Tang Sui poured cold water on him: "Are you stupid to be a sea god? If I suddenly put you into the domain after you all completed the assessment, wouldn't it be obvious that you are going to run away?"

"What's more," Tang Sui looked at the dark night sky outside the terrace, with deep eyes: "The reason why the sea god is called the sea god is because within the scope of the sea, the god is the absolute master. If the god wants to move a soul master Hands and feet are easy."

Just like the angel god who quietly dragged her soul consciousness away, even though Poseidon, the great priest of the sea god, was still watching their side, no one could notice her strangeness, it was she and her brother who woke up. After I came here, I only realized that my home was almost stolen after I told my experience.

Ape-face sneered, 'Isn't it?However, if that angel god dares to steal someone again, it may not be certain who will win the deer. '

There was a chill in Grandma's old voice: "Even if you are still invincible, it is still possible to scrape off a layer of skin." '

Now they are no longer soft persimmons that can be rubbed, but thorny and poisonous Longyin persimmons.

"In this case, if we want to change the rules of Sea God Island so that we can successfully and safely leave the island, there is only one way to go."

Ning Rongrong said, looking at Tang San.

Sitting next to Tang San, Xiao Wuhuan tightened Tang San's arms, her pink eyes were full of worry and firmness: "Xiao San, no matter what the final result is, we will be with you."

Dai Mubai said seriously: "Xiao Wu is right. Xiaosan, since the Nine Shrek Monsters came together, of course we have to go out together. Even if we pass the assessment, we can help later. I will do my best to help you complete the assessment!"

Bo Saixi looked at Tang Sui, and his figure floating in mid-air moved slightly, and landed on about seventy or eighty steps, and said in a low voice, "The assessment will start soon, it has nothing to do with anyone, come up here."

"Are you ready?"

Whether it's the friendship between them as a benefactor who helped their clan defeat their old enemy, or out of respect for Tang San's status as the sea god heir, Xiaobai is determined to escort them to the assessment.

This time, Tang Sui was included, and he also arrived together on the back of a demonic great white shark in a peaceful manner.

Under the protection of the Seagod's Light, no matter how fierce the outside battle is, the Seagod's Stairway will not cause turmoil.

It is a farewell, but also an encouragement.

The familiar ring sea, no longer a different strength realm and state of mind.

As long as the soul guide is equipped and the object is collected from the soul guide, the hand still has to be placed in the position of the soul guide.

Tang Sui also nodded: "The difficulty of the subsequent assessments will become more and more difficult. Although tricks will reduce the rewards, if you can't even guarantee your own life, no matter how high the rewards are, they will be just a passing cloud after all. If we need our help, we will all shot."

And after her voice fell, seven figures descended from the sky, lined up and landed on the platform in front of the Sea God's Stairway.

Tang San met everyone's trusting gaze, the heaviness in his heart dissipated a bit, a firm smile appeared on his handsome face: "If necessary, I will!"

It is the seven guardians of the Holy Pillar, who are also their examiners for this assessment.

Seeing Xiaobai's gradually disappearing figure, everyone kept Xiaobai's thoughts in their hearts, turned their heads, and looked at the Seagod's Great Priest Bo who appeared on the steps of the Seagod's Light at some time, shrouded in light golden light. Sisi.

Xiaobai only knew that Tang San and the others' assessment started today, but he didn't know how Tang San and the others finally chose to challenge the sixth test.

Like a wooden stick that disturbed the tranquility of the pool, broke the sense of depth created by this, broke through the invisible pressure brought by the seven titled Douluo, and said loudly: "We are all ready. Senior, please start!"

Because Tang San was Bo Saixi who replied later.

After everyone's discussion, Tang San's decision was that no one would join, just the six of them.

After she moved, Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang also moved along with her.

Bo Saixi, who was wearing a red dress, looked at everyone with kind eyes as before, but the smile on his face was a little less, and a little more solemn.

The flowing air seemed to stagnate and become heavy, pressing heavily on everyone's hearts, and even breathing became a little difficult.

Due to time constraints, Tang Sui took Dai Mubai to the outlying forest outside Haima City after everyone sitting neatly in the hall in the morning finalized their strategy, preparing to bestow Dai Mubai with an eighth spirit ring.

Tang San and the six who turned into Tang Sui and the others who were standing on the Poseidon Steps faced each other with determination in their eyes. Tang San, who was standing on the far right, took a step forward, with a straight figure and a little bit of purple and gold in his pupils. The step made a soundless ripple in the air.

With a safer place to watch the battle, Tang Sui naturally agreed.

The half-moon period is coming soon.

The Eight Shrek Monsters each rode on a Demon Soul Great White Shark, the leader of the Demon Soul Great White Shark, Little White Shark, stepped on Tang San on his head, and came rushing through the waves at super fast speed.

The nine waterlines rushed towards the ring-shaped sea under Sea God Mountain from several other remote islands.

After the ideas and strategies are clarified, the rest is the strength of each person.

He knew that Tang Sui's domain could be used as an unlimited storage space, and as long as she wanted, she could fish things out of the domain at any time, even without making obvious actions.

The sacred light golden light and the light of the morning sun complement each other, shining on the majestic Sea God Mountain.

They moved back silently, giving up the home field to Tang San and the others.

Bo Saixi nodded slightly. Under everyone's gaze, she flipped her wrist, just like taking out other items before, a stick of burning incense appeared out of thin air, even Tang San's Ziji Demon Eye who had upgraded to the vast realm didn't have the vision See where she took it from.

A black-red barrier formed from under Tang Sui's three feet, forming a huge oval-shaped bubble that lifted them away from the ground.

In the end, neither she nor Zhu Zhuqing stepped into the battlefield of the sixth test.

Facing the seven powerful Titled Douluo, Tang Sui lowered his eyes, exhaled softly, turned and walked back.

Xiaobai, who sent the people, looked at the people who stepped ashore, and the spiritual depth was revealed in his usually violent golden eyes: "I will be sent here. If you pass the sixth test, remember to call me at the seaside when you come back." One sound."

But Bo Saixi, he doesn't seem to have seen the other party have a similar field.
Tang San, who had a better understanding of the power displayed by Bo Saixi, exhaled lightly, watching the burning incense being lit in Bo Saixi's voice announcing "the sixth test begins".

The moment the burning incense ignited a little red spark, the breaths of the seven extraordinary Titled Douluo stagnated.

Like a bow and arrow drawn to the string of a full moon, it suddenly released at the highest critical point, ejecting a terrifying energy.

The aura that was as heavy as a mountain and as terrifying as a dark sea suddenly pressed down on them!
- off topic -

Unexpectedly, Sui Sui couldn't make it.

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