"Bearing the unacceptable power of human beings with flesh and blood is indeed hurtful. But fortunately, the damage is stopped in time, and the rest is just a good rest, just leave it to time." Bo Saixi slowly landed on the platform.

Douluo, the guardian of the Seven Sacred Pillars, bowed to the falling Bo Saixi.

Bo Saixi nodded lightly, then looked at Tang San: "First of all congratulations, you all passed the sixth test. But Oscar can rest, Tang San, you and Ning Rongrong still can't relax. Especially You, Tang San, I have to remind you. Those who accept the Seagod's Nine Trials, unless they complete all the nine tests, there is a risk of being backlashed at any time, as long as you fail any of the tests, you will definitely die."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts trembled.

You must know that except for Ning Rongrong and Tang San, everyone else's assessment has been completed.

The time for each test is counted from the day after the previous test.But according to what Bo Saixi said, the time left for them in the seventh trial seems...not optimistic.

"Tomorrow, after you have checked the contents of the seventh trial, wait at the bottom of the steps of the Seagod's Light five days later."

After saying this, Bo Saixi turned around slowly, leaving only a misty back to the crowd, and the guardian Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars followed closely behind, and left together, giving the venue to the Nine Shrek Monsters.

Bo Saixi's departure seemed to be a signal. The hearts of the people who were holding on to their spirits were relieved, and the bodies that gave the signal of exhaustion could no longer hold on. The fatigue rushed up, occupied the consciousness of everyone, and fell down one after another.

When Tang San and six people woke up one after another, it was already three days later.

Pull out the artifact? !
Sitting next to Tang San, Xiao Wu covered her mouth in astonishment, a strange brilliance shone in her eyes.

Ning Rongrong was the first to close her eyes, and the red mark between her brows spurted out a golden ball of light following Ning Rongrong's thoughts.

Hearing what Ning Rongrong said, Tang San was stunned for a moment, closed his eyes, summoned the golden divine power card, looked at the content written on the card, his face darkened slightly: "The seventh test of the Sea God, pull out the artifact, the Trident of the Sea God Halberd, time limit, one year."

"Sacred Artifact, hiss, third brother, you Seagod Nine Trials, you will not really become Seagod in the end, right?! This artifact is the weapon used by the gods! Is that what it means!?"

Tang San's heart skipped a beat following the content of the golden card, his pupils trembled, and he let out a soft breath, "I don't know."

"So, Sui Sui, what do you mean, third brother can really become a god in the end?" Bai Chenxiang said the last two words in an extremely low voice.

Tang San's fingers moved slightly, the golden card in his palm dissipated into a ball of golden energy, flying in the air.

Non-existing memories are added.

Oscar, whose mental momentum was much better than three days ago, said thoughtfully: "However, I think the most important information now is to find out whether this so-called Sea God Trident will belong to Xiao San after it is pulled out, or is it just an assessment. props."

Tang Sui picked up the coconut juice on the table and took a sip, said unhurriedly: "Don't forget that I have also successfully enlightened now, and some things inexplicably appeared in my mind the moment I enlightened."

At this time, Dai Mubai, as the eldest brother, showed his due composure, and said: "Let's not think too much, wait until Xiao San really tries the seventh test. No matter what, the seventh test is a matter of course." It matters."

"In this case, I know a little bit."

"I think Boss Dai is right. No matter what meaning this assessment represents, we must pass it to understand. We should not have too high expectations, otherwise, if we guess wrong, we will be even more disappointed."

Tang Sui was a little helpless: "No. What I mean is that the Seagod Trident is naturally the artifact of the 'Sea God', but...don't forget, my brother is now taking the Sea God Nine Trials, which is originally the test for the successor of the Sea God. If this so-called heir test After completing everything, it is natural that he succeeded in taking the position in the end.”

Tang San and the others immediately stared in surprise.

Dai Mubai and the others who heard the content of Tang San's assessment were also breathing stagnantly, their eyes sparkling brightly.

And the content of the seventh test also confirmed that his guess direction was actually correct.

"Ah? That's not the assessment of the third child, it's just used as a prop." Oscar showed disappointment.

Sitting around the living room of the Lord's Mansion of Haima City again, the people three days ago still looked dying. Although they were not in high spirits at the moment, their faces were more healthy and ruddy.

But no one questioned Tang Sui. Hearing what Tang Sui said, they all came together curiously.

Ma Hongjun uncertainly emphasized the meaning represented by the Seagod Trident.

Ning Rongrong took over the words: "I think the former is very likely. Think about what we've seen and heard on Seagod Island so far. Since Seagods really exist, then this Seagod Trident should be the real one. If we can get it, we must be able to escape successfully even if we are facing the siege of Title Douluo!"

Tang Sui made a faint sound.

Even though he had already guessed something when this incident caused a sensation in the entire Sea God Island and even attracted Bo Saixi's assessment, but when the incident came to an end, he still couldn't help his heart beating wildly.

Tang Sui: "The Seagod Trident is naturally owned by the Seagod."

After greeting each other, everyone started to get down to business.

"Sui Sui, how do you know? The third brother doesn't even know!" Ma Hongjun looked at Tang Sui curiously.

It's no wonder that in the fifth test, when they fought against the Guardian Douluo of the Seven Sacred Pillars of the Sea God, they said that the subsequent tests would become more and more difficult, especially the last three tests, which would be directly sublimated to another level of difficulty.

"Can it still be like this?! Sui Sui, please tell us quickly, what will happen to this Sea God Trident in the end?"

Tang Sui, who had confirmed the content of Tang San's seventh exam, also heaved a sigh of relief. It can be said that the big rock hanging in his heart landed smoothly.

The golden assessment card flew into his hand, and Ning Rongrong, who was the first to check the content of his seventh test, raised his head after seeing the content on the golden card, looked at Tang San with a puzzled expression, and said: "Three Brother, the content of my seventh test shows that it is to assist Tang San to complete the content of the seventh test, and the time limit is one year. You should quickly look at the content of your seventh test."

Everyone: "!!!"

In Tang San's suddenly shrunk pupils, Tang Sui nodded.

"The assessment with the name of God was originally an assessment to find a successor."

She met Tang San's gaze and said seriously: "Every god position can be inherited, and the god ruins on the Douluo Continent are not unique to Sea God Island. Once you receive these assessments named after the god position, it means It means that you have already stood on the position of successor. Although I have no god position to inherit, my goal is undoubtedly to go in the direction of becoming a god."

"As for how far we can go in the end, I don't know. But now, brother, we are on the same track again."

"This time, brother, you must strive to be the leader."

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