Chapter 656
Seeing that the clansmen were injured, a tyrannical red flashed in the eyes of the leader of the Icetooth Pig, the curved fangs about three meters long flashed blue light, the coldness in the air doubled, and a small ice blue storm emitted blue light from the leader of the Icetooth Pig The fangs curled out from his fangs, and the moment the cold white light touched the dark golden mask, it exploded, freezing the mask into a lump of ice, which shivered twice in mid-air and fell to the thick snow.

This is the unique ability of the Ice Fang Pig, Wind of Frozen Fang.It can gather ice and snow energy from the fangs and blow out freezing wind. As the name suggests, it can freeze people or things touched by the storm.

Tang Sui's pupils narrowed slightly, and the soul-infused right fist narrowly brushed the fangs that were sticking towards her, and he punched the other Ice-tooth pig next to the leader of the Ice-tooth pig with a heavy punch.

There was a muffled sound of "bang", and the ice-tooth pig, which was more than three meters high and whose fangs were one meter faster, let out a mournful and intermittent howl. Its brown fur fluttered in the cold wind, like waves of wheat rising and falling against the wind. Like, after a few fluctuations, it was covered with snow particles, and a huge sunken crater was smashed out.


The ice-toothed pig that was smashed into the pit let out howls of varying heights, and its limbs paddled in mid-air against the snow, as if struggling to get up.

But the blood that kept spilling out from the corner of its mouth, mixed with pieces of internal organs, indicated the serious internal injuries it had suffered.

Tang Sui's unrestrained punch directly penetrated the internal organs of the ice-toothed pig, and the most important supporting ribs were directly broken.




This one, the leader of the Icetooth Pig is using his strong and tall body to push away the clansmen who are still being targeted by other masks, and he is stepping on the mask that has been frozen into an ice lump by him again, using his terrifying weight to push the frozen The ice lump with the mask embedded in the thick snow, raised his head, raised his fangs with blue light, and tried to get rid of other assassin-like masks by repeating the same trick.

Fortunately, they haven't gone to the higher snow-capped mountains. Even if there is a cave here, the mountains they rely on are not too high, not to mention the forests as a natural barrier.

"Can't let the sleigh get buried!"

However, it seemed that the impact of the flood opening was not there, but the forests here were all piled up with heavy snow!

Immersed in rage, they didn't notice that the leader of the Icetooth Pig had been frozen by its weight and stepped on it like an ice lump in the snow. The dark golden mask that should have been frozen had disappeared into the ice. Silently appeared in the ranks of the masks that came back to attack them.

A black-red halo of monster power appeared in the clear blue pupils, and in an instant the overlord-level coercion erupting from the soul at close range inevitably descended on the ice-toothed pigs.

The slender and fair five fingers were slightly opened, and in the blink of an eye, two slender blades were condensed from the black and red monster power. Tang Sui avoided the curved fangs like a ghost, and moved while the ivory pigs were restlessly looking for the direction of the enemy. When they reached the head where their fangs couldn't reach, the slender blade raised and fell, breaking through the thick skin defense they were most proud of, and piercing into the hot flesh.

The supplies of the sleigh cart were no different from their lives. The villager's face changed drastically immediately, and he let out a beast-like roar from his throat. A white soul ring floated up, and a snow baboon with white fur appeared from behind the villagers. out.

But he was fine, the snowdrifts that fell from the trees landed on the sled cart loaded with supplies, half-buried the sled cart directly.

The villager's physique suddenly swelled several times, and his strong tendons were no different from his white baboon martial soul.

In the next second, the black-red barrier opened, violently sweeping away all the white snow falling from above, covering the bare trees, panicked villagers, snowy deer, and icy sleigh cars.

"you dare?"


Tang Sui raised his hand and opened the black-red demon power barrier to block all their attacks. The irritable ice-toothed pigs began to step on the thick snow alternately with their left and right feet.

Fortunately, he fell towards the heavy sleigh cart because of the shaking of the ground and grabbed the iron railing on the edge of the sled cart so that he didn't fall to the ground in embarrassment.

With his mind blank, Tang Sui was dual-purpose, his center of gravity leaned forward slightly, the ripples in space swayed, and the fangs that were interlaced in front of Tang Sui all poked into the air.

Several other ice-toothed pigs saw the tragic situation of the clansmen in their eyes. Straits of blood red appeared in their brown and white eyes, and the white mist exhaled from their mouths condensed countless tiny ice crystals that shone with cold light, like delicate hidden weapons. The sleeve arrows pierced Tang Sui densely like rain hitting plantains.

Feeling the movement of the Bingya pig, Mu Liao shouted to warn others.

The vague afterimage moved to the top of the blind spot where the Ice Tooth Pigs were unsuspecting.

The others are Ji Ling, ready to pick up the leash that controls the snow spirit deer, and leave here first.

"Be careful of the snow on your head!"

The tyrannical monster force rushed forward, instantly crushed the brains of the ivory pigs, pulled them out, approached the next ice-tooth pig again with a strange movement, pierced, crushed, pulled out, and the next one.

Only it and another Icetooth pig with a cultivation level of about 4000 years were left, and in the cave behind them, the young Icetooth pig rushed out of the cave after hearing the warning from the leader of the Icetooth pig.

He yelled and rushed forward. With his spirit power low, he could only plow the snow in the simplest and roughest way, digging out the half-buried sled.

The hearts of everyone jumped to their throats and immediately fell back to their original places. They looked at Bai Xue who was blocked by the barrier with lingering fear, and then looked gratefully at Tang Sui who started a unilateral slaughter attack over there.

The stiffness that seemed to be locked by the natural enemy spirit beasts, and the lingering fear in their hearts occupied all their thoughts.

As soon as the words fell, a large pile of snow accumulated on the branches was shaken off by the movement made by the ivory pig, almost hitting a lucky person.

At the same time, a piece of the mask surrounding him twisted and disappeared into the air, suddenly appearing above the villagers who hurriedly wanted to drive the snow spirit deer to let them leave the battle circle first.

Obviously, he is a beast soul master, and now he has completed martial soul possession, and even used his first soul skill, and the power he possesses is doubled at this time.

However, they have now lost the three-headed tribe!

Sensing the crisis, the leader of the Icetooth Pig hastily issued an order to retreat.

"Brother Mu, luckily I didn't stop you from choosing this Majesty"

The special sound waves spread along with the roar of the ice-toothed pigs, and the force of their trampling caused the ground to vibrate, which was a good sign of an avalanche.

The villager, who was finally able to catch his breath, wiped the snow particles off his face with trembling hands, and there were still some on his eyebrows, but he didn't care about it. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Mu Liao with a grateful expression on his face.

You must know that when Tang Sui didn't tell them the level of soul power secretly, he was still dissatisfied and wanted to drive Tang Sui away.

did not expect.
It is really important to stay in Germany.

- off topic -

Code a chapter and post a chapter, the turtle speed is in the ing
(End of this chapter)

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