Chapter 642 Choice
The night came on schedule.

The cool sea breeze blows across the face, bringing biting coolness.

Tang San, who had been discussing for a whole day without any results, sat alone in front of the table in the room, looked at the messy notes covering the entire table, moved his right hand holding the quill pen, and analyzed the plan he had written. Crossed it out, and stared blankly at the discarded straw paper on the table.

Whether the six of them went up by themselves or with reinforcements, they all walked on the chain bridge on the cliff, and if they were not careful, they would be doomed.

And now there is the biggest doubt

Two soft knocks on the door sounded, and Tang San, who had very keen hearing, stood up and went to open the door.

When the door was unscrewed, revealing the person's true face, Tang San looked at his sister who knocked on the door in the middle of the night without any surprise.

Like in the Slaughter Capital, Tang San silently turned sideways to let Tang Sui in.

When Tang Sui stepped into the door, fluorescent blue light spewed out from the golden lines between his brows, enveloping the siblings in the room, preventing outside prying eyes and his own breath and sound.

"elder brother."

Because he really did not feel the fetters from the closest blood.

Tang San, who heard Tang Sui's implication, looked tense, and said without hesitation: "What silly words! How could I be afraid of you? You are my sister!"

Zhu Zhuqing, who had wandered around on the edge of defying the law, had no choice but to tell everyone the solemn news when he came back.

She is no longer a human being, nor is she a soul beast.

Even if he didn't need to open the vision of Ziji Demon Pupil, Tang San also noticed the abnormality in Tang Sui's body just by simple observation.

Intense panic and heart palpitations intertwined, like a person hanging from a cliff by a straw, if he relaxes a little, he will be doomed.

She put down her hand and looked at Tang San: "Will my brother think it's scary?"

Tang Sui, who noticed Tang San's eyes, seemed to have been polished, and a dark color appeared in his pure blue pupils, nodded and said: "Well, brother, you guessed right. Apart from the substantial improvement in strength, now I , is no longer a human being, nor a soul beast."

On the day Tang Sui woke up, when he was still conscious, when everyone surrounded him, he reached out and touched Tang Sui.

Tang Sui said "hmm", raised his hand softly with his gaze, and brushed past the dark golden masks approaching tacitly.

Tang Sui raised his hand and placed it on his left heart, feeling the still beating heart under this icy body, and said truthfully: "From the day I successfully enlightened, I have been a pure monster. No longer a hybrid of human, demon, and spirit beast."

Tang San listened carefully, occasionally echoing or giving his own opinion.

Her eighth spirit ability is called "Shadow Strike", which can replace all other attributes of herself with bonuses to attack and speed. It is a very powerful single attack spirit ability.

Xiaobai told her helplessly that everyone had a good relationship with each other, and even helped the Demon Soul Great White Sharks wipe out most of the evil killer whales, the most troublesome enemy, but the rules of Sea God Island are iron laws. Bai, and can't violate the rules because of the relationship.

It is equivalent to telling Tang San in a disguised form that she no longer has the closest biological relationship with her now.

Like a flower sealed in ice, it uses another way to continue to preserve its few vitality, so that the flower can continue to show its beauty.

Tang San also sat back on the seat next to the table, looked at his calm-faced younger sister, and sighed softly: "Tell me, besides the substantial increase in strength this time, did you pay any price? "

Seeing Tang Sui's sincere smile without any forced smile, the big rock that had been hanging in Tang San's heart from the past few days finally fell to the ground, his frowning brows slightly relaxed, and he looked at his sister gently.

It is different from the anxious state of mind when faced with the answers to such questions before.

"Besides this, are there other effects?"

That is because she has passed all the trials and assessments of Seagod now, and the sea girl Douluo who helped her protect the law told her that once the soul masters who set foot on Seagod Island are given an assessment by Seagod, those who have not completed the assessment are not allowed to leave Seagod's Light However, passers like Zhu Zhuqing couldn't leave the range of Sea God Island.

When Tang San uttered these words, Tang Sui actually had a feeling of "it really will be like this" in his heart, and his mentality would no longer be shaken in the slightest.

When she was about to leave the range of Seagod Island, the Devil Spirit Great White Shark Clan, led by Xiao Bai, surrounded her.

It seems that with the awakening of the demon power, the sense of security that she has been missing has also returned together.

In the darkness in the center, the dark golden eyes opened suddenly, turning around gruntingly, and after looking at the surrounding environment, the eyes of those eyeballs fell on Tang San, making people feel like they were being preyed upon. The shuddering feeling that the observer stares at is creepy.

If Zhu Zhuqing insisted on leaving Sea God Island, he would be attacked by all the demonic great white sharks immediately.Not only that, the guardian Douluo of the Seagod's Seven Sacred Pillars would also attack and kill Zhu Zhuqing.

The topic of the two brothers and sisters jumped from the current strength of each other to the choice of the sixth test.

Tang Sui, who had consciously found a wooden chair to sit down, called out.

From Tang Sui's body now, he couldn't feel the warmth of a living person, and even the breath he exhaled didn't have the slightest warmth, it was all cold.

Five days later, after Zhu Zhuqing completed the absorption of the god bestowed spirit ring and became Tang San, the third person among the Nine Shrek Monsters to reach the realm of Contra.

But when he touched Tang Sui's wrist, he could feel the extremely slow pulse again.

This night, the light in Tang San's room was turned on until dawn.

Tang Sui's eyes narrowed.

"This is the final evolved form of my martial soul."

Tang Sui shook his head, and began to talk about his current situation with Tang San.

As Tang Sui said that, with a thought, six dark golden masks with uneven edges and sharp edges slowly emerged from the void.

Zhu Zhuqing, who returned to the team, also brought bad news to everyone.

Tang San's heart tightened: "Then you now."

Thinking of this, Tang San's eyes moved to Tang Sui's jet-black hair scattered behind him, gently shaking with the air flowing in the room.

As for the authenticity, Zhu Zhuqing had personally experienced it when he came back.

After listening, everyone looked at Tang Sui, the only one among them who could freely enter and exit Sea God Island.

Looking at the masked spirit that changed greatly, Tang San's expression also changed: "This, are those masks?!"

But it was a kind of cold, palpitation that made him feel panic.

Ma Hongjun approached secretly, lowered his voice and said, "Sui Sui, if you use your domain to smuggle us out, do you think it's okay?"

Others also looked over expectantly, including Tang San, with brilliance in their eyes.

- off topic -

After stepping on the Mad Mo Carp, he finally caught up.

(End of this chapter)

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