Oscar looked at the serious Tang Sui, and Tang San, who had the same serious expression, lowered his voice and said, "Six of the eight people we took the assessment have now completed the assessment. After Xiaosan passes the seventh test, Rongrong will also It's done, from six to eight. Then, should we think about how to get out of here?"

"Sui Sui, you have had the most contact with Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi, do you think we can get out of here smoothly with the strength of the nine of us after Xiao San's ninth test is completed?"

Tang Sui shook his head: "It's difficult. I still say the same thing. If you wait for your brother to finish the assessment and prepare to run away, you will be noticed as soon as there is any movement."

Tang San also echoed: "That's right. What's more, leaving aside the Seven Sacred Pillar Douluo for now, I think the biggest threat comes from Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi. Although we haven't really faced it yet, just because we are in the third place In the tidal body training, the other party's method of subverting the power of nature can be subverted in an understatement. Even if we have cultivated to the title Douluo or above."

Tang San looked around at his companions, and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid there are only two or three people who can get away with it. And don't forget, that is one, a level 99 Ultimate Douluo! Think about Senior Shang Yang Even if Senior Bo Saixi hasn't made a move yet, I can imagine that the gap between us and her is like a ravine."

The faces of Oscar and the others changed, Bai Chenxiang thought of the precarious situation of Tiandou Empire and Gengxin City, her pretty face turned pale, and she murmured: "Is there no other way? We can't stay on Sea God Island forever."

Ning Rongrong looked at Tang Sui with a sad expression: "Among us, Sui Sui is the only one who can come and go freely now, but we can't let her face the Spirit Empire alone."

Ma Hongjun's expression also became serious, "The Spirit Empire is coming in menacingly, and it will definitely take two or three years to start a war with them. What will we do then?"

"Let's take one step at a time."

Dai Mubai frowned, and his eyes fell on Tang San with a serious face: "The most important thing at present is to let Xiao San pass the Sea God's Nine Tests."

Because he prefers bloody red to black.

The light in the hall was slightly distorted, and a tall figure stood silently beside the candle, reflected in Tang Sui's clear blue pupils.

A lazily and slightly surprised voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"After the ego, martial soul and bloodlines are fully awakened, the gray vortex has disappeared. It should have appeared to help me realize the Tao. But how to prove the Tao in the future is still a process that needs to be explored slowly. On this point, those who know the truth Uncle Snake should be the only one." As he said that, Tang Sui's eyes glowed with warmth.

In the end, Tang San sighed, and made the final decision, "Let's do this first. Two days later, Rongrong and I will go to Sea God Mountain to find Senior Bo Saixi. Boss Dai, you can practice on your own first. For Suisui, go to Tiandou."

It wasn't until the appointed day that the Shrek Nine Monsters set off together for Sea God Mountain.

Shang Yang put down his hand and said "um", the touch of Huashun still remained on his fingertips, and the pity in his eyes was even stronger.

Long dark gray hair, sharp facial features, symmetrical black snake patterns on his face, and the iconic dark red snake pupils are none other than Shang Yang.

"Tian Dou still has the teacher and the others there, and the current situation of the Tang Sect is considered stable. The blacksmiths in Geng Xin City have settled down and are smelting weapons for the possible official war in the future." Tang Sui snatched Tang San The arrangement, the tone from fast to slow.

"What?! Returning to the Capital of Slaughter?!" Ma Hongjun retreated tactically.

And her hair turned completely black.He thought it would turn red in the end.

"Besides, I'm more at ease with you, Boss Dai, on my brother's side. I can concentrate on cultivation and find new improvements."

"Perhaps, there is another possibility." Xiao Wu's eyes moved slightly, and the fundus of his eyes lit up a little bit: "If Xiao San really becomes the Sea God in the end, then, the rules and regulations of Sea God Island, which is originally under the command of Sea God, are not also controlled by Xiao San. Are you determined not to change it?"

Although she didn't know what Uncle Snake was regretting, her intuition told her not to ask or touch it, it was best to change the topic.

Tang Sui also looked at the coldness in Shang Yang's eyes in a little surprise. Could it be that Uncle Snake was in a daze and didn't recognize her?
Shang Yang's gaze fell on Tang Sui's crow-black hair tail hanging down, his snake pupils flickered, maintaining these inhuman pupils, and in just an instant, he stood in front of Tang Sui.

Dim red light, the air is filled with the familiar smell of rust.

She looked over faintly, "No matter whether it is what Sister Xiao Wu said in the end, brother's assessment must be successful, can't he fail?"

For the next two days, Tang San and Ning Rongrong were resting and did not practice, allowing their bodies and spirits to recover to their best condition.

The people standing at the foot of Sea God Mountain watched Tang San and Ning Rongrong ascend step by step, until their backs disappeared into the lingering golden mist, then everyone looked away, and it was time for Tang Sui to leave.

"I said, why is this monster clan's aura that suddenly appeared in the killing capital somewhat familiar? Your aura used to be mixed, but I didn't expect that after you completely eradicated the blood of the mixed blood, you seem to be a different person. What do you say? Suddenly became pure blood?"

"Huh? Did you come back?"

"Uncle Snake?"

Tang Sui glanced sideways if he felt something.

Dai Mubai nodded, and looked at Tang Sui trustingly: "Then you go. Even if our assessment has been completed, we will not slack off in terms of cultivation. Little San, do you have any objections?"

How about changing the hair color for the little guy?

Oscar's pupils shrank, and he murmured: "Then Xiaosan can only succeed, not fail."

Noticing the pity in Shang Yang's eyes, Tang Sui took a step back calmly, and raised his hand as a gesture of invitation: "It's a long story. Uncle Snake, shall we sit down in the side hall and talk?"

Tang San's heart moved, "Sui Sui, aren't you going back to Tiandou?"

Tang Sui's pupils shrank slightly, and he forcibly restrained the urge to dodge. Shang Yang, who was close to him, lifted a strand of long hair on her shoulders, and twirled Huashun's satin-like black hair with his pale and slender fingers. Said with great interest:

Tang Sui nodded, "I plan to go back to the capital of killing."

Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows at Tang San who still had some reluctance on his face.

Tang San sighed, "You all said that, what else can I say?"

Tang Sui, who once again stood on the Slaughter City, looked at the new Hell Palace that was rebuilt under the command of Shang Yang in the days when she left. Feel.

If it fails, it is really dead.

Tang Sui: "."

The others couldn't help but smile.

Well, it looks like the little guy doesn't really want to change his hair color.

it's a pity.

Why is it black?

- off topic -

There is another update, when will the code be finished and when will it be released [Painful Mask]

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