank. Even Tang Sui couldn't help but look up, facing Bo Saixi's unchanging gentleness. smile.

"Also, the Guardian Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars will be the same as the fifth test, without using the power of the sea god in the sacred pillars, and use all their own strength."

To be honest, the six of them alone can't win at all, with less than [-]% chance of winning.

"If both are taken into account, although there are two more cards in the hole, there is only one chance to challenge this time. If it fails, it also means" death.

How can this be moved? !

The slumped Ma Hongjun followed Tang San's gaze and looked towards Tang Sui.

Tang San, who received Dai Mubai's help-seeking eyes, pondered for a while, and asked: "So, is the assessment content of the sixth test the strength of the team as a whole? Since Zhuqing can join in, then Sui Sui will join in instead , the price that needs to be paid is also the removal of all restrictions on the power of the Seagod?"

In the dark spiritual space, the smiling eyes of Fushen, who felt the psychological activities of his colleagues, were crooked, and on the face of an old man like Maitreya Buddha, the sunken eye sockets shone slightly.

Tang San's complexion also turned blue and white, extremely ugly.

The rest of them now only have him as Contra!

It wasn't until the sound of closing the door that only Shrek was left in the hall, Oscar let out a miserable howl, sat down on the sofa seat and grabbed his slightly curled hair, complaining: "How do you choose! It's all step by step Shocking!"

Xiao Wu didn't say the last two heavy words, but everyone present understood Xiao Wu's unfinished words, and fell silent while sitting on the sofa seat.

Tang San nodded, watching Bo Saixi, who was dressed in red, drifting away in the golden light.

Rao Tang San, who had exquisite tactical arrangements, couldn't think of a good way.

Finally, Tang San, the spiritual pillar in Shrek, said: "Senior, can we discuss it carefully today and give you an answer tomorrow morning?"


Bo Saixi, who looked away, continued: "Besides, due to the increase in difficulty, your sixth test will be of the same mind. As long as any one of you admits defeat during the challenge, it will be the failure of the entire team." But in the same way, if any one of the six of you has survived for three incense sticks under the guardian Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars, then the challenge will be considered successful and the assessment will be passed."

Even let Xiao Hei fight instead.
[That's only for being beaten. 】

Xiao Wu's eyebrows were tightened, and she looked sadly at Tang Sui who sat silently: "If we add a reinforcement, the already difficult Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo will undo the power of the sea god in the sacred pillar." Restrictions have become more difficult to deal with, and it is difficult to choose whether to choose the Nether White Tiger or Sui Sui."

Bo Saixi was not in a hurry to wait for the choice, nodded and said: "You can choose for yourself. Just tell me before the half-month assessment begins."

The time of three incense sticks that all the seven sacred pillars fell and the time of one incense stick under Bo Saixi, the Limit Douluo in the original trajectory of fate, are simply different.

As far as the masks are concerned, only Tang Sui is important.

Tang Sui lowered his eyes.

Whether or not he can pass the assessment, the victory or defeat depends on this.Don't be careless.

When it came to the second half of the sentence, Ma Hongjun's voice couldn't help but become sharper.

It's similar to defeating magic with magic.

Tang Sui who was cue silently looked at Kengmei's brother.

Ning Rongrong also lost his strength and suddenly fell down and sat down, echoing: "Yes. Without the two trump cards of Nether White Tiger and Sui Sui, with the six of us alone, even the third brother is helpless."

Tang Sui: "." Okay, anyway, it's not directly confronting Bo Saixi himself.

Seahorse Douluo, who bent over to send Bo Saixi away respectfully, straightened up, looked at the solemn faces of the Shrek people, and sighed: "Come on, I'll go back to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar first, so I won't disturb your discussion." .”

Holding Xiao Wu's shoulders, Tang San, who silently comforted Xiao Wu, lowered his eyes, deep in thought.

After a few seconds, it said shyly: "Well, little master, everyone said that if you really want to help, it's okay, they will take care of the fight."I will be responsible for protecting the little master. '

But. Although her will is stronger than before, the Seagod's power is still difficult to handle.

Of course, her brother, a bug with the protagonist's halo and the child of destiny's halo on his head, can also fight across realms, but other people can't, and they still can't move.

Ha ha.

Tang Sui, whose inner voice can only be sensed in one direction, does not know the psychology of the other masks at this time.

Hearing Fushen's words, her heart warmed slightly. Because she lowered her head after speaking, the hair hanging from both sides of her ears covered her slightly curved eyes: "Well, thank you. '

- off topic -

It’s not easy to divide chapters, so I’ll just combine them into one~
(End of this chapter)

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