"Zhuqing, wait a minute."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Tang Sui suspiciously, but saw Tang Sui raised his left arm, and stretched his slightly curled five fingers in mid-air, as if sending out an invisible command, the ever-shrinking shadow vortex stagnated, and under Bai Chenxiang's nervous gaze The bottom suddenly became larger, forming a pit with a diameter of about five meters.

The middle of the pit is hollowed out, like the entrance of an underground passage, and one can see the bottomless interior of the domain, except for the other five who are half-hanging in the air and held by Bai Chenxiang, who are looming in the surging black tide. figure.

The demon power invisible to the naked eye penetrated silently into this copycat version of the shadow field, and Bo Saixi looked in Tang Sui's direction with feeling.

Tang Sui with a calm expression let go of Zhu Zhuqing's hand, and with a thought, Tang San and the others disappeared into the field, and Ma Hongjun, who was held by Bai Chenxiang, was also lifted up by an invisible force and pushed out. up the field.

The six Shrek monsters fell neatly on the platform in front of the first step of the Seagod's Light, no one was awake including Tang San.

Zhu Zhuqing's pupils shrunk slightly, the black shadow flashed on the spot, and in the next second, he appeared beside the unconscious Six Shrek Monsters.

Looking at the bloody wounds on the bodies of his companions and the weak heaving of their chests, Zhu Zhuqing was a little at a loss.

"The second soul skill, good face."

The black-red light and the light-gold Seagod's Light lit up at the same time.

Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang glanced at Tang Sui quickly, and got a calm nod from the latter.

"Sui Sui, how is everyone doing?" Zhu Zhuqing, who laid everyone in a line and lay flat, knew that he couldn't help him now, so he stepped back neatly and asked Tang Sui who made the move.

"You don't have to worry, the big priest has already made a move, which proves that they are still saved." The sea girl Douluo, who was lying on the sea bubbles, said with a slight swing of the long fish tail on the lower body.

Under the stares of the others, the seven sharp-edged masks moved towards Tang San and the others slowly, and the black-red light mist quietly appeared beside Tang San and the others, supporting Tang San and the others with an irresistible force. Hold their backs and force them to sit up.

In this way, thanks to the dual effects of Seagod's Light and Tang Sui's power, the Six Shrek Monsters, who originally suffered irreversible trauma to the Sea of ​​Spiritual Consciousness and needed many expensive medicines and a long time to recover, are now mentally exhausted. The sequelae can only be recovered by taking a good rest.

Under the double bonus, Ning Rongrong, who was so tired that she couldn't even move a finger, trembled with her eyelashes drooping, and opened a gap slightly, reflecting bright and chaotic colors.

If the white masked spirits with different postures looked like collectibles in a shop window, exquisite and harmless, the current masked spirits are like finely polished diamonds, with sharp edges and corners that can easily cut through the skin and arteries, full of danger
Tang Sui, who felt the gaze, glanced at Bo Saixi who shot, and his eyes collided with Bo Saixi who was looking sideways.

Tang San exhaled a turbid air mixed with the smell of iron, and said hoarsely: "It's nothing serious." It's just that the mental power is not very stable yet, it needs time to recover.

It is indeed different from what I saw at the beginning.

Hai Duan Douluo, who had the most contact with Tang Sui, looked at those strange masks in amazement.

Not long after, the six Shrek monsters woke up one after another.

Tang Sui withdrew his gaze, mixed demon power and spiritual power together, outlined them into silk, controlled the amount and injected them into everyone's bodies, used demon power to sweep away the negative energy that had not been purified by Seagod's Light, and then used spiritual power to cooperate with Seagod's Light to nourish Seeing their depleted or overloaded sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's cold face showed a strong look of fear, and Bai Chenxiang, who was squatting beside Ma Hongjun, was also worried when he heard this, and said a little uneasy: "Then they now..."

Their hearts relaxed slightly, they bent down towards Bo Saixi's position, made a standard ninety-degree bow, and solemnly said: "Thank you, Senior Bo Saixi, for your rescue."

The greed as if looking at prey, and the predatory gaze made Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo secretly vigilant.

Tang Sui's frown had loosened a bit at this time, and he replied: "The soul power and mental power are all exhausted. The situation of brother and Xiao Ao is the most serious, and they are directly overloaded. If we stay a little longer , not to mention Xiao Ao, even my brother will be directly swallowed by the domain."

Tang Sui sighed silently.

Douluo, the guardian of the Seven Sacred Pillars, who had been paying attention to Tang Sui's movement, also saw it.

If it was later, even the Seagod's Light would be useless, it would only take a long time to recover, and it was still unknown whether the mental trauma would be completely healed.

The light and mist disappeared, and the masks clinged to Tang San's backs like a piece of wood, vertically serving as auxiliary support, allowing them to have a temporary backrest to stabilize.

This dangerous smell.
How do you feel that Tang Sui's martial soul is more dangerous than before?

Fortunately, the person was caught in time, so he was not hurt more seriously by the domain.

Sharp as a knife, a dark golden mask as thin as a cicada's wings emerges from the distorted air, and the opened black and golden eyes grumble, as if they have their own consciousness, and their sticky eyes are fixed on the bloodstained body Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo.

Tang Sui's tense nerves were slightly relaxed, and the eyes among the masks that sensed the master's state of mind turned. One of the masks seemed to be able to read the meaning of "disgust" from the black and golden vertical pupil.

"Brother, how do you feel?" Tang Sui stood a little closer, and by the way gave the sleepy-looking Oscar a second soul skill.

All are exhausted.

Fortunately, they got stuck in time and successfully passed the assessment, which was also within the golden rescue time.

This is Tang Sui's martial spirit? !

Even Bo Saixi's eyes moved from Tang Sui to those chilling eye masks, and his brows frowned slightly.

The next assessment? !
Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Chenxiang froze, even Tang Sui paused invisibly, his eyes flickered slightly, and he wisely didn't ask directly, but cooperated with Bo Saixi to speed up Tang San's recovery.

Bo Saixi nodded lightly, and said bluntly: "You don't need to thank me. Even without me, Tang Sui's ability is enough to cure them. I only acted because of Tang San and Ning Rongrong's next assessment, to speed up their recovery." It's just recovery speed."

"Xiao Ao, how do you feel?" Tang Sui looked at Oscar.

Oscar raised his eyes with difficulty, smiled wryly, and his voice was also hoarse and unpleasant: "It's terrible."

Only when I experience it for myself can I know how terrible negative energy Tang Sui has borne alone when they don't know it.

The overwhelming spiritual pollution and a splitting headache were not enough to describe the feeling that his soul was about to be torn apart, and it even made it extremely difficult for him to breathe.

If it wasn't for everyone helping him to share the mental pollution, his spirit would have collapsed long ago.

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