Chapter 655

"Everyone, pay attention to protecting supplies!"

Mu Liao's complexion changed drastically, and his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

The other five villagers seemed to be facing a formidable enemy. While comforting the agitated Xue Linglu, they stared at the cave less than [-] meters ahead.

Tang Sui glanced at the nervous crowd, hesitated a little, and didn't mention that he had a space for the soul tool that could hold all their supplies.

With strangers who have never met before and who don't know their background, the sense of boundary is very important.

Being too courteous will lead to unnecessary suspicion.

What's more, Tang Sui also has the confidence to protect them from the group of soul beasts in front.

That's right, "group".

With the approach of Tang Sui and his group, and the somewhat disturbed crowing of Xueling deer, the spirit beasts who came to the big cave earlier seemed to have sensed the approach of the uninvited guest.

Even if it is not as good as the two, once they meet, it will be a fierce battle.

Saddle-shaped blue and white patterns are scattered around the eyes, and the dry pink nose of a pig is slightly raised, as if sniffing a strange smell from the wind.

"What, what?" The man didn't react, Tang Sui asked again patiently:
"I said, do you eat meat? If you do, keep them all."

Xue Linglu, who was filled with fear both physically and mentally, had a blank mind, standing there like an ice sculpture, and the snow-white fur on his body was dyed into the color of the shining soul ring one by one.

Purple, purple, purple, black, black, red, red, red.

"It's unbelievable. Tang... This majesty looks young, since he has already become a Contra-level powerhouse!"

Ignoring the villagers, Tang Sui raised his right arm, stretched his five fingers in the air, and said to himself, "So we still have to eat."

Xue Linglu, who was closer to Tang Sui, was the first to feel the distortion of the space and the faintly overflowing terrifying aura, and froze there in silence for a moment, with pairs of agile deer eyes trembling because of the rising terrifying aura, overflowing Out of fear, he was facing the seven dark gold masks floating out of the void, and the black gold vertical pupils that suddenly opened.

One after another, the entrance of the cave was blocked tightly, and Mu Liao's heart fell to the bottom, and the voice trembled: "Not good. It's the ice-toothed pig!"

Survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle, this is the law of survival in this world.

Their own defense is astonishing, as is their destructive power, they can even pierce the fine steel armor of soul master soldiers!



Before the companion had time to respond, the first and fifth spirit rings flickered together, and Tang Sui's figure twisted on the spot for a while, but in the blink of an eye, it fell to Bing, who felt the terrifying aura on Tang Sui's body and was agitated. In front of the tooth pig.

Tang Sui's center leaned forward slightly, his body broke away from gravity, jumped up lightly, and landed in front of the first sleigh car, his clear blue pupils swept across the pile of ice-toothed pigs.

Unless it is the reinforcement of the hundred soul master cavalry stationed in Irod City, you must know that there are only seven of them!
And among them, apart from Miss Tang whose soul power level is unknown, the strongest one is Brother Mu who is at the level of a great soul master.

It seems that they also took their cubs to hide from the wind and snow.

"The body length is six meters, and the tusks are three meters. This is an ice-toothed pig with a cultivation level of more than ten thousand years!" Mu Liao looked at the leader of the ivory pig with a height of more than six meters, showing horror.

Their main source of food is to forage for food on their own in the snowfields. What they like most is to intercept teams like them transporting supplies to and from the village. The targets are the seeds and other dried fruits and vegetables inside.

During Tang Sui's mental power detection, they began to move out of the cave entrance, not only Tang Sui, but others finally saw the true colors of the soul beasts that had stepped into the cave to escape the wind and snow earlier.

Thinking of this, Tang Sui looked sideways at the soul master who was closer to her, and asked, "Do you eat meat?"

Circle after circle of majestic soul rings floated around Tang Sui.

Their recipes are very mixed, meat and vegetables are not taboo, it's not that they will definitely attack people when they meet them.

The last sentence was said by a less courageous villager.

"It turned out to be a Contra Mian!"

"Okay, so strong."

The villagers who finally understood were stunned for a moment, and then said in horror: "But that's an ice-toothed pig with ten thousand years of cultivation!"

Relying on their fangs and height data, as well as the fluctuations in their soul power, they can evaluate their cultivation.

The leader of this group of ice-toothed pigs looked horrified, raised his two powerful and thick front hooves covered with thick fur, and stomped hard on Tang Sui.

Yingli's light rendered the surrounding snow into three interlaced colors of purple, black and red, which also made Mu Liao and the others nailed in place, taking a breath.

There are two 3-year-old 5000-year-olds, and one 3000-year-old one. Well, there is a small one hidden in the cave, which is only about 200 years old.

If among the soul beasts, the Plate Armored Rhinoceros and the Diamond Mammoth are both famous for their absolute defense, then the Ice Tooth Pig develops in a balanced manner, with defense and attack in direct proportion.

Since the largest and tallest spirit beast came out of the cave, the other spirit beasts, although not as tall as it, were all between four and five meters in average, and their fangs were all more than one meter long.

Long and white curved fangs protruded from a ring of light brown fur growing beside Fen's nose, and the length alone was a full three meters.From a distance, it looks like two ice sculptures are inlaid, the whole body is crystal clear, and there is still a faint blue light flowing inside.

How to fight this?No matter how you look at it, it is a defeat!

A group of ice-tooth pigs, including juvenile ice-tooth pigs, usually has about six or seven heads.

And the eyes of the ice-toothed pigs who discovered these unlucky two-legged beasts were also brightened, especially after seeing so many supplies in Mu Liao's sleigh, the greed and longing in their eyes made Mu Liao and others His heart sank again.



The body is more than six meters tall, covered with thick brown fur, and even the white hooves and claws are covered by long mane.

The head of the six-meter-high ice-toothed pig should be their head.

The ice-toothed pig is a group-living soul beast that only lives in cold regions.

"Three, three 10 years!"

What really made Mu Liao and the others anxious was that the Bingyazhu was a well-known "bandit gang" in Xueyuan.

Of course, if they could kill humans, they would kill each other without hesitation, then eat the corpses and digest the soul master's soul power. Although they couldn't completely absorb it, they could absorb part of it and turn it into their own energy.

"Then, I, are we saved?"

The black-red enchantment of demon power propped up, and the hooves of the leader of the ice tooth pig made a huge shock as if they were stepping on a copper wall and an iron wall.


Several other ice-toothed pigs screamed in pain, and dark golden afterimages pierced the void. In an instant, the brown fur was cut off, and the skin that could not be pierced by spears was cut by the mask of the thin blade. There was another bloodstain torn apart, and the splashed blood fell on the snow, adding a touch of coquettish red.

- off topic -

Rehabilitation starts tomorrow, double shift 0v0
(End of this chapter)

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